


Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful blonde girl. She was one of the descendants of the great and powerful witches of the South East. As she was blessed with magical abilities, she was spoilt.

Her parents, both with no powers were obliged to give in to her, no matter what she wanted due to fear.

She was able to create storms.

She was able to breath fire.

She was able to hypnotize dragons.

She was able to drown a person in air.

She was able move mountains.

She was able to drain the ocean.

She was able to do anything she pleased.


No one ever denied her. And if they did, they would turn to ash.

It had a been a sunny day, the beautiful blonde girl’s favourite kind of day. And so she took a stroll around the forest. Commanding butterflies to follow her from the back to keep her company. With a basket half-filled with flowers, she walked happily.

As she walked, she suddenly spotted a young, very handsome man hunting.

She did not know who the man was.

She did not know where the man descendant from.

She did know she wanted him.

The man was too beautiful. His legs were heavenly long. His hands seemed strong enough to protect her though she didn’t need any sort of protection. His eyes were sparkling as if there were stars in them. His lips were red, redder than the flowers she had in her basket. His skin was looked like the caramel candy her mother often made her, they were her favourite.

She had to have him. He was for her, she thought. Why else would such a beautiful man stand in front of her like this?


A few days later, she asked the wind to search for the man that haunted her beautiful dreams.

When the wind took her to see him, she dressed in her best clothes. To please the man’s eyes.


When she stood in front of his door, she felt her heart beat. It was unlike any feeling. She smiled before knocking the door, and before her stood the man.

The man invited her in.

She asked his name.

He answered.

She asked him to marry her.

He said no.

She was furious and threatens to curse him.

He said he would rather be cursed than marry someone he did not love.

She did not have the heart to curse the man to death, he was too beautiful to die. And so she cursed so it be no would ever lay eyes on the man.




It was years later since she cursed the man without even thinking once of the man again.

It was years later when her parents died because of a spell she casted on them in the heat of her anger.

She regretted. She wept for days. And she felt guilty towards every single person she has cursed before.

She was determined to make it all better. She travelled high and far and took back all the words of doom she gave.

There was only one person left for her to lift her curse upon. The beautiful man who refused to wed her.

He was hard to find. And no wind wanted to help her. No sun wanted to help her. They claimed she had hurt their beloved King.

When she finally found him, in the kingdom where an eyeless prince lived, she did not stop her walk.

However when she reached where the kingdom where the invisible man lived, she was a day too late.

People were mourning over the man.

He had sacrificed himself for the angel he loved.

Her guilt did not leave her although the man no longer lived.

And so she was determined to dedicate all her life, all her power to help the man get his happy ending with this angel.

And she would help protect the man.

And she would serve the man.

She made a promise, she casted a spell that she would stay forever close with the man no matter where he went.

Not as lover, but a friend.

She casted a spell that the stars would find their king in the far future and bring him back and let him live his angel.





A thousand years later, she was reborn. Her spells worked. She no longer lived as a ruthless witch, she was now an innocent boy.

A man by the name of Kim Jonghyun.

A man who Choi Minho regarded as a friend.

A man who Choi Minho regarded as a brother.



All that was left was to wait for the stars to bring back the prince and take Choi Minho home along with him.

It took years.

Kim Jonghyun could clearly see that Choi Minho suffered dearly. His heart clenched at the sight of him when Minho slowly started to get back his memories. He would draw and draw his angel like they were empty circles.

Most would call him crazy but Kim Jonghyun knew exactly what was happening.

He would help Choi Minho. He would help calm him down when the boy had fits.

He would keep him safe when the other boys tried to bully him.

He helped keep Choi Minho sane until his angel came for him.



His purpose was finally filled when the angel came searching for Minho. He took the angel to their room.

And he let things take its turn.

After seven days, Choi Minho finally realized who he was.

And by sun down he would return where he belonged.





“Jjong, I have something to tell you.” he saw Minho took the angel’s hand by his side before he started to explain who he was. He did not yet know  Kim Jonghyun had know things all this while. He calmly told Jonghyun the truth about himself and hoping Jonghyun wouldn't call him crazy.

Telling him about the past and the present and all in between. Telling he had to go back.


“Can I go with you?” Jonghyun asked him. Silently hoping Minho would say yes without asking. He did not want to explain that he was the witch that cursed Minho a thousand years ago.

“You don’t think I’m crazy?” Minho asked him back. Shocked.

“No I don’t . Can I ?”

“Why would you want to go back with us?” Taemin asked Jonghyun.

“This is not my place.” Jonghyun answered. What use would be for him to stay if Minho was not here any longer. His purpose, his entire life would dedicated to serve Minho as compensation for cursing him to a life of people not sighting him.

“I don’t understand. Your entire life is here.If you-“ Minho was cut off by Jonghyun.

“My entire life is for you. Is to serve you. Is to make you safe.” Jonghyun looked him the eyes.

And then Kim Jonghyun started to tell him to truth.





“I don’t want him anywhere near you!” Taemin said rather loudly to Minho.

“He’s my friend.” Minho said back. He felt Jonghyun has suffered enough all this years. And he really seemed like he was sorry.

“He cursed you because you wouldn’t marry him. I will not take any chances of you leaving me again.” The prince groaned.

“He may have cursed me once but believe me. If it wasn’t for him, I would have gone to the asylum. I wasn’t able to take care of myself all these years, he is the one who did.”


“He’s my friend. I want him to go back with us if he wants to.”

“What if he hurts you again?”

“If he wanted to hurt me, he would’ve have done so years ago when we both lived in the orphanage.”





“You can follow us.” the prince started off saying to Jonghyun.

“Thank you.” He replied back.

“But, I will keep an eye on you. And if you dare lay a finger on my Minho, I will kill you.” the prince warned him.

“I will kill myself if I dare hurt him again.” Jonghyun said back.

“Do you still love him?” Taemin asked. Eyeing the man. He did not want Kim Jonghyun any near Minho if he still had feelings for Minho.

“I once admired him for his beautiful features but love it was not. It was pride and mindless obsession. Believe me,if I loved him, I would never have led you here to meet him.”





“I have to call upon the blue star.” Taemin said to the other two. They were under the dark sky. It was time to go home.

Taemin closed his eyes and whispered the star’s name.

Moments later, too fast to count, a blue figure appeared before them.

“My king.” the blue figured bowed before Minho as sign of respect and loyalty.

“Stand up.” Minho said to the blue star.

“We shall go now.” the blue star to them.



“Close your eyes and count to three heartbeats.” the blue star said to them.

Taemin took Minho’s hand as Minho took Jonghyun’s hand.

They felt sparks all over their body.

Like a splash of cold water in the morning, they felt before standing on the grounds of the past.

Of their true place.




Author's note:just to clarify something, jonghyun will not mess with onkey.p/s: comments are very much loved.
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the last chap will be up in 6-7 hours because I have classes and food to eat


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966 streak #1
Chapter 16: So pretty! I actually thought that you could have ended with "It was magical. Truly and very."
But the little interlude into the night is also so so sweet.
This is definitely such a pretty, pretty fairy tale!
Thank you so much for sharing.
966 streak #2
Chapter 4: Minho will not just be his eyes! He will even be the one to pass the test!
Very interesting indeed.
966 streak #3
Chapter 1: I love the feel of this story, the invisible and the blind, and the setting. Moving on to the next chapter.
fireheart6v6 #4
Chapter 16: reading this again in 2023 💕
Gosh, I really enjoyed this story. I love the initial plot already, with Taemin being blind and Minho being invisible, but the twists you added spiced up the story even more. Oh how my heart fluttered whenever Minho refers to Taemin as his 'little pretty' and how my heart clenched when Minho did the last challenge without even thinking twice. That's true love right there, though I understand why Taemin was furious and felt betrayed when Key said Minho did what he thought was the best for him because how could he decide for the both of them? I'd be mad too but good thing *plot twist #1* comes into the picture. Special shotout to Onkey, by the way, they're so cute. Key's loyalness to Onew is truly admirable and they're lucky to have each other.

Anyway, I'll stop here. I might spoil the story with my long comment but I hope you know that your story is so good. I know this has been written in 2013 but the quality still satiates 2021 readers. If you're still writing somewhere else, I'd love to know where. Your writings are so good. Or if you have stopped writing, I hope you'll find the joy in writing again. Thanks for this story! I wish I could upvote this more than once.
Chapter 16: I truly loved this story! I read somerhing about it not making sense in the comments - but it totally did!!!!!!

This seems like a fairytale type story- the mentality and common sense going into that totally makes sense to me. (For example, we dont question why a prince would go all around town finding a princess to fit into a glass slipper. Common sense would tell us many girls would have same shoe size and there are better ways to find someone. But its a fairytale, the relaity is warped and it just makes sense). Anyways i just wanted to put it out there- that this did make sense and it was SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL.
This lacked a bit of science but overall it was an entertaining story to read. It didn't feel like time waste after going through 15 chapters at all. I loved how it transpired ....... maybe when you have time you can edit- publish it. of course only if you have time . it will be really entertaining book to read to kids . I would buy a copy for sure ...... so count me in ! Nice work
This was an amazing idea!!!!
Chapter 16: too sweet, oh my gosh. love kg very much evdb you cut my dirty mjnd in tje end