au meme #01 → Professor Cho & Student Lee

AU Meme Collection: Super Junior


au meme #01 → Professor Cho & Student Lee


Sungmin trembled when he saw another disappointed look from Professor Cho’s eyes. It was another F mark on top of his paper. He cursed all the numbers and equations that are being forced in his brain even if it’s not relevant to his life.

He impatiently waited for the bell to ring, hoping he could escape another sermon from his professor. When the bell rings and he hurriedly grabbed his things and headed to the door as fast as he can.

“Mr. Lee Sungmin! Please Stay.” Professor Cho commanded making Sungmin sigh in annoyance.

He sat down and waited for all the students to come out of the room. His beloved friends even dared to laugh at him and wished him luck as if it would make him feel better.

Soon the room was filled with silence and Sungmin could feel his professor’s stare.

“Mr. Lee get a chair and sit here.” Sungmin obeyed and sat down facing Professor Cho.

“Get your book, I’m tutoring you…”


“I will do this whether you like it or not. You’re my student, you’re failing and you’re are my responsibility.”

Sungmin looks away when he felt his cheeks heat up after that 3-second staring session they had.

Professor Cho started teaching Sungmin. Although feeling quite annoyed Sungmin can’t deny that every time Professor Cho’s hands brushes against his, it sends electricity all over his body.  

“Here solve this.” After learning a bit from a 30 minute long tutorial he started solving the problem as seriously as he can, because he’s been itching to get home and he doesn’t know how much longer he can take to sit so closely to the person he has a small crush on since the classes started.

Professor Cho suddenly chuckles out of the blue. Sungmin gave him a confused look since he rarely acts that way. 

“I never really noticed how cute you are when you’re thinking critically…” he says with a soft laugh.

Sungmin flushed. He was thinking whether he was hearing things or this was just a weird dream. He clears his throat and gave his paper to the professor.

“I’m actually done…”

Professor Cho checks his paper and smiles.”Well done, Sungmin-ah. But why can’t you do this in your test? You’re actually good. Maybe we should have more of this sessions…”

“Err, actually I can’t because… because…” 


“I can’t, I just can’t.”

Professor Cho snorts and crosses his arms on his chest. 

“Give me a good reason why you fail in my class and why I can’t tutor you…”

Sungmin sits there in panic, thinking of a lot of reasons that would satisfy his professor.

“Tell me Sungmin… What?” Sungmin feels more and more pressured when his professor talks. Professor Cho asks again and he just burst.

“How can I even concentrate, when I can only look at you?! What do you expect me to write in those piece of papers when you constantly stay on my mind?! And how do you expect me to continue with this kind of sessions when I just fall even more for you?!” he breathes heavily but not even a second pass when he realizes he just told Cho Kyuhyun, his professor his long kept feelings for him. He sits there mortified by his actions.

Professor Cho on the other hand has his jaw dropped after hearing his student confess to him face to face. But Sungmin stands up and wears his bag and runs outside. Professor Cho didn’t think twice and ran after him.

“Sungmin-ah!” Professor Cho shouts in the empty corridors of the school. He runs faster and finally grabs Sungmin’s arm.

“Look, why don’t we have another tutorial session tomorrow, You get the chance to pass more and of course to fall for me even more and I get the chance to know the person I have had my eyes on since the day I met him, even more.”


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