Something Simple



Zexion had always hated everything about Axel. The way he moved, the way he looked, and most of all the way he talked. His voice was as created to annoy him. That's why Zexion missed the old days of the Organization, when they were fewer people, and more importantly, fewer Axels. When Axel was new he didn't say much. None of the new ones did, but he was completely unreachable at that time. Little did any of them know that he was charging up to be the most annoying person ever. Though he's probably the most bothersome towards Zexion than anyone else. At least it seemed that way, since Zexion found him the complete opposite of himself. Some would argue that that would be Demyx, being a moron and all, but Demyx could at least stick to himself at times. That's more than could be said about Axel. He always had something to say against Zexion, and though it bothered him, he always had the option to walk away. Until Saïx decided to put them in the same team for the missions...


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