
Save My Soul
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"Ugh shut up!!!" Rimin shouted at her noisy siblings.

"Can't you idiots see that I'm trying to study?! I'm having my finals next week for crying out loud, have some respect!! Now get out of this room!!" she shouted as she chased out the children that were playing tag inside that room.

            It's not that Rimin wasn't used to her 'siblings' being noisy. She was just stressed out for her upcoming finals. She was so desperate to graduate. So desperate to get out of that lousy orphanage. She wanted to have her own free life. Away from those toddlers who keep bothering her. Away from those teenagers who kept on stealing her belongings. She wanted her own space. Yes, she hated kids. She wished to live in a kid-free zone. And the only way for her to achieve that is by getting a legit score for her final exam in her final year in high school. She would go to college and will finally seperate herself from that crazy house.

She slammed the door of the room and locked it. Rimin went back to her study table and continued revising her History notes. She could still hear her dongsaengs' laughter and screams outside.

"CAN YOU IDIOTS KEEP IT DOWN?! I'm trying to study here! Don't make me go out there and slap each and every one of your ugly faces!" she shouted again.

The noises didn't seem to lower even just a bit. Rimin's blood was boiling. She was really losing her temper. She closed her textbook, packed her stationeries, purse and books in her bag and stormed out of the room. As soon as she opened the door, the loud toddlers came running around into the room. She felt like slapping each and every one of those kids, but she knows she doesn't have the authority to do so. If their stepmom found out that Rimin had hurt anybody in the house, she would be punished. She stormed out the front door, only to find that it was raining heavily. 

"Ugh! Stupid weather! Ahh, screw it. I'm still going to that café!" she thought to herself. She grabbed an old umbrella, opened it and walked her way to the establishment. 

"Stupid kids!" she muttered to herself.


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Omg I updated! Sorry it took me a vERY VERY long time to update. But now I'm back! If u noticed, i did some changes (especially to the OC's name)


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Chapter 2: update babe!!