
Mornings [oneshot]


Kibum woke up groggily as he stretched his arms. He smiled as he glanced at the younger boy lay peacefully beside him with half-lidded eyes. He lightly pushed the fringe of the blonde aside allowing him a better view of the feminine features.

He silently came down from the bed, careful not to wake up the younger. Light and quick steps as he went out of the room quietly, turning he door knob silently as well. He grinned widely as he went to the kitchen in quick steps, looking around for ingredients to complete his delicious breakfast or the younger. He rummaged the fridge to retrieve an egg and a pack of sausages. "This would have to do." Kibum smiled as he worked, making his famous omelette and sausage.

Kevin opened his eyes sleepily, hands feeling around the bed for Kibum. Nothing. Kevin forced open his eyes to see the other side of the bed empty. He smoothened the white sheets as he stepped down the bed reluctantly.

"Just a little while more." Kibum smiled as he flipped the omelette in the pan once more. A pair of slender arms wrapped around him suddenly causing the older to involuntarily gasp in surprise. He turned to face the attacker from behind only to meet the smiling face of Kevin. "Sorry." Kevin grinned cheekily as he said lightly. Kibum nudged at the younger lightly with his elbow in revenge and went back to his cooking.

Kevin was pushed into the living room to wait as Kibum finished up his cooking. Kevin flicked the channels on the television lazily as he waited.

"It's done!" Kibum exclaimed happily as Kevin immediately ran towards the kitchen to take a look.

"This is yours and this is mine!" Kibum placed the two plates nicely on the dining table as they sat down opposite each other.

"My stomach was growling!" Kevin said jokingly as he prepared to indulge into Kibum's breakfast. He fetched large bites of the omelette at first as he gradually slowed down his pace of eating. Crunch. Eggshell. He took out the eggshell as evidence as he smiled and showed the older his interesting discovery.

"Kibum hyung, it tastes weird!" Kevin whined as he placed the eggshell on the side of Kibum's plate. "I don't want to eat anymore~" Kevin said teasingly and attempted to run out the kitchen as Kibum grabbed the younger and pulled him for a tight hug.

"I am not letting you go until you finish my delicious breakfast!" Kibum put on a serious front as he spoke to the younger. "Hug me the entire day then!" Kevin smirked lightly, placing light kiss on Kibum's cheek.

Kibum was left dazed. The younger has certainly outwitted him.

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so cute. . i like. . kimbum.. missing him so much<br />