Chapter 1


*Yongguk pov*

"okay class!! silent please!" sound if this little teacher name Park Donggun yelled at his students.everyone is sitting on their on place. "class,there will be a new student in our class.okay,come in" i entered the class and everyone is looking at me with a very strange look.suddenly someone raising his hand "teacher!how can someone like him sitting in this school! M-A-R-I-J-U-A-N-A KIDS!" everyone is start to make a noise.A few of them know my story because this is a 3rd last class.i know i'm not desrve to entered this school bcause i'm coming out from rehab. teacher stop them and i'm just introduce myself "annyeonghasaeyo,my name is bang yongguk.i'm 19" i end my introduction with bowing.while making intro,my eyes keep looking at this boy who doesn't care about nobody. "okay can sit next to junhong.the kid who sit alone there" i'm nodded. "so,his name is" i'm talked to myself. i'm going to that place and sit,i'm also smiling to him "hi,junhong.i'm can call me hyung if you want bcause i'm one year older than you" i'm introduce myself to him with a very excited voice but he just nodded and continue his work.


-canteen*recess time*-

"hey you babo(idiot),give me your money.i saw you hold 32 dollars.give me." yongguk saw a group of gang is talking to junhong.junhong refuse to give them money.the leader angry and start to kick junhong on his knee and also punch his face and his head.junhong fall down.yongguk shock how they treat junhong. yongguk ran toward junhong "yaaaa!! what are you doing f**k" they saw yongguk,the gang tried to punch yongguk but the leader told them not to made a problem with yongguk.they just go away from them. yongguk go toward junhong "junhong ssi,you okay?" junhong is bleeding.he can't move even one inch.he looking at yongguk with his teary eye that full of pain.yongguk carry him to treatment room. he waited until everything is clear.about 30 minutes later,the doctor is coming out and told him he can entered the room.yongguk fastly go to junhong "junhong ssi,are you still in pain?" yongguk asked junhong and junhong nodded. yongguk sit on the chair.the situation start to be awkward and silent.but someone start talking and it was junhong, "y...yy..ongguk" when yongguk heard junhong talked,he fastestly looking at junhong face, junhong continued his word "thank you for helping one ever helped me like.even my parents or my hyung." the tears from junhong eyes start coming out but yongguk calm him down "we're friend.i'm the one who sit next to you and i think i have to take care of you.starting from now,told me your problem even just a small problem and i will listen to it." junhong smile on yongguk words.


(this chapter is a little short..em,, i promise to make it more longer for the next chapter and make it more interesting.. i hope laa.. so,hope you like this..this is my 8th fanfics ..but i'm still not good..i hope you understand my bad english language ^_^)



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Chapter 1: nice.... i'll wait for update :)