First Day!

Practically Indifferent. . .

Hi I'm sandara park..
        A pure Korean, yes just not the usual two-syllable name in our country. I've finally succeeded in getting a scholarship in one of the most rich school in Seoul. I strived to be here to make friends with the brats. I took a night shift job in an insurance company though I don't handle the selling part; I'm not that good in talking, so I can freely process the things I need on daytime, I can't afford not to work, things here in Seoul are way more expensive than in Busan where I grew up. This will be my second major so I'm older than people here and it made me realize that a diploma is not everything when it comes to the real world. 
       My family is just average not that rich but not poor either but I have a very huge dream and that is to get networks with rich people and land a high paying job someday and that starts with me studying in this prestige school that is usually for big elite spoiled brat kids of the business tycoons in korea. I think I need to make friends with them at least but it's hard, I'm not used to be a gold digger but I need to do this, it's not like I'll hurt anyone doing this. I just have to be kind to them and say 'neh' neh then smile.. Huh this should be easy.. I hope..
First day of school.. 

           I'm so excited to meet my rich classmates and what it's like to live with this people who doesn't think much about money. I won't tell them how different I am from them but I won't lie either it's hard for me you know..

           As I was thinking too much about this while walking to my first class, everyone suddenly started screaming especially the girls, and the boys, well both are pretty much doing the same thing, screaming about protecting this group of rich students.. Everyone are bumping me just to see them.
       "Ugh" I hate this. I'm getting claustro with what they're doing but curiosity got the best of me and I started to shove the girls in front of me to see the core of the commotion. Then I see the most handsome guy I've ever seen.
"Wow, his face screams perfection' I thought to myself.. He's not the perfect you know like perfect type but there's this aura that you'll just feel overwhelmed just by looking at him, I wonder what it feels like if he'll look at me.. Aiiiii.. Id better stop.. I'll be late if I'll keep oggling at this human being who obviously won't even bash an eyelash at me, so I decided to proceed to my room.

I put my thinngs down in my chair and started observing my classmates.. 

"Hi", someone said behind me and I was startled to see a petite girl 'not saying I'm not petite like her, that just came out of my mind seeing her.'

"Hello, what's your name? I'm Sandara Park but you can call me Dara"  I introduced myself rather too quickly afraid that she'll go back to her seat and regret talking to me. I think she needs to be one of my friends here. 

       "I'm IU" she replied with a an amused smile on her face. "You seem to be very hyper sandara ssi" She said which made me aware that maybe I'm being too desperate here. "I like that, I think we can be friends, I don't have any friends here yet hope it's okay with you" oh perfect, I thought, this is it I can feel my plans starting, have a rich BFF here and do stuffs which she usually pay for me because she's rich though I'll pay once in a while.. Hahaha.. Evil I know but don't get me wrong, I won't be plastic here just won't be myself much either need to please them first.

"You do know that you're spacing out right?" she said while waving her perfectly nailpolished hands over my face. 

     "Ah don't mind me IU ssi, I was just thinking of the group of guys outside the people were talking about, do you happen to know those guys?" I asked hoping she do know them even though she's a freshman just like me.
      "Oh, those handsome filthy rich and may I say drop dead gorgeous group of guys there?" whoah, I sense a fangirl squeal here, so he likes them huh, 'hmnn I need to like them too and it's not like it's a lie, they're handsome and liking them isn't hard at all, just need to be a little over the feeling like a crazy fangirl so we will talk more often then we will be BFFs, mwahahahha..


     "Ah, yeah, exactly, they're sooooo perfect and I was literally drooling when I saw them" hooo.. This is so not me, I don't usually talk like this but I don't dislike it.

   "Yeah, I know right" and blah blah blah, we were talking like forever before the professor arrived. Saved. Phew. I was running out of things to say about how sinfully good-looking they are.

The class were doing fine just a little boring though I know the professor is really good, of course only the best for this rich kids here but the students were not listening and they won't even pretend like they care. Some were still talking about the commotion a while ago.

 Hayss.. Classes ended at last, I'm hoping to go back to our house soon and start my part time job at a Japanese Restaurant.

           The next few weeks went on like this, IU now is my BFF, that went pretty easy though I still keep a low profile about me being you know, not rich like them. Though I must say that I already got tired of this VIP group but since IU like them, I still keep myself updated.. Hmnn, to tell you what I've learned here so far.. First we have the maknae of the group, his name's Lee Seunghyun aka Seungri, 'looks like a panda to me' , they said he's the cassanova of the group, a big okay for that, she looks like a baby brother to me, cute.. and next is Kang Daesung, quite serious and shy, I wonder how he became friends with the others, okay moving on here's the muscled guy but not the scary type rather the delicious one..
         Haha, it's true, chocolate abs with sprinkle..  Hmnn, anyways next is their oldest Choi Seunghyun, same name with Seungri though aka TOP, haha that's a very funny nickname and and I know their Leader aka G-Dragon, oh I forgot his name, Kwon something I guess because they are the owner of the Kwon Corporation who just happens to be the strongest and fastest rising business in the world right now. Gosh, I wonder what I did in my past life to deserve to study with this people.
It's saturday today and here I am in my part time job, so freakin' tiring and nerve wrecking with the peak time of the day approaching, I'm standing here waiting for customer to come then I saw the leader Kwon with a babe on her right clinging to him like a koala bear. Oh my , isn't that the famous model Kiko Mizu Misu? What's the last name again? Ah whatever 'What a pretty girl' if i were a guy I'll definitely hit on her too.. 
"Dara, clean table number 2" our manager called my attention.
"Yes sir, coming" I said while checking the table where the customer who occupied it is preparing to leave.
When I turn to look at their direction, our gazes locked. The Kwon stiffen seeing me. I wonder why though, he doesn't know me. I just bow my head and then when I turn to look again, the girl is now alone, childishly crying in the middle of the crowd. JERK..
Young people nowadays. Tsk.
                                                     Thank you for reading. 
                                                                                             BANNER JUSEYO !!!  @o@
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Chapter 1: update pleassseee!!!! ^^