The Beautiful Football Player



It was a hot thursday noon in my classroom. All of my classmate focused on my math teacher while I was sitting behind and just staring for my seniors who were playing soccer in the school field. My class is in the 3rd floor so it was too easy to see all around of my school area. Talking about soccer, I loved soccer. Well, Totally! But I'm not too interested to see my seniors who coulnd't play well on my favorite sport ever. But, that..... OK well, except a person, who was running toward the net then kick the ball with his right leg. He seemed different than the others, I mean... I'd never see him before. He was a person who had a ing-y-charming on all over his body oh god, look! he had a long and skinny leg -I wont tell you about his face because I coulnd't see it above here- and it was making me interested on him. Then as he was perfectly goaling a score for his team, me the one that felt enthusiastic for those stuff then cried as a hell in my quiet class.




What is it? I dont know. My Friend was helping me to make this fic, his name is nino and oh my god i'm so bad in english so that I asking him to correct my english . Kekekeke

2min is real :D



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jongwish #1
aaaa unnie xD coba bikin baekyeol :3
Pigeonautumn #2
why dont you complete this, noona?
yuritaeminho #3
i got it! ahahaha