Double Dates and Secret Ice Cream

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Junhong leaned in and whispered in your ear. "You look really beautiful tonight.." "Huh?" You turn around to face him. You had to be sure you heard right. He rubs his neck and looks down at the floor.. It's time to step up, I can't be shy anymore, I have to let her know what I feel.  "You look really pretty..." His cheeks flush in red and his ears get hot. He grins at you. You stay frozen in one place. Himchan sees Junhong get close to you. That's it..Enough. Himchan approaches you and Junhong and puts his arms around both of your shoulders. "Come on, let's eat~" He drags the both of you to the table. You bow to Himchan's date. "Hello, Im Yuni."  "Im Hyeri, BAP's for--" Himchan interrupts Hyeri before she can say anything else. Junhong clears his throat loudly. "Man, im so hungry, let's order!" Himchan holds up a menu. As the waiter was walking away with your orders. Himchan couldn't help but compliment you on the way you looked. "Waa, Yuni-ssi, You look so pretty tonight." He places both hands on his cheeks and looks at you. You remembered what Junhong said when he leaned in near your ear. His breath tickling your neck when he spoke. "Thank you" You smiled. "Anyway, Himchan-ssi, you never told me you had a girlfriend!" You pout. Himchan breaks into laugher. "Hyeri isn't my girlfriend! She's just a friend."  What if Yuni could have feelings for me? Would she choose me over Junhong?  Himchan mentally slaps himself, What I am I saying..I can't be like this. But Yuni is making me. The way she smiles, the way she looks at me. It's driving me insane. Im crazy for her. Im crazy for you Yuni. Himchan drinks small sips of his wine.  "Oh is that so?" You look at Himchan in disappointment. "But you look good together!" Hyeri latches onto Himchan's right arm. "I think so too!" She smiles widely but Himchan shakes her off. Yuni, do you really think that? What about the times we've spent together? Do you really not feel anything for me? The waiter comes with the food. "Thank god, I was starving!" Himchan recieves his food and starts scarfing it down. "Waaa, you really are hungry!!" Everyone looks at Himchan in shock. Himchan looks up with his cheeks full. "What?" He says and everyone laughs. "Ahhh, that was fun." You say as you walk with Junhong. You breathe in the cool night air and spread your arms. Junhong opens the car door for you. "Thank you, Junhong-ssi." He closes the door and gets into the driver's seat. "Yuni, do you want to go eat ice cream?" Junhong begins to grasp the wheel of the car tightly waiting for an answer. Holding his breath. "Yes." You say with a smile. He breathes out. "Okay, let's go!"  I guess being really friendly with Yuni didn't work. Not even taking that leap of faith by inviting her to eat yesturday. I don't ever recall Junhong being that nice to her, like I have. He's only been distant. Should I really let Yuni go to him? Just when I felt like we were getting closer, I find out that he likes her. Damn. Himchan thinks deeply while taking Hyeri home. "I know you have feelings for her, Himchan-oppa." Hyeri finally breathes out. Himchan snaps out of his thought. "Huh?" Himchan looks quickly at Hyeri and back at the road. He begins to get nervous. "L-Like who?"  "Don't act like you don't know who I'm talking about. Oppa! You like Yuni-ssi!!" Just to hear that fact out loud made Himchan's heart beat faster. "Is it really that obvious?" Himchan tensed up a little and gave Hyeri another quick look. "You were looking at her all night. I saw the way you looked at Junhong when he got really close to her. Your eyes were burning of jealousy!" Himchan stopped the car infront of Hyeri's home. He turned to look at her.  "So, what are you going to do? The maknae is in love with her too. Will you give her up?" Hyeri cocked an eyebrow.  Himchan hesitated and looked down at his lap. "This is my business to deal with. I'll figure it out somehow..."  "Ok then, see you later, Himchan Oppa~" Hyeri steps out of the car and waves bye. Himchan doesn't hesistate to step on the petal and drive away. That girl, Hyeri. Himchan scrunches his nose. She really doesn't know how to stay out of people's personal business... "So, what are you going to do? The maknae is in love with her too. Will you give her up?"  Those words circled in Himchan's mind as he was driving back to the dorm. "Okay, Yuni, we need a plan.. Let's call it 'Mission: Getting ice cream'." You and Junhong huddled below in the car so that no one would see them. "Gotcha, so what do you have?" Yuni said. "Okay, firstly, you will go in and get your ice cream and I will keep hiding in the car."  "Okay okay." You nod and roll your hands into fists. "Then you will walk down the street, that way." Junh
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I promised things I couldn't keep and im truly sorry that I haven't updates in all these months.


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Tyyboo #1
Chapter 14: U keep better keep your word authornimiee *throw eyes* lol just kiddang u did a great job :x its just...the chap is really short :)) waiting for you update babe ;) xoxo
Tyyboo #2
Chapter 13: Jebalyo~ please update or theyll be a suicide :((
can't wait for next chapter :D
junhongoppa #4
Chapter 12: Aaah poor chanchan oppa! Zelo-yah is so cute though! I already cant wait for the next.chapter!
Chapter 3: I'm loving this so far! <3