The Matchmaker

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"Ring Ring! This is Chanyeol, pick up your phone right nowwwwww!" Your phone rang. [I just made up a ringtone] "Aghhh.." You woke up all dreary eyed.. You picked up your phone to see who it was. "Ms. Choi..." You said lazily. Your eyes then widened and you quickly answered your phone. "Ms. Choi? Good Morning!"  "Good Morning Yuni! Im sorry to call so early in the morning..." "No, no! It's okay" You say as you rub your eye with your left hand. You put Ms. Choi on speaker and begin to stretch. "I was calling you to ask if you wanted to go out and drink coffee together, you know? Let's catch up. We haven't been able to meet up." "Yes, I'd love to!! It's been so long since I've seen you, Ms. Choi." "Good!! Let's meet at Cafe Bene. Around 8? (am) Is that a good time for you?" "Yes it is. I'll see you there, Ms. Choi" You looked at the clock. 7:30.. You gasped. Will that be enough time for me to get ready? "Then it's set. I'll hang up first." Ms. Choi said. As soon as she hung up you jumped out of bed and began to brush your teeth. "IIIINGGGGG" You smiled wide to brush your front teeth. You began to comb your hair out and bunch it into a ponytail since you had such limited time.  You moisterized your face as well as your arms and started walking to your closet. You noticed the dress for tonight's date hanging on the door. Suddenly you felt your heart flutter in excitement.  Today is my date with Junhong!! AND, I also get to see Ms. Choi. This is turning out to be a great day! You squeeled internally. You found your pair of trousers. And this white button up. You chose these shoes and this bag. "This is good." You looked at yourself in the mirror and then at the clock with 10 minutes to spare. You quickly applied your bb cream and lip stain and ran out of your apartment. You approached Cafe Bene and opened the door. You looked around to see if you could find Ms. Choi. "Yuni-ah! Over here!" You looked over to see Ms. Choi waving at you. "Hi, Ms. Choi." You bowed respectively. "It's been a while.." You said as you sat down.  "Yes, it has. Yuni, you've grown so much since I last saw you!! You're a woman now!" She held her hand to her cheek in shock. You analyzed Ms. Choi's face starting from her forehead down. Straight eyebrows, warm eyes, and a bright smile. Yeah, she hasn't changed at all. You smiled. "So, how's the job? Has Junhong been nice?"  I'd forgotten that Junhong was Ms. Choi's grandson... "It's been great. Not only do I get to design BAP's album covers but I also style them. It's a dream come true.." You then asked her a question you'd been curious about for a while. "Ms. Choi, how come you've never told me about Junhong-ssi?" Your face straightened up. "I guess he never came up. You know this old woman was busy when she was your art teacher. My mind was cluttered with work.." She looked down. "But, now that I am retired, my mind is at ease. Im going to go traveling soon." "So.." She dragged out the "o". "Is Junhong playing nice? He can be shy at first, but I promise you, he's a charming kid." Charming... I haven't gotten close enough to know that.. "Yeah, he's a little shy most of the time. But I feel like we're getting a little bit closer.." You exaggerated the "little bit" part. Ms. Choi noticed that you looked a little sad "Yuni, be patient with him. He'll open up to you when he's ready." She grabbed your hand. Ms. Choi seemed to have caught on that you had feelings for Junhong. But she kept it as her little secret. She may be an old woman but playing matchmaker has always been her hidden job.  You know Yuni, you are the perfect match for my Junhong. Getting you and Junhong-ah together will be my last job as the matchmaker.  "So, How's college?" Ms. Choi asked. "Well, right now im taking a break. I've been so busy with work. Especially when I have to style the guys in the mornings.. I have to be there at their events." You let out a long sig
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I promised things I couldn't keep and im truly sorry that I haven't updates in all these months.


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Tyyboo #1
Chapter 14: U keep better keep your word authornimiee *throw eyes* lol just kiddang u did a great job :x its just...the chap is really short :)) waiting for you update babe ;) xoxo
Tyyboo #2
Chapter 13: Jebalyo~ please update or theyll be a suicide :((
can't wait for next chapter :D
junhongoppa #4
Chapter 12: Aaah poor chanchan oppa! Zelo-yah is so cute though! I already cant wait for the next.chapter!
Chapter 3: I'm loving this so far! <3