Behind the screen


"Hey, you know I love you, right?" Henry whispers smoothly, his eyes filled with affection and warmth for the girl standing in front of him. 



Hello guys!

Here's an one-shot henber. 

I actually didn't write this, my sister wrote it for me, (it was my really really late birthday gift) since she knows I'm an avid henber fan! 8D

She doesn't have an asianfanfic account and I posted it here because I want to show this fanfic everywhere cos it's just so damn good.

*henber feels*

thank you sis, if you're reading this I love you. 



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Spageti #1
Chapter 1: This is the most perfect thing everrrrr ..... what if Henry reads this?? *=*
bnbrow3 #2
Chapter 1: Love.Love.LOVVVVEEEEDDD IT!! Good job sister! ^.^
I've read this fanfic before but I didn't have an AFF account then. T_T

The whole plot is sooooo amazing~! Henber reading Henber fanfics is hilariousand cute. Thanks for writing and sharing this~! *whispers* and please update "Thin line" series. LOL! *Henber hug*
Chapter 1: I'm crying ahahahahahah jesus this is brilliant
Chapter 1: Read this fic after wangzifan's fanart post. canNOT believe I didn't see it the first time around. LOVE LOVE LOVE it -- humor's great, the fandom-poking is great, and the kids are totally in character. Off to see if you've written other things! :)
dieu_khuong #6
Chapter 1: she is still cool and Henry is still cute at the end of the day and at the end of the fic. haha. how can Henry be so mad about that???
re-read this fic after a long time. i really enjoyed it. thank you!
Thegreatestshipwhore #7
Chapter 1: Oh. My. God. I FREAKING love this. Like yeah, you can't even imagine how much this has made me smile. *__* I was just walking all over the room while reading this cause it was litterally too good and funny to handle. I must say that this one of the funniest cutest fic I read in a while and I am like the pickiest reader of all the picky readers in fanfic universe. I loved the ending XD you should write more about them
Chapter 1: Lol this was great!! Ur sis is good! Awes I like how Henry just ups and says it. Very... Straightforward :3