Chapter 10

For the sake of my love

hye guys, some of you might be confused on why i re upload this chapter. I edited this chapter, added something to clear some of confusion that i caused before. So, do enjoy guys.



A few hours before that,




There are only three things that I badly need right now.

First is a bench for me to sit.

Second is a rest, obviously to put my overly used leg at rest mode. Owh God, I feel like my knee will come off in any second.

Third is water. I’m thirsty as hell. Scientifically speaking, I need to re-hydrate my body.

Owh yeah, there is another thing that I would like to add on my wish list.


Argh, I hate when I’m sweating. I feel like my body emitted a very bad smell that will polluted the environment. I mean, this very beautiful environment and that made me feel awful.


I’m an environmentalist, even though not all the time but that still count right.

Anyway I wonder, why on earth did I agree to follow Yuri for a jogging this morning?

Seriously Tiffany, today is Sunday and the most importantly, it is your off day. How can you waste it with a jogging while you could be sleeping as much as you want.


I swear, this is the last time that I’ll be doing this!

Hah…hah…this is tiring.

Can I just sit there, beside this jogging track?

What will be Yuri’s reaction if she found me doing exactly that?

Will she feel ashamed of me?


Will she be mad at me?

What ever,

Being somebody’s wife is very hard.


Hah…Hah…Come on Tiff, don’t give up. Just a little bit more.

I continued to jogging at a very slow pace.

If my mind didn’t play trick on me, I think I spot a bench not so far from here.

Yeah, I’m positive that it is a bench that I needed badly right now.

I literally ran towards the bench. Afraid that somebody might take my bench, yes it is my bench since I’m sporting it first.

Upon arriving at the bench, I didn’t waste my time and resting my on it.


This is so good, it is a bless that I can rest my leg for a while.

Standing all day long and doing round check in the ward is not as tired as this.


It is a proof that my stamina level is very low, it is just 30 minutes of jogging and here I am. Being tired and all.

I closed my eyes to further enjoying my rest, while my hand softly massaging my leg.

However, a voice disturbed my rest.

“Hey beautiful, need a water?”

The hell?!

I abruptly open my eyes.


Thank god it is my wife, I don’t have any intention to be friendly to strangers right now.

She looked at me with a smile while handing me the water bottle.

Charming, this wife of mine.

I cannot help but admiring my own wife.

I take the water bottle from her hand.

She sits beside me.

“Tired?” she asked me.

I nodded my head, just wanted to enjoy the water.

Curious, I asked her, “aren’t you tired?”

“Nope,” she replied.

‘Wow, how can you still have a lot of energy after what we did last night?’ I mumble lowly.

Suddenly she laughed.


She heard that?

“That’s the fruit of my constant work out my dear,” she smirks at me.

OMG, this is so embarrassing.

I lowered my head instantly, don’t have the clue on how to respond back.

Wait a minute,

Did she just smirked at me?

Wow, why did I find her smirk is y?

And I think I heard she called me dear?

Dear, aww so sweet.

“let’s go,” she stand in front of me while offering her hand for me to take.

As if my body has mind of its own, my hand took hers without waiting for my actual brain to think.

She smiles, again.

 We start to walk, side by side.



But, I cannot help myself from questioning her action.

Why so sudden affection?

Why now?

After months of our marriage?

I still remember how awkward we are yesterday, before…

Yeah, of course

Before I told her,

That my parents abandoned me at the orphanage, just after I was born.

That I don’t have a family to turn to.

That I, never experienced the love of a family.

That I, all alone in this world.

It must be that, the only reason she’s doing it.

It is must be the pity that she felt for me.

I didn’t realize that I have stopped walking.

She turned around, looking at me with a questioning look.

“Why?” I asked her.

She looked more confused.

“Why with so sudden change?” I asked her more. Hoping for an honest answer but the same time, hoping that it is not what I thinking of.

She looked straight into my eyes,

Seems to understand my question,

“Because you are my wife and it is my dream to shower my wife with all the love, affection and attention that I got in me. Also, I always wanted to pamper my wife with everything that I can offer.”

I looked into her eyes, searching for an assurance, an honesty and sincerity in her words.

“Let’s go,” once again, she gave me her hand and this time I take it with the acknowledgement of my actual brain.

Again, we walked home side by side.

Not long after that, she let go of my hand, only to place it around my shoulder.

Resulted on me to snuggle closed to her body.

Haven’t even cares the fact that she just jogging 2 or 3 laps around the park.

Who cares? My wife still smells nice.

From time to time, I can feel she kissed her side of my head.

See, my point.

She didn’t even care that I just jogging and her action proved that I didn’t smell bad either.

As we walked closer to our apartment, I snuggled closer to her.

Wanted to enjoy this moment.

Who knows it won’t last longer?


I’m happy.

This is so not the last time I went for a jog with my wife.

I smiled.

Upon entering our apartment, she asked me to take a bath and rest while she prepares the breakfast.

With that, I enter my room and reaching for my bed to land my overly use body.


This feels so good.



It not hurts to close my eyes for a while right.



In my dreams,

I heard her voice,

“Fany-ah, wake up.”

I opened my eyes, there she is, my wife.

Smiling sweetly at me.

What a nice dream that I have.

A pouted my lips, asking for a kiss from her.

It’s not bad right, since this is happening in my dream.


Such a naughty tiffany.

Being a good wife she is, she gives a peck on my lips.


It feels so real…

I don’t this dream to end.

Suddenly, I feel a shake on my shoulder.

“Tiffany, wake up. Your phone is ringing, it is Sunny I think.”

I opened my eyes, for real.

She shows my phone and Sunny’s name appear on the screen.

Still in a daze, I look at the phone blankly.

She waved the phone in front of me, that action successfully bring me back to the reality.

I took the phone from her.

She left me to answer the call.


"Yah, what took you so long to answer my call?!"

Seriously, why so loud?

"Erm.. I'm sleeping Sunny." And I’m freaking asked for a kiss from my wife in my dream.

It’s only happening in my dream right?

"Tiff, did you catch a cold?"

What is she asking about?


Seriously Sunny?

"Nope...and why are you asking?"

I’m curious,

"Well, your voice sounds hoarse. Exactly what did you do with your wife last night?"


Last night?

That’s the only word that I understand.


This is bad, I’m soooo not going to tell her what happen last night.

Well, at least not now.

Because I’m sort of confused on,

Why I did ‘that’ with my wife last night and this sudden feeling of affection that I feel towards her.

I hope you guys understand what I mean by that ‘that’.

Okay, don’t pretend to not understand.

Back to Sunny,

Ermm, I’ll go by this answer,

"Owhh..ermmm...we watch movie last night...when we got home...yeah.."

Please Sunny, ask no more.

"Movie? What type of movie?"



And .

What type of movie that needed me to scream a lot?

Owh, yeah.

"Horror, is a horror know how am I when I watched horror movie right? Hehe.."

 I hope that I sound convincing enough in her ears.


I feel bad for lying to her but it is not my intention, really.

I’ll tell her the truth, when the time comes and I know she will never be mad at me after she finds out the truth. Since the truth will only be coming from my mouth, so when the time comes, what she’ll be focusing is how sorry I am for lying to her.


"My parents invited you and your wife for a dinner tonight. So, are you guys free?"

Looks like she believe it.

Thank god.

I should take this opportunity to totally divert her attention.

"Awww..I miss them so much. Sure, we will come tonight."

I’m sure sound excited.

Well, I am excited to meet her parents.

They were like my own parents, since I don’t have one.

I’ve not seen hem since my wedding.

Honestly, I missed them.

"Are you sure? You don’t want to ask Yuri first?" she asked.


I don’t think she have any agenda tonight.

"Yup, I'm so sure. Both of us will be free tonight." I told her.

"Alright then, see you tonight."

"Alright, bye."


She ended the call.


That was hard.

Well, maybe a should take a bath before checking what Yuri prepared for our breakfast.
























































































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Chapter 13: please update soon
Chapter 13: Please update soon author, I'm anxious... And I'm lovin' YulTi in this fic.. They're so damn cute ><
Chapter 13: Wheres the update??? T-T
and... I hate so much TaenSic in this fic.. Just to you know hehe
I love YulTi they deserve to be happy with each other!!!
PilotIsMyJob #4
Chapter 13: What did they do?
*evil smirk*
hiotmihagiwara #5
Chapter 13: urmmm....what happened with the dinner with sunny parent's. are they going? and what happened "last night"? how yuri suddenly change? so many question. sorry author-nim. i love this story, that why i'm so curious.
Chapter 13: love yulti here
shiyuichiamal #7
omg. i need to add something in this chapter later.since i cause a confusion among the readers. so yeah.wait a little for me kay,it's my office hour.anyway,tq for ur comment guys.
Chapter 13: Ahhh... my YulTi feel... how sweet... i love it... hurmm in this story i hate TaengSic... :( but I love YulTi... keke :D and now, i'm curious about " Last night " ... omo...

DarkestAngel #9
Chapter 11: i feel like missing one chapter...
what happen at the dinner at sunny's place?
and what happen last night? did they get intimate as fany asked how come yuri still had energy after what they did last night...
Yurisistable23 #10
Chapter 13: Im glad that you're back author,i want to know what happened last night and about the dinner.Even i'm a yulsic shipper im rooting for yulti in this fic,taengsic are selfish and yulti deserve to be happy
Update soon please!