Unimportant Person


The car slowly pulled into the gateway of the school, Joong yi watched as kids entered the school grounds; walking with a pack of friends or riding bikes. She didn’t realize how big the school ground and school was for high school. The car come down to a slow stop and in front of the school, Joong yi stepped out first.

“The schools bigger then I though. It looks so small in the picture.” She thought making her way up the stairs not waiting for Jung il or Donghae slowly turning a 360 to get the gist of the school. Standing on top of the first flight of stairs in the middle with her back towards the school.

“THIS SCHOOL IS SO FREAKEN HUGE!!!” she screamed inside her head. Again lost in her thoughts still looking out to the field of the students, trees, and grass until someone bumped into her. Joong yi stumbled forward but caught her balance before going down face first down the cement stairs.

“Watch we’re you’re going.” A girl voice told her with a slight of annoyance tone. Confused Joong yi spun around to face a girl who was slightly taller than her.

“Excuse me” Joong yi shot back “but uhhhh you were the one who bumped into me.”

“Well if you weren’t standing there like a ditz maybe I wouldn’t have bumped into you.” The girl offensively said telling Joong yi off.

“Oh I’m sorry you’re ‘ROYAL HIGHNESS’” In her sarcastic voice mocking the girl “ I just happen to have eyes on the back of my head and saw you coming my way, just let me move my ditzy self over so you can pass as if I wasn’t standing there.” Joong yi moving to one side motioning for the girl to continue walking on.

“Bwoh?” she blankly answered.

“If you know your coordination’s well and had your eyes open, you would have walked around me like normal people do.” Joong yi’s tone more serious now, the girl standing there gave her a cold hard stare.

“MYUNG-HEE!!!!!!!!” Jung il’s voice called out to the girl breaking the tension between the 2. “OMO! You’ve met Joong yi; she’s the one I told you about! The one who’s going to be living with me for a while!”

“THAT’S her” Myung hee raising an eye brow looked at Jung il and back to Joong yi


“hmph. She’s…….decent looking.” Myun hee looked at Joong yi from head to toe. “Maybe she’ll be able to survive.”

“whadda mean able to sur………”

“Hey Myung hee” Donghae called out as he reached the girls interrupting Joong yi. Her eyes flickered to Donghae as her face softened as she gave him a soft smile.

“Hey Donghae” smiling towards him

“Wow she has a fast change of heart.” Joong yi whispered

“Did you say something Joong yi?” Jung il asked passing her towards Donghae, Joong yi shook her head ‘no’. “OPPA! I need lunch money I forgot my wallet at home.” She smiled sweetly at him.

“No you didn’t. And I don’t have money on me.” He replied

“DON’T LIE!!” Jung il suddenly serious yet sarcastic “I saw your wallet full of cash, and even if you didn’t have money I know you carry credit card around.” She smugly told him wiggling her hand out towards him. After having a small eye contest Donghae finally gave up taking out his wallet from his pocket and handing her a twenty.

“Gamsahmnida!”  Jung il turned around to find Myung hee still there “Oh Myung hee what are you doing anyways?” She perked up remembering what she was supposed to do

“UGH! I was going to find Eun-Ae but I bumped into an unimportant person” She glanced at Joong yi and started down the stairs. “I gotta go see ya guys later” she yelled hurrying into the crowd of students and staff.

“WAIT MYUN HEE WAIT FOR ME! I WANNA GO to!!” Jung il chased after her, turning back to Joong yi “Don’t mind her she’s not always like this. She must be on her month or something.” And ran into the crowd after Myun hee “MYUN HEE WAIT UP!!!”  

“Right….must be on her month…...You could say that.” Joong yi sighed “I guess ill tour the school alone and make a fool outta myself.” As she turned towards the school forgetting Donghae was still behind her. “*sigh* You can do this Yang Joong Yi. HWAITING!” holding a fist in the air.

“You know I’m still here….right” Donghae laughed as if he’s never seen someone give themselves courageous words. Joong yi slowly turned to face him, all her confidence drowed from her face.

“Your….still here…..you saw ALL of that huh?” She meekly asked.

“yeah.” He nodded his head chuckling “just about all of it. You’re a strange girl.”

“Well I’ve never seen you so happy yourself.” She stuck her tongue out at him and trudged up the rest of the stairs towards the school.

“Ya know I COULD give you the tour if you want.” He walked after her.

“Key word ‘could’ and no thanks I’ve embarrassed myself enough already.”

“You’d embarrass yourself some more if you got lost in this school.” Joong yi stopped ant turned around to face Donghae who abruptly stopped before walking into her.

“Okay what do you really want.” She asked him.

“Nothing, I’m just showing you around the school.” Shaking his head side to side thinking no better reason. “Since Jung il was going to show you around and left, I’ll be the good older better twin sibling and show you the school.” Joong yi looked at him for a while waiting for him to crack up and leave, but he stood his ground.

“Arraso, arraso. You’re a strange little dude.” She squinted her eyes at him

“Little?” he replied looking down at her

“Yes little. I like to be known as the bigger person.” Joong yi smiled jokingly as they started their walk.

“And you tell me I’m strange” He chuckled

“Just. Show me the school.” She laughed.

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babanga #1
please updated soon
so excited
HAHAHA. OBVIOUSLY maknaes coming next chapter to sell you drugs! BWUAHAHAHA. and donghae as my height.....BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! yea....i think it wouldve been better if i was put as donghaes lil sister....not twin...BWUAHAHAHAHA! but i would probably still beat him up. BWUAHAHAHAH! XD
no i don't want him to die so i made him be nice to you lol yes i know ka very well hahahahaa
AHAHAAHAHAHAHA! you got kas personality DOWN! ahahaha. this is sooooo much like all of us! BWUAAHHAAHHAHAHA. dude....donghae must be pretty scared of me...remember hes the crybaby twin...hahahahaha. and ka would change right away in front of donghae! ahahaha XD
i cannot tell you lol you must read hahahaha! idk who im ganna match mai kou with that is still undecided.
OH YEAH! by the way...my cuzin is snoring....the korean one....with thhe highlights who said i was preg-- yeahhhh.......BUT BWUAHAHAHAHAH....kinda random but OH WELL! thats me:) and the other korean is complaining......hahaha. REMEMBER! i already have DONGHAE scared of me....i make him CRY! BWUAHAHAHAHAHA! good:D So is he dying tonight? and is Ka getting blamed? hahahaha. OH YEA! READ THE COMMENT BELOW TOO! ITS SCARIER <br />
BYE BYE! ADIOS! SAYONARA! (thats japanese by the way....had to look that up:D) ZAI JIAN! ANNYEONG! <br />
Vee Dizzle is out! v(-o-)/"
THATS NOT MY KYUHYUNS SPOT IS IT?! hahaha.....and am i that scary when im serious? i asked my cuzins and they said......*think think*......let me uhmmmm.......*asks cuzins question again*....they said yeah...and sometimes....*think think*......im scared of myself now....WHAT IF IM REALLY BIPOLAR?!?!?!?!?!......*pause*....thatd be kinda.....*think think*.......COOL! hahahaha :D and you did my character AWESOME! OH YEAH! and Maikous with Kibummie now REMEMBER THAT! hahahahaha......and that better NOT be KYUHYUN in the seat........*serious tone*.....I will kill Donghae......personally.......*glare*......*pause*...*turn around*....*walks*....turns around to look at you*....*smiles*.....hahahahaha >:D