Chapter 9

She's my boss

She was looking nervous and she was curled on the chair holding her cup tight. I smiled softly and held her hand.

"Hey.. I also don't know how this will go but I'd be willing to try." I said. She looked at me and smirked. Okay..?

"You've never dated before huh?" My eyes widened at her.

"How.." She grinned at me.

"It's kind of obvious, Myungsoo. 'Cause instead of going in a straight line, you're walking all over the place. So, how about this? I will lead you on. I don't know how or where this, "us", will go so I can at least be with you while we find out."

"What?" I'm completely confused.

"You don't seem like the romantic kind of guy. It's like your still a kid. So, I'll be your teacher."

"My teacher?" I repeated and she nodded.

"But you should call me boss. It's more unique that way." My jaw dropped at this.

"My boss? You sure pique my interests a lot by being weird." I said while shaking my head.

"I'm not weird..." she said quietly. I swipe my hand across her ring and smiled widely.

"You are." She looked at her ring too and I can see the smile on her lips from the side.

When we went to school, we never told anyone about us. Mainly because she didn't actually have much of friends to tell and I plan the rest of Infinite might kill me. Another thing not to tell because I still didn't tell her I was in a gang. I plan to tell her but I don't know when. Maybe when we finish finding Heo Doona and we're not gangsters anymore, I would. I walk along the corridors and ignored the girls screaming my name. Surely, they'll get tired someday. I turned right to go to Juri's locker and I saw her talking with Kwon J. Are they friends? I saw Kwon J look at me and dismissed me at once. It's nice she tends to ignore us. Still, I have to find out what they were talking about.

"My lady." I said and put an arm around Juri which she removed before anyone else sees. I looked at Kwon J pointedly and she was glaring at me.

"Ah, Myungsoo, this is Kwon Jiyeon." Juri said.

"We know each other. However, I'm more interested in why he called you 'his lady' and openly flirting with you, Juri." she answered.

"Err.. I'm dating him." Juri said and her eyes widened.

"J-Juri.. do you know who he is? What he do? He's a part of-" I stomped on her foot so she stopped talking.

"Yah!" She was mad. This is not going too well. But before she could continue, someone called for Juri.

"Ms. Shin Juri, the school director called for you."

"Araso. Sorry guys, I have to go. I'll see you in class, Myungsoo. Annyeong, Jiyeon." When Juri left, Kwon J amd I were stabbing each other with eyes.

"She doesn't know you work for my oppa, huh?" She asked.

"How did you know..? Are you close with Juri?" I aaked back.

"Hmph! Am I!? I've been friends with her even before GD met her!" She said.

"What? GD knows her?" That's new..

"I.. You.. just never mind what I said but I'm warning you! You better tell her before all hell breaks. I've heard about your new assignment. Don't do it. Just quit already!" She said.

"What? This will be our last, I don't want to quit. And how come you're interested in this? You've never taken interest in your bro's stuff." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"This is different! You're looking for King! Heo Doona! You'll definitely get Juri in trouble! Just tell her about this and quit the gang if you really like her. If not, just leave her alone! She doesn't need you." She said angrily. It was also maddening in my part. How would this girl know of what should I do with my business?

"Whatever, Kwon. Just don't tell her. I promise I won't get her into my fights." She looked at me worriedly.

"You promise? Do you swear that?" She asked me furiously.

"Yes, I swear."

"What proof do I have with that?" I smiled at her in content.

"Juri.. I love her. I've fallen in love with Juri the moment we met. I'm in love with my boss." I said. Kwon's annoyed and confused face turned to a happy smile.

"You're in love with her.. that's good. But, why 'boss'?" I chuckled.

"Well apparently, she's my boss."

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