Expiration Date


Even if I look at the clock
I don’t have time, goodbye now
Even if I look at the calendar
I don’t have any memories now

I’m afraid  I’ll be a book that no one reads
Music that no one listens to anymore
I’m afraid  I’ll be abandoned like a movie playing in an empty theater

Even if I look at the phone
I don’t have any relationships now
Even if I look into the mirror
In there, there’s no confidence now



Tablo -Expiration Date







Hi :3

LittlePanda15 here !:D I wrote this after seeing a documentary about Nine Muses and suddenly I was reminded about the fact that most of the time I am a delusional fangirl , not thinking about the hardships  my favourite groups went trough . Then I start being a little calm and think . And this is what comes out :D

But seriously guys, I just don´t want you to see this as a nice little one-shot , I want you to start thinking of what all the groups out there are being put trough just that in the end they will be liked by us ( and make money for the companys of course -.-) .And l please all of these extremely  rude people on the internet who think they  need to start fanwars and start insulting groups just  because you dont like them , take a minute , start thinking about your life and how you would feel if you go trough such hard times just that in the end some people bad mouth you . Amen .

Franzi out !!:D


Leave comments and tell me what you think about all these rough trainee times idols go trough ! I am really interested in your opinion !!




Great poster done by violetkecil from violetkecil Poster Shop !:D Go all check this great shop out  right now !:D



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Chapter 1: It's sad that some of the fans think that they are like robots, never tired even though they are exhausted most of the time, never having bad days, never annoyed by all these faces and screams and cameras and embarrassing gifts and the necessity walk everywhere like a damn ninja.... I wish them to endure all the hardships with this thought: 'I've gone through so many hardships, this is not even comparable' Also, if I think about it more, SM's or YG's background makes sure you'll be widely known and well promoted, however other companies have to take other actions to make they groups more recognised. For instance, B.A.P. released soooo many albums, but EXO still won Best Rookie award at MAMA's. I can't even imagine how much sweat and blood they gave for new dances, new songs practices, for all promotion stages and all.
P.s. I still like EXO better tho :) because of their music :3