Chunjoe Fanfic~ Chapter 6~

Chunjoe Fanfic~



When I was walking to Niel and them to tell them about L.Joe and me, I bumped into L.Joe. When I rold him I told Changjo, but not the other members L.Joe decided we both should tell them at the same time. So we walked over to the band mates...


Chunji & L.Joe: We have something to tell you guys... (Blush)

Niel: Sure!

L.Joe: Chunji and me are dating!! (Looks away from everyone)

Ricky: Hyungs, really?!

Chunji: It's true, right L.Joe?

L.Joe: Y-Yeah, don't make fun of us!

Ricky: Hyungs, we aren't making fun of you! All of us have been dating one another, but you guys finally JOIN!

Niel: I thought of stealing L.Joe and make C.A.P and L.Joe my boyfriends! But too bad (pouts)

Chunji: Well L.Joe is mine now! (Grabs L.Joe, and kisses him)

L.Jow: mmmm!

Everyone: WOW!

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Chapter 6: Plz update
sweet_lovemeowy #2
Chapter 6: aww the story is so sweet! pleaseee updatee :P
sweet_lovemeowy #3
Chapter 6: awww so cuteee ! and so sweet! hahaha :D
Chapter 4: Update soon !
sweet_lovemeowy #5
Chapter 5: pleaseee update :DDD