

but what is color when it holds no meaning?

honestly, i have been writing. but to be even more depressingly honest, nothing feels decent to put up on here, but i assume this will have to do.

i know i know, the first thing i come back with is chunjoe angst, forgive me and forgive the lack of capitalization; blame it on lazy writing.



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soondubutofu #1
Chapter 1: this... is pain ;~;
MishaRen #2
Chapter 1: You're amazing T.T I cannot explain how I feel right now.

My emotions are getting mixed up so badly.

But somehow it feels okay c:

You really have talent
Where do I start?

You're exeptionally talented... You know that?

This literally left me in tears:'(...

You're the best author ever! <3

Seriously - I've read all of your stories- and they are amazing <3 @-}--

This was so poetic and beautiful :')

Keep it up! Use your talent! Saranghaeyo <3 @-}--
Chapter 1: IA M C RYING?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
Chapter 1: Update ...
nominwoo #6
Chapter 1: ahhh i love this so much //bookmarks// sobs this kind of reminds me of the poem in Perks of Being a Wallflower which i love a lot. except i think i love this more. the last (two?) paragraphs gives a really strong impact and i like it a lot ;;; comeon i believe everything you write will be good enough and i'll be waiting for more soooo :)
Chapter 1: this was so beautifully written. ;_______;
Chapter 1: i love you truly but i am twitching
i liked pink a lot
--chunsa #9
Chapter 1: I have no words this is literally the best thing you ever written and I'm so glad you are back because I love you and your writing please accept my love because omg this. <33333 T-T
Bambi10 #10
Chapter 1: THIS WAS SOO POETICAL (i think thats a word) AWESOME i love the way u put it all together nice job! xD