Chapter 1

let go of me first.



" Yoon Sung. "

Nana calls out for him and takes a several step forward before he could turn to leave. But before she could say anything else, he interrupted her.

"Reminiscing about our memories. One person is enough. There is no need for you to do this.  You used to be the strong and cheerful Kim Na Na. Do you plan to let these emotions bring you down?"

" You turned me into this, it was you, Lee Yun Seong. "

A hundred times a day, thousands of times, I resent it and resent it even more. Why did I have to meet you? Why did it have to be you? You make me resent… and blame myself. You are someone who makes me regret. You’re like a nightmare I don’t want to remember. Didn’t I tell you? Go back to the time when you didn’t know me. Go back, and meet a man better than me and live a happy life every day. Forget a punk like me and live happily. Please live that way.

Voice trembling, Nana says she’ll wait till this is over, “So can’t you come back to me? I’ll forget these words you’ve just said. It’s not a difficult thing — can’t you just say you’ll come back? If you don’t answer now, even if you come back to me later, I won’t take you. I really, really won’t. So can’t you tell me that you’ll finish this and come back to me? Please.”

"Kim nana, let go of me first. "

With tears in his own eyes, he turns silently and walks away.

Nana cries for a bit, then pulls herself together and tells herself she won’t cry. And since Yoon-sung asked her to forget him because their feelings are causing him such turmoil, she decides to abide by his wishes, “Because instead of him hurting, it’s better that I hurt.”

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Kimnana_011 #1
Chapter 1: This is the final? :-o
Chapter 1: Pls update i am late reader
Chapter 1: Pls update i am late reader
exotaeng9 #5
Chapter 1: update....