Making Friends

God's Little Accident


Chapter 4
      I walked aimlessly throughout the hallways with my suitcase. Classes were in so it was only myself walking around. Every step I took echoed against the walls. The ceiling was high, high enough that you could see all the way to the third floor of the school if you looked up. It was a very open school, you didn't feel like you were trapped at anytime, but something about the school just felt uncomfortable and I couldn't put a finger on it.
      I turned a corner in the hallway and noticed a person sitting outside a classroom. As I got closer I noticed that it was a student, a boy around the same age as me to be exact. He was sitting beside the door of the classroom. The closer I got, the more of his face I saw, and I couldn't help but notice he was extremely attractive. Even though he was sitting, he was still quite short, he was wearing skin tight black skinny jeans instead of the normal boys dress pants, the tie around his neck was loosened and looked sloppy and his blazer had  been taken off. His hair was dyed a dark shade of brown with slight lighter brown highlights and he had just a hint of black eyeliner around his small brown eyes. He looked angry and frustrated, he must have gotten kicked out of class. I took a few more steps so I was close enough to talk to him. He didn't even look up at me yet he said rudely,
"What do you want?"
I was taken by surprise when he said that, I hadn't even been here for five minutes and I've already had someone speak rudely to me. I plucked up some courage and spoke,
"Um hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but could you perhaps tell me where the office is? I'm new here," I said shyly.
      The boy looked up at me with his small brown eyes that had eyeliner on them, they widened as soon as he saw me, he looked like he had just seen a ghost. I stared wide eyed at him back not sure what to say, but I spoke without thinking,
"Is there something on my face?" I questioned gesturing to my face.
      He quickly stood up and dusted off his uniform. "No no! Not at all! I'm sorry for staring at you, I thought you were someone else," he apologized and gave me a killer eye smile.
Wow he's really cute. I thought to myself.
"What did you say you were looking for? The office? It's right down the hall to the left, here let me walk you there," He said so fast that I couldn't answer any of his questions. He seemed a bit nervous for some reason.
      He gestured me to follow him down the hall. I pulled my suitcase behind me and followed him.
"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself," He said shyly," I'm Byun Baekhyun," He said and held his hand out for me to shake it. I hesitantly reached my hand out to shake his.
"I'm JiEun, Kwon JiEun," I said quietly.
"Ah JiEun, that's a very pretty name," Baekhyun said shyly and put his hands in his pockets as we walked down the hallway.
     I let out a light laugh and thanked him. A small tint of pink covered my cheeks from the compliment. If it wasn't for my social awkwardness, I would have started another conversation with him, but nope, the fact that I had a really attractive guy right beside me made it a lot  harder to do anything. I just walked with my head down and didn't say anything.
"So what ended you up in this school?" Baekhyun asked.
"Um well, I haven't been in a public school since I was eight, and since then I have been home schooled. My parents thought it would be best that I went back to public school to make some friends," I answered. I didn't feel like giving the whole story because that might lead to me having a meltdown in the middle of the hallway.
Baekhyun looked shocked at my answer. Did I say something I wasn't suppose to say? 
"Really? You didn't do anything bad to end yourself up here?" He asked curiously.
"What do you mean?" I pondered back. Why would I have done something bad?
"Oh nevermind, well here's the office," he stopped in front of the big school office that looked like it was built into the wall.
"Thank you Baekhyun-ssi ," I smiled and bowed to him.
"No need to be formal JiEun, just trying to help you out on your first day," He smiled. "Hope to see you in some of my classes," He said, and I swear I saw him wink, but I couldn't be sure. He turned and started to walk back to his class.
     I walked over to the lady who was at the front office. She looked like she was in her mid fifties. She was busy typing away on her computer and didn't notice me standing in front of her until I spoke up.
"Hello, my name is Kwon JiEun, I'm a new student here and this is my first day, is there someone I should check in with to get my schedule and room keys?" I asked politely.
       The woman didn't even look up at me, she just said coldly," First door on the right and pointed at the door behind her. 
      I thanked her and walked into the office. It was surprisingly clean and neat, there were no papers all over the floor or anything. I walked over to the room that the lady at the front desk gestured to and opened the door. I saw a woman sitting at a desk buried in her work. She was dressed in a very formal suit for a work day and had a pair of glasses on. She looked around her late twenties. Her eyes left her what she was working on as soon as I entered her room.
"Oh hello! You must be JiEun the new student here! I am the schools principal Miss Kim Taeyeon, please call me Miss Kim," She exclaimed and gave me a warm smile. She got out of her desk to come and shake my hand
"Thank you Miss Kim, I was wondering if I could get the keys to my dorm and my schedule," I asked.
"Oh yes of course! One moment," Miss Kim said and went of rummaging in her desk to find my schedule. She finally found it then went on looking though her drawer to find the key to my room.
"Aha! Here you are JiEun," Miss Kim exclaimed and handed me my schedule and key.
"Would you like me to show you to your dorm?" Miss Kim asked.
"Um sure, as long as I'm not interrupting anything," I said trying not to be a bother.
"Nonsense! Just follow me!" Miss Kim said and patted my shoulder.
       We exited her office and walked through the halls. She lead me out of the school and to the big building that I saw when I first arrived. I assumed it was where all the dorms were and quickly followed. Miss Kim opened the large door that lead into the building. It was quite nice inside, there was a cool seating area right in the middle with a TV, there was also a drink machine and a snack bar. There were a few students sitting in the seating area, I assumed they had a free block or something.
"Ok so JiEun,  the boys dorms are to the right p the stairs, and the girls are to the left, you are in room 131, also JiEun I'll give you today to unpack and get settled, your first day of class is tomorrow," She smiled and started to walk away.
"Wait Miss Kim!" I called. She quickly turned around.
"Do I have a roommate?" I asked hoping for one.
Miss Kim tapped her chin with her fingers and let out an "Aha!" 
"Yes, you will be rooming with Miss Kim Hyoyeon," She answered and walked away.
        I was left by myself on the main floor of the dorm room. I was a long trek up the stairs because of my roller suitcase, but I finally made it to the top. I pulled my suitcase behind me searching for my room. I finally found it, it was one of the last doors on that floor. I took out my key and put it in the lock. Slowly turning it, the door opened to reveal a small room with a bunk bed, a small TV, a desk, and a bathroom. You could clearly tell someone was living there because there were clothes spread out all over the room, the bed wasn't made, and the room smelled horrible. 
Whoever this Kim Hyoyeon girl is must enjoy living in a pigsty. I thought
      I plugged my nose and entered the room with my suitcase dragging behind me. The first thing I did was open the windows to get some fresh air in. I set my suitcase off to the side and began to clean up the room. 
     It took me hours to completely clean it, and when I was done, I still had to unpack my stuff, which took another few hours to get everything in the right place. I finished around 7:30 and I was exhausted. Too tired to even care that this Hyoyeon girl wasn't even back yet. I got ready for bed and brushed my teeth in the small bathroom inside the dorm. I slowly crawled up onto the top bunk which now had some of my pillows from home and my teddy bear. I practically passes out once I got up there.
      First block: MATH, oh joy. I was running around like a maniac because I overslept and the second bell was about to ring for class. I was one of the only students left in the halls. I finally found my classroom a few seconds before the bell rang.
      I took a step in and immediately notices the students in the class. They all gave off a creepy vibe for some reason. Of corse there were your typical stereotyped groups, the nerds, the jocks, the popular girls, the normal people, and some gay couple making out in the back. Not one of the students seemed very friendly, so I took a seat at a table by myself. It felt like people were burning holes in the back of my head with there glares. I immediately felt unwelcome.
"Alright class settle down!" A young man yelled while walking into the classroom. I assumed he was the teacher but looked much more like a student.
He immediately noticed the fact that he had a new student in the class. I was quite shy because I didn't know anyone.
"Ah you must be JiEun, I am Mr.Lee Taemin, welcome to my class, please come up and introduce yourself to the class," Mr.Lee asked.
      I stood up and slowly pushed in my chair. All of the students were staring at me, the guys were giving me erted stares and I got a bit uncomfortable. There were a group of three girls at the back, one with orangey blonde hair, one with dark hair with a tint of purple, and one with long light brown hair. They all gave me dirty looks like I had just insulted them. I turned around to face the class.
"Annyeonghaseyo, I am Kwon JiEun, please treat me well," I said quietly and bowed. When I looked back up I noticed a group of four or five boys at the back, they looked like a gang almost. Nearly all of them weren't listening and talking to each other, accept for one. The one boy just glared at me with an emotionless face. He had red hair and looked somewhat like a cat. I bit my lip and sat back down to avoid anymore awkward eye contact.
"Class get you books out while I call attendance," Mr.Lee announced.
I had already gotten my books out so I decided to listen to attendance and try and match names to faces.
"Kim Kibum?"
"Here" I noticed that it was one of the gays boys at the back.
"Kim Jonghyun?"
"Here" The other gay boy answer.
"Do Kyungsoo?"
"Ahn Jaehyo?" 
"Here" One of the boys from the back called.
"Kim Hyuna?"
"Here" The girl with orangy blonde hair answered with attitude.
"Jeon Hyosung?"
"Here" the on with black hair with purple tints called.
"Kim Hyorin?" 
"Here" The last of the three girls answered.
"Park Kyung?"
"Here" Another one of the boys from the back answered.
"Kim Hyoyeon?"
There was no answer.  
"Mr.Lee, she is my roommate,  I haven't seen her yet at all," I called out.
"Ah very well JiEun, I'll let the office know," Mr.Lee answered.
      Mr.Lee continued the rest of the attendance. I looked back to see the three girls glaring at me again. I mean honestly what did I do? 
I couldn't have possible insulted them by walking in the classroom so I didn't understand what I did.
"Kim YuKwon?" Mr.Lee called.
I noticed the boy in the back with red hair speak up.
"Here," He said quietly.
So that's his name? YuKwon? I'll be sure to remember that the next time I find him staring at me. I took a mental note.
We were almost an hour into the class when I finished all on my work for the day, leaving me with some free time. I tucked my books into my back and packed up.
"Mr.Lee?" I put my hand up.
"Yes JiEun?" He asked.
"May I go to the washroom?" I asked.
      He nodded and I got up and tucked in my seat. I grabbed my bag with my books in it just in case. I wasn't trusting anyone yet so I didn't want to leave my bag anywhere where I wasn't. The bathroom was right across the hall from the classroom so I hurried over there.
      I set my bag on the counter beside the sink and washed my hands. I walked over to get some paper towel when I heard a couple of pairs of high heels click and walk into the bathroom. I turned around and saw the three girls who were giving me dirty looks in class. Hyorin, Hyosung, and Hyuna I believe. Hyuna walked up right beside me while I was at the sink.
"Well well if it isn't the cute little new girl, JiEun," Hyuna said with a sweet voice and a fake smile.
      I didn't look up. I had a feeling that they didn't just come in here to welcome me to the school. Hyosung leaned in and whispered something in Hyuna's ear and she nodded.
"We have heard a lot of talk about you today, people seem to really like you," She beamed and gave me another fake smile.
What? People have been talking about me? That can't be right, it's only my first day here.
"R-really....?" I asked and slowly looked up.
Big mistake
"Yes, and I'm very sorry to tell you that that can't happen," Her smile turned into a scowl in seconds.
      I was cut off by Hyuna pushing me down to the bathroom floor. I landed with a thud and tears started to form in my eyes. Hyuna stood tall in front of me with Hyorin and Hyosung behind her.
"There's only room for three head girls in this school, and we don't have room for a fourth," She said while holding three digits up.
I tried to stand up, but Hyorin slapped me and I fell back down on my . The tears started falling from my eyes, but Hyuna and her girls showed no mercy.
"Stupid , get her girls," Hyuna signalling  to Hyosung and Hyorin.
"Say goodbye to your pretty little face," Hyuna said then gave me an evil smirk.
      I kept scooting back further the closer the girls got. One more scoot and my back hit the cold hard wall of the bathroom. I panicked because the girls got too close.
"Someone! Anyone! HELP!" I screamed.
I closed my eyes awaiting for the pain, but the sound of one of the washroom stalls opening distracted the girls from continuing.
"Hey s!" A voice called.
      All three of them turned around and saw a girl step out of one of the stalls. She had straight blonde hair and a very unique voice. Her uniform was messy as if she had just rolled out of bed. Her tie was loosened so it hung low and one of her socks had fallen down to her ankle. She wore a pair of black converse that had been studded with spikes. She had a load of attitude on her face and was chewing a stick of gum.
"Look what we've got here! It's the pot head herself," said while turning herself around on her 6-inch heels.
"Don't you have something better to do then pick on the new girl? Like maybe getting ed by some guy you just met?" The girl said smugly.
All three girls clearly took this as an insult and took a step back from me. 
"Watch your mouth," Hyuna said and pointed at the girl.
I was about to stand up but Hyuna came walked back to me with her finger pointed out.
"And YOU! Stay away from Baekhyun or else one day we'll actually finish this fight," She threatened.
Hyuna and her girls left the bathroom and I was still sitting on the floor. The girl started to walk over to me.
"Sorry 'bout them, they get jealous easily," She said while chewing her gum.
"Th-thank you," I said while wiping the tears of my face.
"It's nothing, I've dealt with those girls more times then you could count," She said proudly. 
"And what's your name young one?" She asked
"I'm Kwon JiEun," I answered.
The girl stepped forward and held her and out to help me up.
"I'm Hyoyeon, Kim Hyoyeon," she said with a smile.
(A/N): heeeeeyyyyyyy guuuuyyyyyyys back with another update :p FINALLY SOME DRAMA!!! Lol srry if your not a fan of it but personally I am :3 AND FINALLY SOME NEW CHARACTERS !!!!!! I was getting kinda bored with Bora (NO HATE its just she doesn't play a huge part in the story) I also plan to introduce some more love interests for JiEun *wink wink* as you can tell there's a little spark with her and Baek in this chappy , but will there be more.....? ONLY TIME WILL TELL!!!! XP also finally some Hyoyeon, she plays a big part in this story..... But how so? LOLOLOL SRRY CAN'T TELL U GUYS YET ^.^ and Thanks to my subbies as usual <3 srry for grammar if its bad ill fix it later. Also, I've included 2 of the 4 love interests In this chappy, can you guess who?
New characters this chapter:
Baekhyun (EXO-K)
Taeyeon (SNSD)
Hyuna (4minute)
Hyosung (Secret)
Hyorin (Sistar)
Key (SHINee)
Jonghyun (SHINee)
U-Kwon (Block B)
Kyung (Block B)
Jaehyo (Block B)
Taemin (SHINee)
Hyoyeon (SNSD)
                                          Thanks all! (I think :p)  cya next update! <3
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Chapter 8 should be out later today , apologies for not updating in such a long time


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Smiimk #1
New subbie here, please update... U left us with a cliffhanger...T.T why!!
MexicanLove #2
Chapter 8: Love the story!!!!<3 i am on team YuKwon!!!
WatashinoOrenji #3
Chapter 9: Awww B-bomb is jelly huh~ :3 Lol the Ubomb couple xD
Thank you everyone for the positive comments <3 I really appreciate it since its my first fic, glad to know your enjoying it so far!
Chapter 5: someone is falling in love with Baekhyuuuunnnnn~~~xD
Chapter 4: Yaaaaay!!! It was soo good! I was rolling when I read the gay couple making out in the back was Key and Jonghyun LOL XD
I will be looking forward to your update!~
Chapter 3: UPDATE SOOOOOOOON~~~~~ It's so good!^^
ZoeChaomaniac #8
My my my little Soonmi writing stories now eh? Glad ur checking ur grammar. Sorta. Keke xD lol u have 2 chapters in like 2 days, while I have 4 in 4 months 8D
Sounds cool~
Fighting !
Update soon ;)<3