I Love You More


Why SeungHyun act so cold these day?


"Are you afraid if they know we were together?" "We are over,Ji." "I am still loving you. I am sorry to being stubborn here."


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Chapter 7: I love the last paragraph sooo muuuchh !!!
Can you pls make an epilogue when they're ready, when peoples ready ..
Pretty pleaaseee~
Atenais #2
Chapter 7: Maybe we didn't have a happy ending, but the ending fits very well. The way you wrote the story and explained why Seunghyun broke up with Jiyong I sincerely couldn't see a happy ending without the story sounding too fake.

Anyway, I'm happy to see that at least Seunghyun told the true to Jiyong. Jiyong really deserved to know the true, because his feelings were very deeper. This way Seunghyun wasn't alone on this decision.

I'm very content with this story. Thank you so much!
ros_ie #3
Chapter 7: i love the whole story even with the ending like this... i kinda like it... tq for this amazing story & i cried TT__TT lol
Atenais #4
Chapter 5: Were they together when Seunghyun hurt his hand? It's nice to hear more about them and about their surroundings.

I like how Youngbae isn't jealous about Seunghyun and Jiyong, he seems more pensive about their relationship, even if I don't know if he knows the whole true.

Nice update, thank you very much!
abettertomorrow #5
Chapter 5: Hope they can be together. Thanks for update.
And, about their couple things, although I did noticed that they share many same things, I never thought about the size difference. Sound interesting ! Thanks.
anechanlovesGTOP #6
Chapter 5: I loved this chapter, to see how happened about injured hand and then to see Jiyong trying to go where Seunghyun, so heartbreaking, YG is so bad T_T the reflection and pray of Youngbae, hopefully he can help jiyong in this hard moment.
thanks for the update dear! *^*
Atenais #7
Oh, now I can understand why Seunghyun was acting that way, he's trying to protect Jiyong and his own career.
Even if I believe that YG is being truly cold and calculating about the whole situation, I can understand him. The boys were being very careless and a bit irresponsible, kissing in their work place. If someone else had caught them their career could be ruined.
But it's unfair to love someone and not be able to be beside this person. I hope they can find any solution .
Thanks for this story!
anechanlovesGTOP #8
Chapter 4: ahhh so sweet to see Jiyong a little afraid when he listened to hyeyoon hehe
and she's super cute! <3 maybe she will help their with the broken relationship?
rujakcingur #9
Chapter 3: I just *sigh.... i don't know call me a creep & delusional gtop shipper but this is exactly what i think is the reason behind the secretive gtop nowaday.
I hope they still have a hope & courage for themselves.
Update soon my dear DC.
Babykitsune #10
Chapter 3: nooooo top don't you care for Ji , he was already broken and this shattered him TT_TT