Deceptive Appearances

Beyond The Stars


"Everything speaks against you!" 

"You know, you can believe who you want. Either way, you will find out that you're making your biggest mistake." he answered, playful smirk dancing on his lips. 

Not sparing a second glance to the other, he his heel and casually left the room, leaving him with thousands of confusing questions swirling around in his already almost insane mind.

genre: Drama, mystery

Story idea by: T4kara


Basically, you can make this up whatever way you want. In any way, I thought of it as a situation where two friends (or lovers - that's up to you) are placed in front of a 'serie of tests', where their trust for each other is examined. You can make up why it is that way, what's the reason behind it and whole ending. I, being an angst addict, would prefer a bad ending, but that's really up to you. It can be some kind of revenge thing, or you can put another person into it and make it fight over love, where one would have choose between love and friendship. It's really up to you ^^ Have fun.


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Chapter 4: so yah i love your poster too. that's an idea in itself. are you both graphic artists? because I'm really digging your skills right now :P
Chapter 4: OH MY GOSH the ashes of a phoenix gif looks AMAZING but sadly i have no time to write many fanfics atm. maybe if in a few months that thing isn't picked up (though i doubt it because DAYUM that's a hot piece of inspiration right there), i'll come back and grab it! ^_^
your poster is beautiful (I saw this on tumblr)