
Bedtime stories

A loud thunderclap was heard and just one minute later their bedroom door was being opened.


„Umma? Appa? Can I sleep with you? I’m scared”, little Sandeul was standing in the doorway with his little bunny plushie in his little hands. Kyuhyun and Sungmin never were happier than the moment the adoption of Sandeul has been approved. They always wanted to be parents and four years ago they had the chance to. Their son was an adorable and bright five-year old. He loves to help his Sungmin Umma cooking and he loves to play games with his Kyuhyun Appa.


“Sure sweetie, come here!” Sungmin raised the blanket and Sandeul quickly climbed between his parents. The tree cuddled closely together as another thunderclap was heard. “Aren’t you sleepy, Sandeullie?” Sungmin asked despite Sandeul keeping his eyes wide open. Their little son shook his head and pouted as he looked at Sungmin. “No Umma. Could you tell me a bedtime story?” A smile formed on Kyuhyuns lips as he observed the aegyo-attack Sandeul shot at his husband clearly mimicking the olders usual behavior. Their adorable and sly little duck.  “Sure, what do you want to hear darling?”


Sandeul made himself a bit more comfortable in the bundle of sheets and covers and closed his eyes. “Pleas tell me how you two met!” They cuddled closer together and Kyuhyun cleared his throat, thinking of a good way to tell their love story to their little sunshine. Sungmin joint Sandeul under his mass of blankets and waited to hear their beginnings told by his husband in the most velvet voice he ever heard. And so, Kyuhyun began to tell.


It was a sunny morning when Kyuhyun walked to his university like every other day. His first class would start in about an hour so he had enough time left and would get a good seat. When Kyuhyun reached the large building he immediately made his way towards the lecture hall he had his first class in. As expected the room was almost empty as he arrived and he lazily took a seat in one of the back rows. He took out his notebook and a pen. He still had 45 minutes left so he decided to rest a bit more, maybe taking a small nap.   


A small impact on his right shoulder pulled him out of his dreamland. His view was a bit blurred and his brain still dazed. Slowly he indentified the cause for his sudden awakening. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to wake you up, some stupid person pushed me. Just go back to sleep, I will wake you up when class starts.” An adorable blond haired guy with M-shaped lips and doe eyes was sitting in the spot next to him and continued to apologize for waking him. Cute.


He nodded and placed his head on his crossed arms again. Kyuhyun couldn’t go back into his dreamland so he decided to watch the blond boy beside him. Said boy crunched at the moment his nose cutely up while reading something in his book. Kyuhyun never noticed him before today, what he couldn’t understand because the boy beside him was almost an unreal beauty. Slowly the pretty boy turned his head and look directly into Kyuhyuns eyes. Even if Kyuhyun was embarrassed now because he was being caught, he just couldn’t stop staring at the other’s face.


“Excuse me? Have I something on my face?” Kyuhyun shook his head and straightened himself in his seat. “No no, sorry about that. You are just…cute.” The others cheeks turned slightly pink and he looked extremely shy now. “T-thank you. Ehh… I’m Lee Sungmin.” Kyuhyun smiled at him trying to make the situation less awkward. “I’m Cho Kyuhyun.” Sungmin smiled at him and turned in his seat to be able to look forward where the teacher now began to unpack his stuff. After 20 plain minutes of listening to his teacher Kyuhyun got bored. He thought about what he could do, so he decided to talk to Sungmin. “I never saw you here before, are you new?” Sungmin gladly took the offer to talk to Kyuhyun since the class was really boring. He shook his head. “Actually no, but I’m not someone who stands out a lot, has many friends or is insanely popular.”


Kyuhyun nodded, he himself wasn’t that popular or had too many friends. He was a nerd who skipped a few classes and rather learned in his room than hang out with friends. But something about Sungmin made him like the idea of hanging out with the other. Asking wouldn’t hurt, right?


“Do you want to hang out with me after school?”



Kyuhyun ended his story and looked at their son who was still wide awake and seemed overly excited. “My Umma and Appa are so cute! Can you tell me another story Appa? Can you? Can you?” Sandeul showed his cute bunny teeth to his parents and Kyuhyun, the weak daddy he was, couldn’t resist. “Okay okay! But it will be the last one for today!” Sandeul nodded, snuggled closer to his beloved Umma and closed his eyes once again. Kyuhyun smiled at his lovely husband and child who were wearing the same pajamas like he did. Once again Kyuhyun cleared his throat and smiled lovingly at Sungmin before he started his storytelling again.



“Kyuhyun-ah, move a bit! I need some space too, you know!” Even if Kyuhyun and Sungmin weren’t little kids anymore they still had sleepovers once in a while. Since the day they met, they did almost everything together. “Yah just move closer then!” They nagged a bit more about each other until they got comfortable on Kyhyuns single bed. Finally Sungmin rested his head on Kyuhyuns left arm and closed his eyes.


“Hey Min.” Sungmin just hummed in response without opening his eyes. “Why is your skin soft like a baby’s ?” For a short moment Sungmin didn’t know how to react at this strange question but then he decided to open his eyes and to stare weirdly at Kyuhyun. “What?” Kyuhyun just shrug his shoulders and closed his eyes. It was always like that. The younger would ask Sungmin weird stuff and Sungmin would blush or just stare. Kyuhyun loved these moments with Sungmin. He hadn´t the slightest problem admitting to himself he was falling in love with Sungmin. Love was love after all, right? There’s nothing wrong in loving another man. It was easy as that.


After a little while Kyuhyun opened his eyes again just to meet Sungmins almond shaped ones. The older one pouted immediately and glared at him. “Don’t pout or I will kiss you.” Sungmins cheeks turned a dark shade of red at the taller ones silly threat. Kyuhyun chuckled darkly and hugged the other tightly, his face buried in the other’s lovely smelling hair. He heard Sungmin sighing in surrender as the petit male hugged him back. They were surrounded by a comfortable silence until Kyuhyun broke it again with his low and smooth voice. “Sungmin? Can we continue these sleepovers till we are old, wrinkly and grumpy grandpas?” Sungmin stiffed in Kyuhyuns hold and quickly removed his hands from the others back to look at him. Kyuhyun simply smiled and with all the courage he could summon he leaned in to kiss his beloved beauty. They simultaneously closed their eyes and slowly got lost in their very first kiss.


Sungmin broke the kiss due to his need for air and smiled at Kyuhyun. “But only if you will be my boyfriend until the day we die.”


Kyuhyun gladly accepted this one condition.



Kyuhyuns looked over to his treasured son and husband just to smile at the view which greeted him. They were both fast asleep and cuddled together. He closed his eyes and let out a content sigh. In this one simple moment Kyuhyun knew he never could be happier than right now.




Sometimes taking a nap isn’t a bad idea.

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Chapter 1: Kyumin with kid Sandeul such a cute family~ i loved this sweet story :)
Chapter 1: Omg omg soooo cute adorable kkk i love it
Chapter 1: very adorable yeah im reallu into fanfic with kyumin and babyduck sandeul
Ladyqueen #4
Chapter 1: so süüüß~
The story was really nice and kidSandeul with KyuMin was just too adodable.
A really nice and cute story to read :)
Chapter 1: KyuMin+Sandeul = perfect ! :3
ayawani #6
Chapter 1: Uhuhuhu..this fic make me want to have a husband sweet..
Mrin_Jr #7
Chapter 1: They are happy family and i love them ... And i think your fic is so cute and interesting so I wanna translate "Bedtime stories" into Vietnamese and share it to my friends in VietNam. I promise give credit full. After translating, I'll give you the link ^_^ I hope you agree.
jofiane #8
Chapter 1: This is the first KyuMin family with Sandeul as their kid fanfiction that I've read XD
Sandeul is similar to Sungmin, I admit it, and wah, this is just too adorable kkkkkk :3
Not only is their family cute, but also the stories of KyuMin itself are cute >w<
Thanks for this cute fic >W<
KyuminHanchul #9
Chapter 1: So cute!! Love this fic~~
Sandeul is definitely kyumin's son :P
rizzorin #10
Chapter 1: love it!~ hehe~