prologue | find me in the dark

don't lose me in the light

It's a habit that Daehyun has fallen into; a routine, almost, to spend his late nights eating with Junhong at the convenience store. Arms propped up on a long, narrow table fixated to the wall, jeans sliding against circular stools, them gazing out of the glass window overlooking a small stretch of an alleyway. Beneath their chins will be a plastic container with a pair of chopsticks lying on its wrapper, scent of flavoured soup slipping out from the sides.

Somehow or rather, they've managed to cross over that three year separating them. Junhong stays behind after practice because he's the youngest, so he comes last, while Daehyun waits for the rest of his future members to leave as he's not fond of speaking. It's hard on them both, since they've traveled a long way. Seoul's about two hundred miles from Busan, and about the same from Mokpo, just a tad bit lesser. It's still a long distance, nonetheless, and Daehyun's reminded of his foreignness every time his Busan accent slips when he talks. 

It hadn't been like this from the start, though. Perhaps Daehyun had been sick of seeing Junhong starve himself because he was afraid of going out alone, or maybe he himself had been feeling a little lonely, since he'd been hiding in the dark all this time. So on a night where the moon had been glimmering a little less bright, Daehyun had emerged from a dim corner and quietly asked if Junhong wanted to come along with him. Daehyun still remembers the mahogany slipping through Junhong's trembling fingers, his worn-out body folded against the mirror under the lights of the dance studio and his pale lips still mouthing the lyrics to their possible debut single.

Throughout the days they've accompanied one another, Daehyun has found out a little bit more than he'd like about Junhong. Junhong enjoys watching the scenery, because no matter how many times they've been here, he's still intrigued by the cars that pass and the soju store opposite them. So Daehyun learns to admire the neon placards standing in darkness and the street lights hanging from tangled cables over shophouses. Junhong likes swinging his legs all around while waiting for his instant noodles to cool. So Daehyun shifts a tiny snippet closer just to have Junhong kick him by accident, and see his flushed face and hear his hasty apologies. Junhong buries his face in the rising steam, to forge the excuse that he's not crying and it's just the heat that's getting to his eyes. So Daehyun gets off his seat to grab a couple of paper napkins and coaxes Junhong to face him, dabbing away his flowing tears. Junhong will then faintly deny the endless trail of wet warmth down his cheeks through chokes, before Daehyun pulls him into his chest.

The convenience store isn't much, similar to those found on every street albeit smaller and more deserted. It opens twenty-four hours so Daehyun doesn't worry about leaving practice too late with Junhong and having nothing to eat. It's always the same; them brushing the soles of their shoes against the rough road while basking in silence. Sometimes it rains halfway while they're walking, so they'll hide underneath the canopy of a closed stall, leaning against the pulled-down metal shutters. Junhong loves peering at the rain rolling down the opposite shop's awning, whereas Daehyun finds himself staring at Junhong's glistening eyes. If it rains beforehand, Daehyun will borrow an umbrella from the receptionist, a transparent one preferably, since Junhong likes glancing at the water drops streaking down. Just one will do as Daehyun likes brushing his arms against Junhong's, and he can catch Junhong when he trips (for he's too engrossed in looking up at the falling rain).

They'll pass by several restaurants that Daehyun promises Junhong he'll take him to, someday, because they're trainees and they can't afford much. It's fine with Daehyun though, he likes walking with Junhong to the very end of the street, watching gradually as the brightly lit sign of the store comes into his field of vision. They try different flavors of instant noodles every day, well, mostly Junhong. Daehyun constantly chooses one of Junhong's favourites so if Junhong buys one he doesn't like, they can exchange on the pretext that Daehyun's tired of eating his (Daehyun doesn't tell him this though).

Daehyun perpetually pays, no matter how much Junhong protests and whines. Daehyun will throw in a couple of extra things like cherry tomatoes or a chocolate bar for Junhong when he's got extra change. Junhong will get the hot water, probably spill a little of the seasoning and pout, which incomprehensibly ignites a spark in Daehyun's system that makes him go into overdrive. Then they'll eat and possibly talk about training, how it'll be like when they debut and what they're going to buy when they make it big. Perhaps Junhong will shed some tears while thinking about his family, or quaver about his fears for them, but one thing Daehyun knows is that he'll always be there to catch Junhong when he falls.

Today is no different.

"Daehyun-hyung," Junhong says with a tilt of the head, snapping Daehyun out of his reverie. He's been gazing too long at Junhong, scrutinizing his features. Daehyun realizes Junhong's eyes sparkle with a magnificent brilliance. "Your food's getting cold."

Daehyun's voice comes out like sandpaper against rust from overexertion, crashing immiscibly with Junhong's delicate tone. "Oh, yeah."

Junhong pulls his lips to the side as Daehyun slurps noisiling at his shrimp-flavoured instant noodles. The silence between them isn't heavy but it reeks of awkwardness.

"Do I have a pimple on my face?"

Daehyun stops and turns to the younger with an amused expression. Junhong purses his lips and examines his reflection in the mirror, slapping his cheeks comically.

"No, what gave you that idea?" 

Junhong creases his eyebrows together, fluttering his eyelids at Daehyun. "You kept staring at me, hyung!"

"I wasn't," Daehyun lies as he swallows down poorly-seasoned soup. "How would you have known, anyway? You were looking at the window."

"You were, hyung!" Junhong protests, pointing at Daehyun's reflection in the window. "I was looking at your reflection and I saw you were looking at me. With this really intense face!"

Daehyun emits a boisterous laugh, shaking his head as he gulps down the rest of his noodles. He raps his fingers against the table, grinning at the younger. The lights hanging above them are bright, contrasting greatly with the abyss of darkness outside.

"Hurry up, or I'll leave you behind."

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please please please please update! this story is so promising and your style and the way you write is just amazing
Hi, author!!
Can I ask you something?
May I have your permission to translate this fic into Vietnamese?
I'll keep all the credits and send you the link when I post it.
Reply to me soon. Thanks!!!♥♥♥
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bunnybug #4
Chapter 1: I really like it so far :)
Kacichan #5
Chapter 1: Oh this is so nice. Really, there aren't many Daelo stories and this seems to be promising. Not hurried, just the two of them, I like it!