I'm Tricked!!


Chapter 1
Blue = Korean
Red = Indonesian
Black = English
Incheon Airport VIP waiting room
    “Minho-ah! Minho-ah! Ireonabwayo!”
    “euung… de, Onew hyung. Are we going in already?”. Minho ask his hyung that woke him up earlier half asleep.
    “Aniya, our flight is still in an hour keunde, your phone is ringing for ten minutes already”.
    “Eh? Oh kurae, gomawo hyung”. Minho said s he stood up and flip his phone open when it ringing again.
    “Minho-ah, you’re still in waiting room for your flight to Indonesia for SMTown and holiday as I said, right?”. Ask his eomma.
    “Oemma, why do you insist that I and the whole SMEnt artist’s should spend a week holiday in Indonesia after SMTown, and what is it with FREE accomodation’s and all? Where do you get all the money to paid holiday over seas for us, and a private airplane?”. Minho blabber out on his eomma.
    “Don’t worry over little thing’s Minho-ah. My-“
    “OVER LITTLE THING’S??!!”. Shout Minho immidiatly making some of eyes on him. “you said little thing’s? Eomma that’s cost fortune for you. Eomma jebal…”
    “Minho-ah, just take it easy okay? And you will know it when you get there. So, you and all of your friend just need to shut your mouth’s up and enjoy the holiday, arrachi? Beside eomma, appa and your hyung will be there as well just before tonight. And I just wanna say that there will be some one to fetch all of you in airport, arrachi?” his eomma said to him.
     “Arrachi?” ask his eomma again.
    “De, arraseo…” Minho nod’s while pouting a little.
    “Kurae, see you there honey,have  a safe trip…”. Said Minho’s eomma.
    “Eung, you too..”. Minho said and flip off his phone.
    Half hearted Minho put his phone back to his pocket. And when he lift his face he meet with his friend’s and all staff’s curious face on him.
    “eumm… my eomma just said there will be some one that will be fetch us in airport and to enjoy our vacation there”. Minho said to the other.
    “Come to think of it Minho-ah, why is your mother really want us to have vacation in Indonesia for free?” ask Jonghyun to his dongsaeng.
    “Nado molla hyung, keunde eomma said for us to enjoy our vacation there, maybe my eomma just want to spend holiday with me?”. Minho  answer his hyung.
    “But with the whole SMEnt artist’s and our manager, plus Lee seossaengnim?”. Ask Jonghyun again.
    “Aaahhh, nado molla hyung, eomma just said that I will know about it when we get there. And just enjoy our vacation there, arrachi?”
    “well, that for sure. Because it’s for free ofcourse I will enjoy my vacation there to the fullest, don’t worry”. Jonghyun answer his dongsaeng with a wink.
     Minho let out a sigh, and sit back on his seat. And about fifteen minutes later, a bunch of men in black suit approach them and said the airplane is ready. When they get there, their eyes wide open and their jaw’s drop to see what in their sight. There stood proudly a beautiful airplane painted in black and GQ writen all over his wing’s and the tail part with gold and silver.
    “Minho-ah, are you sure we don’t get the wrong airplane?”. Leeteuk ask in disbelief.
     “Omo! It’s GQ’s Private airplane!! We should take some pic and post it in tweeter!!”. Said the other. The other’s start to capture the sight infront of them and quickly post it in their social network account’s. Meanwhile Minho just stunned like a statue with wide eyes and mouth slight open.
    “Are you ready to get in sir’s?”. Some stewardess ask them with wide smile in front of the stair to the airplane.
    “Ah? Eh? Uhhmm d-de. Keunde, miss do you really get the right private airplane for us? Because you know it’s GQ’s private airplane afterall. And I’m sure you get the wrong airplane for us”. Minho ask one of the stewardess.
    “Animnida. It’s the right airplane for Mr. Choi Minho and his friend’s”. Stewardess answer him with smile.
    “That’s my name. But…”
    “There is no mistake, sir. Our Master told us to prepare this airplane for you and your friend’s on your flight to Indonesia”. She assure him.
     “Let me guide you to your seat, sir”. Add her. And in fifteen minutes all of them already sitting on their seat.  There is a few more seat that empty in front of them, as the stewardess said those for another passanger later.
    ”Ah, and let me remind you sir, all of you are forbidden to enter the only cabin room in the middle. Because it’s the owner private room”. Add her again. Minho and the other’s just nod their head, because they still mesmerized by the plane’s interior.
    “Hyung’s, ppali! We’re late for half an hour already!”. Kevin shout from outside
    “Changkkaman yo!. We’re out! We’re out!”. The front door brust open revealed three grown up men’s with suitcase in their hand’s.
    “Mianhe, beside Jojo just told us twenty minutes ago! So we just get our thing’s in hurry for the stay’s”. Add Jaejoong with pout to the other’s. In front of them (Jae,Su,Chun) there’s stood Kevin from U-Kiss, Nickhun 2pm, Jojo and the other’s GQ’s member. And behind them there’s two pure snow white hummer’s that will take them  to the airport for their trip to Indonesia.
    “Nado mianhe hyung’s, It’s just mama call me earlier and told me that she will throw a celebration party for up coming GQ’s debut that will be a month away in Korea  and she said to bring all of you guy’s as well to Indonesia ‘cause mama miss hyung’s so much”. Jojo  defend her self.
    “Nah, no problem. Beside we miss her too. Keunde  Jojo-ah, SMEnt will going to Indonesia for SMTown in Jakarta, don’t they? What if media know about it? I don’t want to make another fuss” . Jaejoong said with worry while take a glance toward Junsu and Yoochun beside him.
    “Relax hyung. Mama said she already told my intern, Gilbert to prepare GQ’s  private plane for us”. Utter Jojo calmly.
    “Yeah, we’re talking about Joice DirgaWijya here, the heir of Dirgawijaya Corp Empire the 3rd richiest person in Asia.  Nothing  is immpossible for her”. Nickhun said with a wink to his foster dongsaeng. The other’s laugh and Jojo just smirk, while Dhee just sinlent busy with her phone in her hand beside Jojo.
    “That’s right hyung, your dongsaeng here can do anything I want. And don’t forget I have my own corp empire hyung”. Add Jojo with a smirk.
    “Ray, you took the other’s with you, okay? And I will take my hyung’s and Dhee with me”. Jojo said to her bestfriend.
    “No worries. Come on guy’s we’re late.”
    “hyung’s com-“
    “Jojo-ah, how many times I told you to call us oppa not hyung! We’re your oppa’s not your hyung’s”. Jaejong said to their (Jaejoong, Yoochun. Junsu,Nickhun and Kevin) foster dongsaeng.
    “But I’m more comfortable to call all of you hyung instead oppa, hyung”. Jojo answer the elder.
    “But you’re a GIRL Jojo-ah, not a BOY!” jaejoong whined with a cute pout.
    “Instead OPPA, I prefer to call you OENNIE. Because you suitable for one, EONNIE”. Jojo , while the other’s just giggle to see their arguing.
    “YAHH! I’m a MAN and I want you to call me OPPA!” Jaejoong shout angrily to his tomboy sister. 
Jojo just rolling her eyes to him and hop to driver seat, and Dhee follow her bestfriend and hop beside her in front seat, with her eyes still glued to her phone.
    “You know from the first that she wouldn’t call us oppa, even she had to”. Yoochun said with a wide smile. And hop into the car, meanwhile Nickhun and Kevin just pat’s Jaejoong’s back and shake’s their head’s. and Junsu chuckled at his hyung and hop into the car as well follow the other’s.
    “You will call me oppa  soon Jojo-ah”
    “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Are you coming along or not? We’re late for almost an hour already”. Jojo shout from driver seat.
    “Of course Jojo-ah…”  Jaejoong sid with a pout and stomping his feet’s into the car.
On their way to the Incheon airport, they chatting happily and jokes around with each other untill Dhee loud gasp startled the other.
     “What’s wrong Dhee? Why do you look so surprised? You look like just got to see a ghost?” Jojo ask without tear her eyes from the road.
     “I’m not see a ghost but I see a bunch of ghost’s in Tweeter.” Dhee answer with her wide eyes still glued on her phone screen.
     “What did you see in tweeter Dhee?” Kevin ask with concern tone.
    “Joe, look at this.” Dhee said when they stop at traffic lights, while shove her phone in front of Jojo’s face.
    “Wha- HOLY HOW COULD THIS BE??!!!” Jojo scream out loud. In the phone screen She can see her private airplane with some SMEnt artist’s pose in the front.
     How they can pose in front of my private airplane, and they said they will ride it to Indonesia. WHAT THE !! Who said they could do that. This is must be a mistake. Jojo said in her heart with eyes glued to the screen.
    “What happen Jojo-ah? Why both of you shout like that?” Jaejoong ask worriedly.
    “Yeah, and why your face so pale Dhee?” Junsu ask her.
    “Nothing hyung. Just shocking news in Indonesia, you will know when we get there”. Jojo answer with straight face to her foster brother’s.
    “Call Andrew and tell them to wear their hoodie’s, cap’s and shade’s on when we reach The plane” Jojo said with flat tone in Indonesian so her hyung’s doesn’t understand what she said.
    “eung” and Dhee call her bestfriend’s immediately.
    “Hello, Andrew. There’s emergency you can take a look on tweeter, and Jojo want all of you to wear your Hoodie’s or cap’s and shade’s on when we reach the plane. We meet’s in..” Dhee take a glance towards Jojo who still driving the car.
    “Five minutes” Jojo said calmly.
    “Five minutes. See you there. Bye…”Dhee flip her phone off and throw her sight to window. The elder’s so curious about what’s happen to their dongsaeng’s. And Jojo doesn’t help either when she just keep quiet on their way to airport afterwards. But they shrug it off. Think their dongsaeng’s will tell them when their ready.
    In less than five minutes they reach the airport and going straight to airstrip, where they can see the private plane that will take them to Indonesia. Ray and the other’s follow them in a minutes later.
     “Minho-ah, your mom is so great. She know best people just need best thing” Lee soo man said with proud.
    “N-ne” Minho simply answer him.
    “Minho-ah! Do you know GQ as well? The plane it’s so awesome, it’s not a dream right?” Yuri said while clung her arm to Minho’s arm and press her body to him. While Minho doesn’t say anything because he still shocked with what happen. And he can’t call his mom to demand an explaination.
    “Keunde Minho-ah, we’re waiting for an hour already. When are we going?” Yuri ask with a pout.
    “We just waiting for another passenger to arrive miss, maybe they will come soon” The stewardess near them answered.
    “But I-“
    “Yahh! Look outside! There is two white Hummer’s coming this way! So awesome…” Leeteuk cut Yuri off. And everyone get curious whose coming.
    “Hyung there is a problem with the plane, so me and the other’s should check it first. And don’t get out of the car, arraseo?” Jojo ask his brother with a stern voice and they just nod in agreement.
    “Come on Dhee”. Dhee nod’s and get out of the car with hoodie and shade on. In the other’s car Ray and Lily get out of the car with cap’s and shade’s on as well following Jojo and Dhee and walk towards the plane.
    “Just follow me and shut your mouth. And just speak when it’s necessary” Jojo said coldly and the latter’s just shut their mouth’s while Dhee clung her arm with Jojo like always she do.
    “Who are they? Do you know them Minho-ah?” Siwon ask his dongseang.
    “Nado molla hyung, maybe they are the other passenger”
    When Jojo and the other’s reach the plane’s door, they greet warmly with the stewardess.
    “Good afernoon, Young Master. Wel-“
    “No need. I just want to ask what the hell is happenig here? Why is there other people here? I’m never know about it. So why these people in my private plane?” Jojo ask coldly to her stewardess and send a cold glare to all of direction. While Dhee, Ray and Lily just eyeing their sorrounding with a cold face. And the SMEnt artist’s and staff’s just stare with surprised look.
    “We’re sorry Young Master but Master Ivy order us to bring Mr. choi Minho and his friend’s to your Private plane, Young master” The stewardess answer with put her face down.
    “WHAT THE ??!!”
*) ANJRIIT in Indonesian just like in english
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should i add yunjae tag??


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hi... you made it!!!

dont worry to much bb ^^ they gonna like it! fighting!!!!
