
The Substitute


A/N: Hello lovely people! I hope you enjoy this BangHim oneshot :D I'm very fond of it myself :D enjoy~~~~~~!!!!!
Math Class. It was always Math Class.
Pre­calculus. And Kim Himchan just did not want to take this class.
Don't get him wrong, he was good at math. He could do it; it was just these people.
These idiotic peasants always bothering him with stupid . He got tired of it real fast. He was not about to have any of that.
It was Wednesday and Mrs. Kang, their teacher, was leaving today for some tournament in California. Robotics competition or something like that.
Himchan was sad because of it. He liked Mrs. Kang and she was a good teacher. Other students thought otherwise and decided to voice their opinions about it. Which Himchan thought was rude.
But, what else was new?
"Alright, guys. This is Mr. Bang. He will be your teacher while I'm gone." Mrs. Kang introduced their substitute teacher who was totally a student teacher. Himchan stared, wide­eyed. this man was gorgeous. Said teacher put his hand up in a lazy wave and smiled a bit.
Himchan swooned, he admitted it. This man was beautiful and he swooned.
"Hey, I'm Bang Yongguk and I will be your teacher for the time being." Himchan swore he was dying and going to heaven. This guy's voice was like chocolate. Rich, dark chocolate and Himchan would be happy to just bask in it and hear it forever.
"Alright, well I will be leaving now. I will see all of you on Monday." And with that, Mrs. Kang walked out of the room.
Was it bad that Himchan wasn't sad that she was leaving anymore? No, of course not. He didn't mind her being gone when he would be taught by this lovely person.
She could take her sweet time. As long as she left him with this man, he was sure he would be alright.
"Alright. Get out your textbooks and turn to page 170."
Even when he told them to do the slightest things, Himchan was on Cloud 9, enjoying the deep voice of Bang Yongguk.
­­­­­ Thursday.
Yongguk had told the class to just call him Yongguk, no formalities. He was only a little bit older than them, why did they need formalities?
And Himchan liked being able to call Yongguk by his first name.
"Hey, Yongguk? I don't understand this." Himchan rose his hand and summoned Yongguk over to his desk. The class was currently doing a packet as a review for their test on Tuesday over the whole chapter. And Himchan just couldn't grasp the concept.
Maybe it was just because he couldn't concentrate on anything except Yongguk's voice all yesterday and today.
"Alright, Himchan," Yongguk leaned over Himchan shoulder and took his pencil. Himchan just about died. He swore, in this close proximity, he could smell Yongguk's distinct scent; like this manly scent that Himchan just loved.
And even though Himchan asked for help, he still didn't understand; and it was all his brain's fault for not paying attention to math and paying attention to some thing more important instead. Paying attention to Yongguk's scent, Yongguk's face, Yongguk's hair, Yongguk's body.
Just focusing on Yongguk was Himchan's growing pass time these days. ­­­­­
Himchan loved Fridays. It meant 'Weekend', and Himchan loved weekends. It was the only time he didn't have to see or deal with the stupid people in his school.
But, Himchan did not like this Friday.
This Friday was the last day that he would get to spend with Bang Yongguk. He was upset, to say the least. And he realized something that he hadn't notice before that could be unchangeable if he didn't fix it fast.
His grades were slipping.
Like, to a low 'D'.
This was not a good thing.
And, all-­to-­obviously, Yongguk noticed too.
Himchan had not been finishing his papers, his quizzes had the most peculiar answers on it.


And there was only one person to blame; Bang Yongguk and his gorgeous self.
It was 5 minutes to the bell and Yongguk had given the class a quiz. Himchan was struggling as he didn't know any of the material.
"What the...? I don't know any of this!" Himchan whisper-yelled to himself. He scolded himself over and over again. What the hell was he doing?!
Just then, the bell rang, signaling all of the students that they could go home.
"Alright, turn your quizzes in and I will probably see you all later. I enjoyed teaching all of you," Yongguk told them and smiled. Himchan swooned once again, but it didn't last very long as he looked at his quiz.
"..." Himchan cursed himself once again as he handed in the paper.
"Himchan, will you stay back for a few minutes?" Yongguk looked at Himchan as he was grabbing his bag.
"Uh... Sure. What do you need?" Himchan asked him, wearily. Yongguk frowned and took Himchan's quiz from the pile. He took a look at it and shook his head. He looked up at the student in front of him.
"I don't understand. Your grades were perfect before a started teaching this class. Now, they've slipped from an 'A' to a 'D'. I don't get it." Yongguk furrowed his eyebrows and looked back down at Himchan's quiz.
"I know, I know! It's just... It's just I've been distracted lately and it's been messing up my grades. It's like I can't pay attention to anything anymore. Except," Himchan paused and shook his head. Yongguk looked up at Himchan, confused.
"Except?" Yongguk urged him on. What could this boy have to say?
"I-it's nothing." Himchan waved his hands in front of his face and shook his head. "It's nothing of importance."
"I'm sure it is, if it's making your grades slip so badly." Yongguk urged him more. What's wrong with Himchan?
Himchan hung his head, looking at the ground and not meeting the teacher's eyes. Yongguk pierced his lips in thought
"Himchan, you know you can tell me anything." Yongguk got up from his seat and walked towards the senior.
"Himchan...?" Yongguk reached out to touch his shoulder and Himchan shied away from the older.
Himchan came back to his senses and realized he was crying.
Why the hell was he crying?
"I'm sorry-y. I'm standing in front of you crying because I can't come to my senses and just tell you why I'm pretty much failing. You really want to know, right?" Himchan explained, sniffling and dragging his hands across his face, wiping the tears away from his eyes. He looked up at Yongguk for a second to see him nodding.
"I couldn't pay attention because my teacher is a y- mother-er." Himchan told the man in front of him and hid his face in shame for telling that "y- mother-er" that he was a y- mother-er.
All of a sudden, he heard the most heavenly thing he has ever heard in his entire life.
Bang Yongguk laughing.
Wait. He was laughing because of Himchan.
Laughing. At Himchan...?
"HEY!!! STOP LAUGHING! This is not a funny matter!" Himchan stomped his feet and hit Yongguk in the shoulder. Yongguk's laughing died down as he held his shoulder and grinned at his student.
"I know, I know. I just can't believe you actually called me that," Yongguk took his hand off of his shoulder and reached towards Himchan's waist, bringing it towards his. Yongguk locked eyes with Himchan.
"I can't believe you actually like me, too." Yongguk's grin turned into a full-blown smile.
"Too..?" Himchan questioned, tilting his head, cutely. Yongguk brought their faces closer and leaned in.
"I like you, Himchan. Like really like you." Yongguk whispered but Himchan could hear it from a mile away. The confession of his life.
And Yongguk brought their lips closer and kissed the living daylights out of him. Himchan swore if Yongguk wasn't holding him, he would have fallen to the ground in a puddle of happiness.
The kiss was amazing, to say the least. Perfect. Kissing Bang Yongguk was like kissing Jesus.
And when Yongguk pulled away from Himchan for air, he longed for those lips again.
"C'mon, Himmie. Let's get your y home before I devour you." Yongguk growled in his ear and smacked his , lightly. Himchan looked at him, sceptically. Yongguk smiled and pecked his lips. Himchan grinned at him and started walking out the door. Yongguk grabbed his keys and ran out after Himchan, grabbing his student's bag and carrying it for him. Himchan looked back and saw the man he admired for this whole week chasing after him, wide smile on his face.
Okay, he lied. He really did love Fridays.
A/N: okay, I love all of you. :D this is my first BangHim oneshot so I hope you like it :D I will see you guys in the next BangHim oneshot! I hope you lovely people enjoyed! I thank all of you! *bows*
Bye bye~~ *waves*
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magicbananas #1
Chapter 1: Eeeeep! So cute!!! *fangirling*
Lolface #2
Chapter 1: SO CUTE! I hope Himchan ended up with good grades LOL
Kijonghyun #3
Chapter 1: Lol =] Yong guk that's a pretty awesome way to start your teaching career. This was really adorable,
Chapter 1: So adorable
Chapter 1: So adorable So fluff
Drown in feels >.<
Love it <3
Omg this was so fluffy I'm gonna die! xD Amazingly adorable! <3
dahni622 #7
Chapter 1: awwwwww, this is so cute! and funny! definitely one of the best oneshots i have ever read!!!
petalcha #8
Chapter 1: Lol yes I love how Himchan called Yongguk xDD And this is soooooo funny, and cute.:))
Chapter 1: totally cute ^^
good work !! really enjoyed to read it
Chapter 1: ahhahahahahahahaha xD I died at that "y--mother-____er" part... died... that was just so precious <3 in that hilarious and awesome way... srsly.... you made my day :D