
Figure Skating Romance

After Practice, you, L.Joe and Dongmin went to the mall. Before entering the mall, You put on some cute glasses and wore the hat you and Dongmin bought.

L.Joe just put on his cap and shades. Dongmin didn't have to put on anything because he wasn't that popular.

"The consequence of being famous" Dongmin smiled

You and L.Joe pouted. Dongmin laughed and pinched your cheeks "You are so cute" 

You blushed, "Thanks oppa"

L.Joe made a face *Whatever*

"Let's go" Dongmin said as he lead the way. You followed and L.Joe followed you. You three went to the arcade and had fun. Dongmin pointed at the karaoke bar. You smiled and dragged L.Joe to the room.

"Picture!" You smiled and held out your camera. Dongmin did a pose and L.joe just covered his face. "Oppa!" You pouted

"they might recognize me" L.Joe said

"I won't post it in the net, I'll just save this for the memory" You said, "Please"

"Fine" L.Joe said. You clapped your hands and you three took pictures. Then you wanted to join the pictures you took pictures of you three,

"Funny face" Dongmin said

You blew your cheeks and L.Joe made a peace sign and Dongmin stuck his tongue out. 

"Perfect" You smiled, "I'm going to put these pictures in my photo album" 

"We should take pictures somewhere else other than this place" Dongmin said

"yeah" L.Joe said

"Ok! After this song" You smiled and sang.After your song you gave the mic to Dongmin.

You sat down.

"You could be a singer" L.Joe said

You shook your head, "No thanks, I wanted to be a figure skater, that was a my dream" 

"Oh" L.Joe said, "Well, you can be both"

You shook your head "I don't like it" 

Dongmin finished his song and tossed the mic to L.Joe, "Your turn"

"I don't want to" L.Joe said

"Your a singer but don't want to sing?" Dongmin raised an eyebrow.

"Fine" L.Joe started to sing. He chose a soft song. You were touched by his voice, you though you were watching an angel singing. After that, you snapped out of your daze and stood up, "Snacks everyone?" You asked.


You three were at the food court eating. You were again taking pictures. You took pictures of the food.

*I can't believe they call this a snack* L.Joe looked at the food, *It looks like dinner* He started at the bucket of fried chickens, lots of fries and pizza. You and Dongmin were digging in

"now this is what I like about stretching, it makes me hungry" You said

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Uhhh ...... unnie i want to subscribe but i don't know how could you tell me ???
Parkjimin #2
sequel... yeah
great story !
nana_lve_fanfic #5
i like how it ends but maybe those fans were a bit "off"...<br />
can't wait for the sequel<3
SEQUEL!!!<br />
Ready for the Sequel ! <333 :)
Asminn #8
yay! It has ended~ ^^
FanficLover96 #9
Sequel!!!! :)