*yaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwn* i blink hundred times as i raise my body from my bed.

"haaaaaaaaaaaaa. goodmorning to meeeee" i groaned as i stretch my arms.

"yes. good morning to you m'lady"

i turned to the left side of my bed and there standing Luhan bowed at me.

'what is this guy doing he-- ohhh, i get it im still dreaming. pfffft right right, Luhan won't bow at me like that. Might as well take this chance to make him my servant'


"well good morning my cute servant" i greeted and flashed a sweet smile.

To my surprise, he smiled back or kind of smirk? irdk and idc.

'so this guy can be so cute when he's not annoying huh?'


"what would you like for breakfast? i'll make it for you."

"pfffft. can you cook?"

"yes of course m'lady. what's the purpose of me being your SERVANT if i can't even cook?"

"oh right. i'd prefer to have bacon and an omelette and juice. orange juice thank you."

"If that is all, then i'll take my leave. I'll bring it here so you can have breakfast in bed"

I nodded and he walked out. This is fun, but it feels like im awake already.

NO, i can't be awake, Luhan is not the erted guy like yesterday and he can't cook well, i think. LOL maybe it's a 3D dream LOL that's new. what am i saying?!

I snapped out of my thought and found myself smiling. Im kind of weird in my dream.

Finally, my SERVANT came in with the tray of my food.


"Did you wait too long m'lady?" He closed the door with his foot.

"No, not really"

"Good, i don't want you to feel hungry"

I chuckled.


He rested the tray on my lap so i could eat.

*nom nom nom* 

"so how was it?"

*o* "so good"

*munch munch munch sip*


"okay im done."

"but you still did not finish it all yet"

"but im full, you can have it if you want"

"are you sure?"

"ahuh, you must be hungry right?"

"as you please."


He took the spoon and fork and started eating.



I knew i had this OoO look on my face as i stare at him as he eat.

"Is there a problem?"


"y-you. m-me. k-kiss."

"what? you want us to kiss?"


"that's not what i said! because you are using the utensils i just used to eat and i thought that-"

WAIT. what am i being so hyped up for? this is just a dream anyway. but whatever. he might misunderstand even if this is just a dream. it's still wrong.

"that. that. we kissed. INDIRECTLY im saying this because you might-"

As i continue bluffing my expanation, he stopped me from talking AS. HE . KISS . MY . LIPS. And ofcourse i stopped.

"Finally, you stopped. Don't worry, it's not an indirect kiss anymore"

I.CAN'T.MOVE. I am too stunned to what just happened. why does it feel so soft though? I MEAN. The kiss, felt so real.

"I-Im going b-back to sleep"



I wandered my mind to other things so i can forget what just happened. SO i can go to sleep and then wake up. Oh gad. please please help meeee~

My vision went black and i knew i fell asleep.


"haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" i streched out my body as hard as i could.

I looked around to see if someone's there. NO ONE. i knew it. It was just a dream. How silly of me.

I jumped out of my bed and for some reason, i glanced at my clock. it's already 12 noon? How come i slept that much? well perhaps that stupid dream took all those time LOL but i don't feel hungry at all. Well this is unusual, I might have been full because of the bacon and omolette LOL.

I walked down to the living room and Kris is fixing the plates.

"Well good afternoon you lazy ."

"oh, what's wrong? why have those wrinkles on your head so early in the- afternoon" I chuckled

ahahaha well, that was funny right? right? LOL

"You think it's funny? I need you up early today but you woke up this late"

Geez this brother of mine is too hot headed towards me.

"why? what for? you might have woken me up if you needed me"

"I did woke you up. I told Luhan to do so"



"s-so that wasn't a- a- a"


"Well good afternoon my princess. Have you enjoy your sleep? and yes that wasn't a dream"

Luhan wrapped his arms in my shoulder. I glared at him and he backed off.

"okay, sorry sorry"


He walked to the other side of the table opposite to mine.

"Guys what is THAT thing that is not a dream. Im lost"

Kris you idiot! why bother asking dammit.

"The ki-- aaaww" I kicked him before he could say anything.

"The kitty, yes the kitty in my room." I looked at Luhan with Bare-with-my-excuse look.

"y-yeah the kitty" He answered while tapping his leg.

"why would there be a kitty in your room?"

"no more question, let's just eat"


We started eating and wtf. i can't stop looking at Luhan's lips and i kept remembering the kiss. WHAT?! His lips is so soft. what can i do ? OH MY GLOB! Dahyun stop it already.

Luhan's lips carved into a smirk and it made me look at his eyes. He moved his brows up and down and moved his lips into a kissing position.


okay i know im blushing! i looked down and kicked him again.

noooooooooooo! this can't be happening to me T.T waaaaaaaaaah!!








UPDATED~ [04-30-13]












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