Sugar, Spice and Everything Kyungsoo


Kyungsoo was lost.

Jongin found him.

Fate found them.


kaisoo ahead :)


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Lilianlimi #1
Chapter 4: I absolutely love it ♡♡♡
Chapter 3: omg. omgomgomgomgomgomg. so cute too effin cute im about to scream i have read too much fluff today.
easeguidelight #3
Chapter 4: Hahahahahahahahaa!!!! Beakhyun a genius!!! And I absolutely love Kai! Of course I love Kaisoo too…
Chapter 4: I'm amazed with Baek lol xD
squishoo #5
Chapter 3: Yikes. This is so fluffy and sweet and cuuuute
PandaLovesMe #6
Chapter 4: I was laughing and giggling that it really hurts my tummy, all the way through. I was puking rainbow and I have ants strolling around at my room ( ^_^ )v.

(I really wanna kiss and hug the nice person who recommend Clear Crystal(?) - aish ur other kaisoo fic- to me. Thus I stumbled to dis.)
Chapter 3: Oh my god~ been stalking your stories... their all just utter perfection i swear.(*´▽`*) this is so damn FLUFFY DJDKSBSKSJ OTL i was just squealing through the night~~ and salyojusayo LOL this was so damn funny /trying to hold back a snort

Keep up the perfection~
imperfect_narcissist #8
Chapter 4: OMG. I just read through all your oneshots because I found one of your stories and it is soooooooooooooooooo adorable *squeals* Congrats on being the first story in a while to make me fangirl out loud. Please please please do a sequel for this story about hunhan and maybe baekyeol!!!!!!XD
Chapter 4: baekhyun playing cupid eh??? nice...what if cupid falls in love wonder how that goes? hehehe hunhan huh? good luck with that baek! XD

hwaiting for next story!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: Odkakda dim oak, koadmcokdav THAT FLOOR //shot

I love this! Amazing~ just wow. It's so funny and all that shizzle ma fizzle.