||Miss Nothing|| Kris Wu||



Karma was the girl you see on prime time television. You know, the ones with the braces and glasses who want nothing more than to be considered socially acceptable. Sure, that’s who she was. Back then, there wasn’t a soul who wanted to know her. Now, it seems like they all want to know everything about her. They want to know what happened to poor little Karma Renee Evans. The girl who was once all brains and books, is now the one seen at late night parties on the wrong side of town. She’s lived her life happily this way for quite some time until Kevin Li comes back to Vancouver. It’s been years since she’s seen him. To be honest, she didn’t believe that it was him. Though, she soon finds out that he’s set his eyes on fixing the damaged person she’s let herself become.  Can he help her find her way, or will he give up on her and let her go? Even more, will they find themselves falling for each other along the way?



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ososhinee #1
Chapter 6: Yeah!! go Kris, take care of her! I loved this chapter!
Chapter 4: I have to admit, this is one of my favourite stories on this website. I like how she's not a perfect girl, I like how she has problems that I can relate to in some way, and I absolutely love her attitude. Also, I have to admit that the noise I made when I read that she had a '67 Impala was not exactly human. Update soon!
ososhinee #3
Chapter 4: I seriously love how it's written from her point of view. She doesn't come across as incessantly whiny or as having a crybaby attitude.
ososhinee #4
Chapter 3: So it's a really awesome story so far, and I understand that she has like, personal 'demons', but what is this one, 'Id'? that is the only one that has me a little confused.
givinkrishead #5
Chapter 3: This is cool! Well written. Oh sh*t its long i love it!!! <3
Chapter 3: ............
Chapter 2: Confused. Amused. Ugh.
Chapter 1: This has definitely intrigued me. I look forward to reading more! Also, really like her name.