Stomach Flu

Stomach Flu

Super Junior boys finished the dance practice pass lunch time. Everyone, the Dancing Machine duo included, were laying half dead. Their breathing laboured, like they just finished from marathon competition. When they finally caught their breath, one by one, tried to stand up on their wobbly feet. Just in time the Manager came in and brought their very late lunch.
“BOYS! Have lunch first before you go to your vocal lesson,” the manager happily said, with the bright smile on his face.

Ryeowook stood up and started to hand out the lunch boxes to the members. “Hyungie, here’s your lunch,”Ryeowook said with a tired smile on his face to Yesung, who leaned against the wall, stretching his feet. Yesung accepted the lunch box with a mumbled “Thanks Wookie-ah” and ruffled the eternal magnae’s hair gently. Ryeowook just smiled weakly and continued the lunch box distribution, with Sungmin finally had the strength to stand up and helped.

The boys wolfed down the lunch, with Kyuhyun and Ryeowook sat beside their Turtle Loving Hyung. Yesung would sneakily, slipped one or two pieces of vegetables to Kyuhyun’s lunch, while the magnae just pouted and glared at HIS hyung. Yesung just smiled cutely and continued eating, so Kyuhyun unwillingly ate the pieces of vegetables. Their lunch time break immediately finished, and Leeteuk, already energized, started giving instruction to the boys and led them to their next schedule, the vocal lesson.

The day ended up pretty well. After their last schedule, which was a variety show, they went back home. Everyone was tired to the core, so no one even attempted to do anything other than sleeping. So after the queue for the bathroom, the members went to their respective room.

It was early in the morning when Sungmin heard a laboured breath from inside the bathroom. He approached the bathroom and knocked, afraid one of his fellow members got himself into accident. “Hello..Who’s in there?” Sungmin’s voice sounded like a bullet shot this early. Soon the bathroom’s door opened, revealing a very pale and shaking Yesung. Sungmin directly got into a panic attack.
“HYUNG!! What’s wrong with you?! Do you feel sick anywhere?!”
Sungmin quickly grabbed hold on his hyung, because he could see how pale and weak Yesung was. Yesung just smiled weakly, trying to stand by himself, but Sungmin’s hold was very strong. Sungmin dragged him to the nearest spot in the living room and ran to the kitchen to bring some water.

“Here you go Hyung. Have a drink,” Sungmin handed a glass of warm water into Yesung’s baby hand. Yesung just nodded weakly and drank.
“Are you OK hyung? What’s wrong with you?” Sungmin asked again with soft voice this time.
“I don’t really know. My stomach felt really uncomfortable, like nausea. So I go to get myself a drink, but end up vomiting everything I had yesterday,” Yesung answered with a weak voice. Sungmin furrowed his brows, and put his hand on his hyung’s face, felt it a little bit warm.
“Do you want me to talk to Teukie Hyung about this?”Sungmin asked, even when he knew Yesung would object, and sighed heavily when he saw his hyung shook his head.
“Maybe it’s just something I had yesterday. I’ll get something for my nausea and maybe it would be better,” Yesung said after drank down his water. Sungmin helped the Lead Singer to stand up and lead him to his room.
“I’ll get the med hyung. You just stay here and rest,” with that said, Sungmin left Yesung to lay down on his bed, while he was getting a medicine from the cupboard. He came back with a glass of water and a bottle of medicine. Sungmin helped the Lead Singer to take the med and tucked him to rest some more.
“Now, go back to sleep hyung. So you’ll feel better later,” Sungmin said, put his hand to Yesung’s forehead once more, getting more worried when he felt the starts of fever. Yesung just smiled sleepily and went back to sleep.

They were getting ready to go for their respective schedules. Everyone was running around, sometimes crashed into each other in such a mess, getting their stuffs ready. Everyone except a certain Art Like Voice who had been really calm. Calm Yesung was something you really didn’t like. It’s either he was thinking about something he didn’t like to share, or worse, he was sick. In this case, it was the ‘worse’ part. Since he woke up about an hour ago, he still felt the qualmishness in his stomach. And now the feeling added with a fever. So after he gathered all of his things ready on his reach, he just sat calmly on the couch, watching his fellow members turned the dorm upside down.

“Yah! Sungmin Hyung! Why are you looking at Yesung hyung like that?” The Evil, snarky, glaring Koala suddenly popped up beside Sungmin, who intently watching Yesung from their shared bedroom. Sungmin jolted up a little and looked up to the magnae beside him and scowled.
“I want to make sure he’s okay. I found him this morning in a very mess condition. He said he’d been vomiting,” Sungmin answered with a whisper, so only Kyuhyun could hear. Kyuhyun being Kyuhyun, when he heard HIS hyung got sick this morning, suddenly alarmed.
“HE’S WHAT?!?”
All the members, including the Sick Lead Singer turned their heads towards the magnae, while Sungmin just put an innocent face.

“What’s wrong Kyu-ah?” Yesung asked with a slightly hoarse voice. Kyuhyun and Sungmin frowned at their hyung. He’s really sick, Kyuhyun muttered mentally, now started getting more worried.
“Nothing Hyung hehehe..” Kyuhyun answered with an awkward giggle and scooted closer to Yesung and as usual snuggled close to HIS hyung. Sungmin just rolled his eyes and kept watching Yesung silently, while the Lead Singer patted the magnae’s head gently.

In the end, all the members beside Sungmin and Kyuhyun, realized their precious Lead Singer wasn’t in good condition. So after they finished with the dance practice, Donghae, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Sungmin and Kyuhyun hovered around Yesung.
“Hyungie, are you okay?” Donghae asked with a worried face. Yesung just smiled weakly, not believing himself to speak. Since the queasiness started getting worse as the day went by.
“Hyung, are you really okay? You look so pale,” Eunhyuk got worry when he saw the lead singer getting paler. Before Yesung could answer, Ryeowook, Shindong and Kangin came in with their lunch box.


“Hyungie..Here’s your lunch. I made it myself,” Ryeowook gave the special lunch box to Yesung who accepted it with a weak smile. I don’t think I can eat it, Yesung mumbled mentally. The members gathered at the corner of the room and opened their lunch box. At the first sight everyone could see the unfairness and started complaining.
“Ryeowook-ah, why does Sungie Hyung have more rice than me?” whined Shindong.
“Wook-ah, where’s my kimchie? It looks like they go all the way to Yesung’s lunch,” Leeteuk protested.
“Yah!! Kim Ryeowook!! Why do I only have 2 pieces of chicken? Why does Sungie Hyung have more?!” Kyuhyun snarled, accompanied by a flicked on his forehead from Sungmin.
“hehehe..Sorry Hyungs, but I want Hyungie to have more energy today. So I made the lunch box special for him,”Ryeowook answered sheepishly before turned to Kyuhun,”Yah! You brat! Just be grateful you still have chicken!”
After all the chaos settled, they started to eat. Sungmin and Kyuhyun watched closely at their turtle loving hyung. Yesung just played with his lunch, he only ate a little piece here and there. Sungmin and Kyuhyun looked at each other and got more uneasy. The members looked incredulously when Yesung stood up abruptly and running towards the door. CRAP! Sungmin and Kyuhyun muttered mentally and started to search for their hyung. They went inside the toilet when they heard a vomiting voice from one of the cubicle.

“Yesung hyung, are you okay?” Kyuhyun asked, worry dripped from his voice. Sungmin knocked the cubicle’s door gently. Yesung came out a moment later, face flushed and wobbly legs. Sungmin and Kyuhyun hurriedly got to Yesung’s sides and helped him stand.
“GOD! You’re sweating Hyung! Look how pale you are!” Sungmin started to freak out. GOD! What are we going to do? Sungmin and Kyuhyun sat Yesung down in their private lounge and got him a hot lemon tea.
“Drink this hyung,” Sungmin urged Yesung to drink the tea. Yesung got the cup with a shaking hand and drank it carefully. Kyuhyun helped him to wipe the cold sweat from his face. After finished with the tea, Sungmin laid him down on the couch, brewing another cup of tea, while Kyuhyun called the Leader.
“Teukie hyung, it’s me. You better come here quickly.”
“Kyunnie, what’s wrong?”
“Just come here, to our lounge. NOW!”

5 minutes later, Leeteuk with the rest of the members steeped inside the lounge only to see a very pale, sick Yesung. Ryeowook, Donghae and Leeteuk rushed toward the Lead Singer.
“Yesung-ah!! What happen to you?!” Leeteuk worriedly sat on the carpeted floor beside the couch.
“HYUNGIEE!!” Donghae and Ryeowook stood on other side.
“He’d been vomiting,” Sungmin answered after put the new brewed tea on the table. Yesung glared at him, or at least tried to glare in his sick state.
“WHAT?!? Yesung-ah why didn’t you tell Hyung?” Leeteuk faced the very pale Yesung. His eyes got a bit teary, and Yesung felt a pang of guilt.
“Maybe it’s just something I had Hyung,” Yesung answered with a shaky voice.
“Is it because of my cooking Hyungie?” asked Ryeowook. He felt terrible if it was his cooking that made his hyungie sick. Yesung frantically shook his head.
“Of course not Wookie-ah. It was something I had maybe a few days ago. Your cooking’s perfectly fine, but I just can’t hold the queasiness any longer,” Yesung tried to appease his dongsaeng when he saw how upset Ryeowook was.
“Yah!! Kim Ryeowook! Can you stop upsetting him? He’s terribly sick,” Kyuhyun snapped, seeing HIS hyung’s attempt to appease Ryeowook, in his sick state. Ryeowook jolted up a bit hearing Kyuhyun’s sudden anger and smiled sweetly at HIS Hyungie.
“Then I will cook a lot of things for you so you can be healthy again Hyungie,” Ryeowook cheerily said. Yesung just smiled weakly and nodded.
“Do you think we need to get him to the hospital Hyung?” Sungmin asked Leeteuk who still looked at Yesung worriedly.
“Of course we do. The sooner the better,” Kangin answered hastily. He didn’t like his best friend looked awfully pale and weak like that. Leeteuk nodded his head.
“Yesung-ah, after all the practice finish, we will go to the hospital. I’ll call manager hyung to cancel your schedule after the practice,” Leeteuk said,” And you don’t need to go to dance practice again. You need to rest.” With that said, all the members got back to practice for a while, and back to fetch Yesung and brought him to hospital.

After the long chaptered of medical terms, they finally knew that the Lead Singer caught a STOMACH FLU. That’s why he’d been vomiting a lot and got himself a high fever. Every single day, every members of Super Junior took care of him.
Ryeowook cooked him a lot of nutritious food, Leeteuk helped him when he was vomiting, Sungmin helped feeding him, even the BIG RACCOON himself, helped him to get the fever down. Everyone in the dorm was practically in rotation to nurse him, except a certain snuggling KOALA. Leeteuk literally put a ‘KYUHYUN FREE ZONE’ sticker outside the Lead Singer’s room, so when the magnae just even tried to open the door, someone might just appear and dragged him far from the room. To say that Kyuhyun was depressed was really an understatement. HE WAS FURIOUS TO THE WHOLE WORLD. IT’S NOT FAAAAAAAAAIRRRR!!!! Kyuhyun always retorted mentally when he saw everyone got the chance to visit the sick Lead singer, but himself.

“Teukie Hyung, is BabyKyu on schedule? I haven’t seen him in these few days,” Yesung asked the Leader on the 4th day. His vomiting period was lesser than before, his fever was already going down, and he didn’t have a diarrhea anymore. Leeteuk just furrowed his brows. And as if on cue, Kyuhyun poked his head inside Yesung’s bedroom.
“Hyung, are you okay?” Kyuhyun asked, worry still plastered on his face. He only had a chance to visit the sick Art Like Voice when he was going to bed, and he couldn’t snuggle to him, since an overprotective Umma guarded inside HIS hyung’s bedroom. Yesung motioned him to come inside, much to Leeteuk dismay. Kyuhyun just grinned smugly and approached HIS hyung.
“How’s BabyKyu doing? Hyung is okay now,” Yesung answered with a sweet smile, while brushing the magnae’s hair. Leeteuk just rolled his eyes, and took the dry towel from Yesung’s forehead and sank it inside the basin.
“I’m fine. Are you still vomiting hyung?” asked the magnae tried to snuggle closer to Yesung. Of course the overprotective Umma grabbed him and told him to sit up straight. “Don’t disturb Jongwoonie’s rest,” Leeteuk snarled at the magnae.
“Not as often as before. I can eat something other than porridge now,” Yesung answered nonchalantly. Kyuhyun nodded happily. He got his colour back, Kyuhyun observed his hyung’s face. A moment later all the members barged in to Yesung’s bedroom, followed by Ryeowook who bring his hyungie’s dinner and medicine.

“OK. Now everyone, OUT! Jongwoonie needs to rest. Especially you CHO KYUHYUN! OUT..OUT..OUT..” the overprotective Umma shooed everyone from Yesung’s bedroom. After a long whiny from all the members, mostly from Ryeowook and Donghae, Leeteuk managed to get all the members out. Kyuhyun snuggled first before he left the room, deathly glare threw at the Band’s Umma. After the last person out of the room, Leetetuk took his position on his “throne” near Yesung’s bed.
“Now you have to sleep Yesung-ah. Hyung will be here,” Leeteuk said with a gentle voice. Yesung just smiled brightly at his hyung and drifted to dreamland.

A week later, Yesung finally healed from his stomach flu. But the doctor told him and the rest of the members to not overwork himself, and eat more nutritious food, which Ryeowook nodded frantically in front of the doctor. They went back home and let Yesung got some rest. Leeteuk already moved his “throne” back to its place, but still attached the “KYUHYUN FREE ZONE” sticker in front of Yesung’s door. Yesung just giggled cutely at his hyung and patted the magnae’s head gently before enetered his room.

Yesung woke up early in the morning to grab a glass of water when he saw Sungmin walked out of the bathroom. The way he looked it, Sungmin didn’t look so good.
“Sungmin-ah, are you okay?” Yesung asked when he saw Sungmin walked slowly to the kitchen. Sungmin jumped in surprise, because he didn’t know someone already up.
“Oh..I’m fine hyung. I just want to grab a drink,”Sungmin answered with a low voice. Yesung grabbed a glass and filled it with warm water before handed it to Sungmin. Sungmin just mumbled a “Thanks Hyung” and drank.
“Do you have an early schedule Minnie-ah?” Yesung asked, still eyeing the not-looking-so-good Sungmin.
“Nope. I’m free today. I just want to take a rest,” Sungmin answered, silently and stealthily massaging his head. Yesung, noticed it just furrowed his brows. Is he got the stomach flu also? My bad, Yesung muttered silently, feeling guilty for his dongsaeng.
“OK then, go to bed. I’ll wake you up before breakfast,” Yesung said with a sweet smile. Sungmin nodded and turned to his shared room. After washing the glasses, Yesung also got back to his room.

When everyone returned from their schedule, they quite surprised to see Sungmin covered up in thick blankets.
“Sungmin-ah, are you okay? Do you have a fever? Do you feel sick anywhere?” the leader asked with a worry face. Yesung just recover, now Sungmin got sick also.
“Sungmin-ah, I’m sorry. Must be because of me” Yesung approached the covered up Sungmin, brushed his bangs softly, felt his skin a little bit warm. Sungmin just shook his head frantically.
“No Hyung, the way I see it, it’s just a flu. It’ll heal in matter of days,” Sungmin said assuring the Lead Singer. “Now I go to get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Sungmin slowly walked his shared room, when Yesung called out. Sungmin stopped and turned around.

“You better rest in my room. It’s quiet in there,” Yesung offered with a warm smile. He approached his dongsaeng and led him to his room, only to be stopped by everyone, especially the snuggling magnae. He held Yesung’s hand tightly.
“Yesung-ah, you just recovered. We don’t want you to catch a cold after what happened last week,” Leeteuk said with a soft voice, tried to convince Yesung it was such a bad idea. Kyuhyun and the other nodded their heads frantically.
“I won’t catch it. I will sleep across the room in Ryeowookie’s bed. So..Good night Guys. Have a nice dream, and we’ll see you tomorrow,” Yesung said, and continued leading the covered bunny boy to his room. Yesung entered the room first to get the bed ready for Sungmin, and put a thick comforter on his bed. After finished, he called Sungmin to enter his room.
“Sungmin-ah, come on in. The bed’s ready. You have to take a rest,” Yesung approached the bunny boy and led him to his room. Before Yesung closed the door, Sungmin faced the members who eyeing the Lead Singer worriedly and smirked. He stuck his tongue out mischievously, and closed the door.
WHAT THE ?!!!!!!!!!? Everyone got a shocked of their lives. There’s no way the bunny boy manipulate their oblivious Lead Singer. That was their Evil Magnae’s job, not the bunny boy. Everyone still stood agape in shock and quite speechless for a moment. But when they snapped out of their reverie, they rushed to Lead Singer’s room and punched the door.

“GUYS!! Be Quiet!! Sungminnie’s sleeping!” Yesung reprimanded all of them.
The boys stood there in shock, while inside, Sungmin had to hide under the thick comforter and curled up to hold his laugh. It’s my turn now people, Sungmin snickered mentally. When the members started knocking the door in a harsh way, Yesung scolded them really hard. Sungmin had to fake a cough to hide his laughter.


Everyone outside the Lead Singer’s room stoned. Donghae and Ryeowook started tearing up, didn’t want to believe their Hyungie just scold them. They finally moved from Yesung’s bedroom door, with a grudge in their hearts.




A/N: I want to post my OS while I'm searching for more ideas about my chaptered story hehehe..I write it in a rush before my conference started. Of course it's absolutely and extremely weird, but if you happen to read it, comments and critics will be appreciated :D

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410 streak #1
eRnah_hanRe07 #2
Chapter 1: ..' cute story..
..' like it, keep it up.. :)
may1505 #3
Chapter 1: i love this story so much. Yesung being pampered by the other members... So cute. =D
This is perfect. I love the way everyone freaks out over Sungie. X) And how they fight over him. XD Yemin is too perfect. Like, for seriel. XDD
ysismine #5
Chapter 1: LOL xD the sneaky evil magnae has been replaced by the pink bunny xD kyahaha
ohh I thought he was innocent but ugh maybe he's hang out too much with kyu ._. Yes just put the blame on kyu xD
unnie this is soo epic xD mwahaha
still waiting for ur meet the kims update -33- chuuu
xlns321x #6
Chapter 1: yemin!!!I love it! I missed your one shots, they are so cute!I love how everyone goes crazy over yesung, lol.
givivi123 #7
Chapter 1: Awww! This is so cute! Totally brightened my day!
Eggums #8
Chapter 1: Omigosh, i laughed so much! Ahhh, i really love this!
Sungmin, so sneaky!
So funny, well done!