How To Win Back A Choding

How To Win Back A Choding

How to Win Over a Choding.

Kyuhyun returned home sulking, this was the third day in a row he was unsuccessful in winning her over. Her heart was made of stone. How could  such a tiny girl hold so much anger? Would she not explode? Because he was sure he would. And why the hell was she upset at him anyways?

He sigh, so much for spending a wonder dinner together. He thought dating within the company was suppose to be easy, after all, Lee Soo Man had given them all permissions to date as long as they all report it to the company first. But how could it be so much more complicated?

He wonder if they did this to mess with it as a lesson as to why they shouldn't date, and just live life as a dried up coconuts or something because if dating within the company was this hard, who knows how much worst it could be out there? This will sure keep them all out of rumors and scandals......

No. That wasn't it. The stupid fish Donghae has been dating Jessica for at least a year and things seems peach perfect. Even the chicken Obsessed Onew was going happily along in life with Luna.......And don't even get him started on Yunho and BoA.......No....The problem was Kim Hyoyeon. The girl is a nightmare trapped in a tiny body. But she could be so sweet too, and yet she drives him crazy thinking about her.

The dorm's phone ring then, and since he was home alone, he had the pleasure of answering it.

"What?" He said snappingly into the phone.

"Well hello to you too Mr. Sunshine." The girl snapped right back.

"Oh." He recognized the voice. "What do you want Sica? Donghae isn't here. You should try calling his cell." He was bitter, but there was no reason to be angry with other people. At least their love life was going well.......No that was definitely a reason to be bitter. 

"He's right here." Jessica said. "I'm not calling to look for him. I'm calling for you."

This surprised him a bit. "Why? Are you planning on cheating?"

"Ew." She replied. "No you stupid gamer. Not in a million years.Especially with you. I don't know what Hyoyeonie sees in you, but I see nothing special~"

"Well thanks." He said sarcastically. "But if you called to insult me, you need to hang up right now."

"You started it." She said. "Listen. I know the two of you are on the outs."

He sigh and switch the phone to his other ear."Yeah. So?"

"I wanna help."

"What would that cost me?" He said slowly though interested in what she had to offer.

"Oh come on. I'm not that selfish. I want my best friend to be happy."


"And I want you to leave the dorm to me and Donghae for a week when ever we want it."

Kyuhyun smirked, that was more like the Jessica he knew. "Alright. Deal. But nothing least not in my room."

"I do what ever the hell I want. Hae will be back with what you needed~ Goodnight." Jessica wasted no time to hear his goodbye and hung up. Kyuhyun ponder on what she had to offer him in his quest to win his girlfriend over again. He wonder if he had made the right move. But, if it meant getting her back, then it was worst a shot, especially since he himself was clueless as to getting her back for himself.


As promised, when Donghae returned home that night, he handed him an envelop which he quickly snatched and return to his own room.

He quickly opened it. Revealing a piece of paper with a list of things written on it. It was titled, 'How to Win back a Choding, a Guide for a dummy.'

"Stupid Sica...." He said under his breath. But he read it anyways (Even if she had managed to insult him with every bullet points). If one thing he was sure Jessica could do better than her singing, it was understanding Hyoyeon.


How to Win back a Choding, A Guide for a dummy

  • You should never, I repeat, never win a game against her! No matter how trivial. Especially if you are her boyfriend. Try winning though, if you wanna be single.
  • Don't be too pushy. You're not the girl in the relationship.
  • Don't make her call you first. I don't need to tell you why right? You could at least text her goodnight. Rude.
  • Learn how to dance better, you do realized she's called the 'Dancing Queen' right? Do you honestly want her dancing king to be Eunhyuk? Taemin? Yunho? kai? Seriously......
  • Stop trying to make her play your stupid video games....she could hardly figure out how to use her iPad. And it's not even fun.
  • Would it kill you to be a little more romantic? Sharing your fan given candies doesn't count. She get plenty of that on her own.
  • Her favorite flowers are tulips. Stop sending her daisies! What are you? 12?
  • Why are you laughing at her speech mistakes? So immature! Only her members can do this!
  • Stop looking at other girls. She's not blind. Geez.
  • You wouldn't die if you offer her some compliments once in a while. Jerk.
  • Back to point one, if she's cheating in a game, you should not call her out!
  • Lastly, a night of her cooking you dinner isn't romantic, especially if you show up late with a half eaten box of chocolates.

if you hurt her again, I have premmision from your members to beat you with a stick.

Anyways, I could assume you are not gonna mess this up right? You're not as stupid as people think you are......



Kyuhyun cursed out loud. Who the hell does she think she is? How dare she insult him? And not as stupid as people think he is? Who would dare think he's less than intelligent?

He crumbled out the paper and tossed it into the trash bin in a fit of rage but dug it back out a moment later. Jessica may be rude and evil but she knew Hyoyeon and want her to be happy, so there was no reason to doubt her words, no matter how mean she can be about it.

Trying to do as the bullets has instructed him, he quickly retrieved his cell phone and quickly compose a message.

"Here goes nothing." He mumbled and pressed send.

To: My Hyoyeonie

 My princess Kim Hyoyeon.

Have a sweet dream.

Oppa is thinking of you.


-Kyuhyun oppa

About a minute later, a message returned from the same number.

From: My Hyoyeonie

Gross. Who are you?

Go away. You got the wrong number.

Kyuhyun scolded at the childish message. She was still playing hard to get. Remembering what was written on the list, Kyuhyun type calmly into the phone again.

To: My Hyoyeonie

That's okay.

All that matters is that oppa knows you.

Sweet dreams Hyoraengi

-Kyuhyun oppa

He set his phone aside and sat there for a while, wondering what his next move was when he suddenly realized he did have something amazing he can do for her and grabbed his phone to quickly text Jessica.

To: The Devil

Hey. Get Hyoyeonie to meet me at the head quarter tomorrow at 7pm sharp.

A while later, a reply came.

From: The Devil

Fine. I hopes you know what you're doing.

He smiled, he definitely know what he was going to do and it would definitely be a success.


Kyuhyun scan the room slowly for a final inspection, checking over the stero, table, flowers, and anything else he could think of. Finally, everything was as how he want it. Now all that was left was to bring in was the guest of honor. Checking his watch, it was 10minutes before Jessica was to show up at the main entrance with Hyoyeon.

He quickly discard of his apron, hiding it behind some boxes off to the side and fixed his hair for a final self-check. He then pull out his phone to type into it.

To: The Devil

Ready. Send her down.

He shoved his phone into his pocket again and pressed played on the stero and dim the light. Now all he have to do was wait.



Hyoyeon glare at her friend skiptically. Crossing her arms and refusing to move until she tell her exactly what was going on.

"Oh My God..." Jessica said each words with conviction. "Do you honestly not trust in your friend of half your life?"

Hyoyeon only responsed with the glare.

"I am actually really hurt right now." Jessica throw her hands in the air, looking hurt.


Jessica smiled her most radient one.

"But Jung Jessica I swear to God, if this is another one of your pranks I am so going to stock the entire apartment with so much cucumbers, you'll die of allergies." Hyoyeon said with all seriousness. "Where do I go?"

"What a Jerk." Jessica winced at the idea of being stalked by cucumbers. Kyuhyun better do this right or she will drag him down with her if she's going to be killed by those green little things. "Just that way." She pointed at the stairs."Go to the third floor. You'll know where to go after that."

Hyoyeon knodded and made her way towards the stairs, half praying it wasn't a ghost prank, half praying it wasn't a ghost prank and be put on TV to humiliate herself.

Walking slowly and carefully, she claimed to the second floor then made her way to the third floor. When she finally made her way to the top, she gasped. Rose petals mixed with cherry blossom made a trail for her to follow. The trail was lit by candles which flicker in the darkness along the path. Her lips automatically curl into a smile as she take small carefully steps on the trail of petals towards it's destination.

Keeping focus on the path, she was lead to the media room, a sign on the door asking her to come in. She turned the knob nervously and step inside. She was greeted with a small tiger sitting on the table in front of her which began playing 'We no Speak Americano", making the smile on her face spread even wider.

Picking up the stuffed toy from the table, she notice a card on the table which read, "Please follow the hearts." Confused, she scan the room but found nothing out of the ordinary.

She turn the knob to step back outside with the tiger in hand. She was suddenly surprised the now eluminated hallway and the little hearts stickers along the wall. Has it always been there? Following instructions none the less, she followed the hearts towards another sign which also ask her to enter. 

She took a deep breath and step inside. Her eyes began filling with tears while hung open. The once small confrence room was tranformed into a romantic dinner room for two. The only source of light was by candles dancing around the room, strings of sparking little lights were deck around the wall. The center sat a table covered with a light green table cloth. On the table sat spicy rice cake, sizzling in it's pot.

Slow jazz began to play softly in the background as a man emerges from the shadow. "Surprises." He said.

"Kyuhyun oppa." She said, audible enough for him to hear. "You....did all this?"

He nodded, walking towards her and taking her hands.

"I....why?" There was no longer irritation and anger in her voice which was exactly what he was looking for.

"What do you mean why?" He asked, kissing her tip of her nose lightly, sending shivers down her entire body like he always does. 

"I mean....what for?"

"I can't do anything nice for my favorite girl?" He asked teasingly.

"I guess." She replied, looking up at him with a small smile on her lips.

"You guess?" He chuckled lightly. She always love the sound of his laughter she thought. He pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms behind the small of her back while staring down at her.

"What are you trying to do here?"

"I'm not trying anything." He said. "I'm just doing what a boyfriend should do. Honest." 

"Oh alright." Hyoyeon shook her head but the smile never left her face, the tiger still tuck under her arm.

"So you're not mad any more?"

"Ah.....So all of this is done as an apology?" She gave him a knowing look.

"Well...Yeah. I mean, no. I'm doing this because I love a little choding." Hyoyeon raised her brows questioningly. "Alright and because I want you to stop being mad at me."

"That's better."

"So you're not mad any more right?"

"You would never know, would you?" She stick her tongue out at him and break free from his grasp to approach the table with food.

Kyuhyun chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "You're going to make me do this every time you're upset at me aren't you?"

She turned to flash a white smile at him. "Yeah. Yeah I probably expect it from now on." She giggled then and extend her left hand for him to join her at the table while the music continue to play.

Kyuhyun grinned and happily join the small girl as she served the two of them the rice cake. Though he would never truely get why she was upset, all that matter now was that he was on her good side again.

"You owe Jessica something now, don't you." She asked as she take a big bite of rice cake.


"She's not going to go easy on you." She laughed.

"Probably not."

"She's going to make you suffer."


"It would be really funny."

"You're really cruel you know that?"

"Yeah. But you love me anyways." 

"Yea, I love you anyways."

And there were many benifits in being on her goodside.


Little Fluff~ I was bored. =P there you go, another KyuHyo.


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zoewaders #1
Chapter 1: Love the pairing!!! Rare but VERY CUTE!!!
kim_032 #2
HyoKyu!! so cutee~
Chapter 1: Eh.. cute ^^
Chapter 1: cute ~~ ^_^
Chapter 1: Gee! This is soooo sweet :') Thanks for write this down, authornim :)
Chapter 1: Lol
from the guide I can see that Kyu is really to be blame. hahaha
now you know how to handle a choding :P
thanks for another KyuHyo story!
infiknight_hyohyuk #7
Chapter 1: You made Kyuhyo again :)) lol Sica was so funny with the guide that she wrote and her thoughts abou cucumbers :D And finally fluff in the end :D I started to ship this couple :)
Thanks for writing this story :D
Chapter 1: OMG KYUHYO!!!! I love it