Chapter 38

I Love You, Stupid
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A short note before you reading this chapter:

I have 2  good news..

1 chapter left and this story will be over!

But don't be sad...

It's 2014 and new year

So I must have a new story too!

This story will be continuous in a new story with a different titled but SAME story plot!

The 2nd series of this story titled My Precious Sandara

This story gonna tell you bout their marriage life featuring Tae Soon!

And 2nd good news is I have new story too *that One step behind you oneshot if you remember*

So now..let's read this chapter!

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!


I love you all my stupid readers!





Sunday, we spending our free time at golf club. It was Dad idea and no one dare enough to speak out their objection beside Dad said he wanna challenge my Chaerin on this game. If Chaerin win the game then Dad will agree with Chaerin idea to marry me next month and if Chaerin lost we had to agree with his idea that we gonna married next year! Silly isn't it? But I know 

Dad did that for some reason. A reason that he don't wanna be separated with his only daughter. It must be hard for him.I told Mom that I wanna go to bathroom, Mom nodded while her eyes still watching her lover and my lover talking to each other with their serious face. I walk to the cafeteria, when I lift my head up, I stop walking and frozen. They approach me. Felix, his Mom and a girl and they stop in front of me.

"Hi.. Auntie..." I greet Felix Mom hesitaetly but she just staring at me with her disgusting face. I look at Felix, he showed me his sweet smile.

"Don't call me auntie. Call me Mrs. Yoo. And....." She grab the girl wrist. "Meet Dr. Shin. Felix fiancee and soon to be his wife." Felix Mom emphasize the words fiancee and wife. I look at the girl and smile. She smiling back at me.

"Hi Doc. I'm Sandara Park." I saw her frowning when I told her my name.

" you're that Sandara Park..."

"Yes. I am. Do you know me?" I ask. She showed me her guilty smile.

"No...well... I heard... Well.... It's okay. It doesn't matter. It has nothing to do with me anyway." She answer making me even more curious.

"No. Just say it. What did you heard about me." I insisted. I saw Felix nervous face. Dr. Shin glaring at Mrs. Yoo for a second.

"What did Mrs. Yoo tell you about me?" I ask again. Mrs. Yoo chuckling and it sounds too sarcastic, then she answered me. 

"The truth. I told her every single things. She has the right to know about the man that she's going to marry. I told her his past especially about you who betrayed and cheated on him. You who humiliated Yoo Family by cheating behind Felix and you choosed your poor and pathetic bodyguard instead of my perfect son and what disgusting about it is....the one that you choosed over my son is a girl! You have no shame don't you? I wonder where did you have those guts to stand in front of me and blocking my way after what you've done to my son! You didn't even come to me and apologize for your mistake. You leave my son without a single word."

"Mom stop it!" Felix trying to stop his mother. My hands shaking. I'm mad, of course! She's insulting my lover. Felix moving one step ahead and reaching for my hand.

"Don't touch that witch Felix!" Her Mom yelling at him. I ducked my head even more lower. Felix lift my chin. "I'm so sorry. 

Please don't take this to heart. I didn't...."

My tears fall to my cheeks. Even now Felix still care bout me and he still wants to comfort me. I shift my head to my right side and saw Chaerin standing not a far from us, holding a golf club with her worried face. But she didn't do anything. She's just there, watching us. I still could see her hand holding the golf club tightly.

"Honey.. stop crying.." Felix whispering and wiping my tears away.

"I swear Felix! I'm gonna hurt that if you didn't let her go!" His Mom threatened him but Felix didn't even move. His eyes was glued on my face. His hurt and sad eyes.

"Please...let me go... Your Mom gonna hurt me.." Finally, I manage to speak up. Felix shooking his head and strocking my cheeks. "No. She won't.." But then someone push him away so hard. And I received a hard slap on my cheek. Felix can't do anything, he's frozen on his spot. He just watching his Mom abusing my cheek. Mrs. Yoo lifting her expensive golf club, intend to hitting me with it. I close my eyes but then someone pull me in and I heard that familiar voice groaning. Chaerin!

I open my eyes quickly and saw her precious cheek bleeding. I look at them 3 who frozen and shocked. My eyes widen when I saw the wound and bruise on her cheek. Mrs. Yoo intend to hitting me with her golf club but with Chaerin's fast act the golf club hitting her precious cheek instead while her arms keeping me safe from that hit.

"Are you okay?" She asked me with her heavy  breath. I could see anger in her eyes. She grab my arms and shaking me lightly. 

"My precious, answer me. Are you okay?" Still with that heavy breath. I nodded my head slowly. I guess my face is pale. Mrs. Yoo looks scary when she mad. Chaerin kiss my eyes, trying to calm me down before she turn and facing Felix and his Mom.

"Don't worry Mrs. Yoo. I won't sue you for this scar." She said while wipping her blood. Her voice sounds calm but firm. "I don't have money nor wealthy to pay a lawayer to sue you. But I do have a pride. The most priceless thing other than money. You're coming from a wealthy family, you should know it better. I hope this is the last time you touch my wife. Mr. Lee will do anything if he know that you hurting his daughter but I can do more than Mr. Lee. You don't know what a poor people capable off when they get mad."

I look at Chaerin proudly. Proud because her words manage to make Mrs. Yoo face changed and she went speechless. I don't even know if it's an advice but to me it's more like a threat. Yeah. They don't know, Chaerin could only kill just with her stare when she's really mad.

She bow at Mrs. Yoo. "I'm sorry if my words making you think that I don't deserve to threatening you. I still respecting you as the eldest but as a older you should discuss about this with a better manner instead of hitting someone else daughter like she's your slave. I didn't mean to humiliate your perfect son in front of his soon to be wife but in case you don't know, when Felix visiting her at Pyongy

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i think chaerin inlove at first sight to dara
Chapter 34: Currently reading this fic again while listening to "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin. I don't know why but the song fits with the feeling of the story perfectly. It's superb !!!
tessaymeg #3
Chapter 18: omg this story damn good !!hahaha daebakkk authornim………
Jelieber94_ #4
I hope there's pdf for ILYS
Chapter 36: "The communists should just kill me instead of torturing me half alive and I won't be here..."

I cluntch my fist and walk back to her with my anger on my face. "And you should let me die first only then I would allow you to die!" I yelled.

"Why do I need to be here when you don't want me? You don't love me! Am I right?"

"Are you blamming me now? Don't you realize your own mistake? Who the one that send me away?! Who..." I stop when suddenly she showing me her naughty smile. She got up and pinch my nose.

"I miss this fight..." Then she kiss my forehead.

"You're crazy!" I push her and walk away. "Because Lee Chaerin is crazily in love with Sandara Park!" I heard her screaming making me smile but my smile fade away when I saw Dad standing in front of me while raising his eyebrows.

"You should screaming back, don't you? Because Sandara Park is crazily in love with Lee Chaerin too." I smile again. "You know the answer Dad." I said and walk inside.

Oh god, my heart....this part....I can' cute TT.TT
chaerashipper08 #6
Chapter 13: Damn! I'm crying. What now? </3
Jelieber94_ #7
I love you too, stupid.
Woodbox #8
Chapter 39: best story ever
blackjackdirectioner #9
Chapter 37: Yesss!!!! Post it and send me the link !
queenofGZB #10
Chapter 40: I repeated reading this fanfic until I cant count it. How can u write something that gave a real feeling in ma heart. Thanks authornim for this super fanfic. When Chaera is heartbreaking I also feel like dying reading. Once again tq. *bow*