
Number One Stalker


Two days had already passed after that beautiful moment where Seonmi met Suho up-close. She found herself daydreaming as she thought of the days that had passed. She could say that she and Suho were already acquaintances or more likely friends since they acknowledge each other's presence. Sometimes, Suho would just wave at her, and she would always be starstrucked. She was smiling dreamily when her eyes fell upon the person beside her. Baekhyun. Her expression changed as she came back to reality. It was also two days that had passed when she promised a treat to Baekhyun. Oh well, she didn't really promise it. More like, Baekhyun suggested it. And well, having loads of assignments, she didn't get to treat him that day, and yesterday. She thought Baekhyun would forget about it, but she thought wrong. It was still crystal clear to his head, and today was his lucky day because Seonmi and him got home earlier than usual.
''Annyeonghaseyo Ahjumma, can I have three orders of bibimbap?'' Seonmi asked politely, as she bowed to the old vendor of their favorite food stall.
The Ahjumma gave her a bright smile and nodded, as she started cooking Seonmi's order.
''Yaaay! Thanks Seonmi-ah~! You're the best!'' Sunmi rolled her eyes upon hearing Baekhyun's celebrating-voice.
Well, Baekhyun was endlessly bugging her when they got home from school, telling her that she owed him a treat since she just pulled him away from his friends just few days ago, which resulted to his great hunger. Oh well...she got no choice, does she? Besides, she couldn't really stand Baekhyun's bugging. And now, Their favorite food stall is where Seonmi's allowance ended up. Thanks to her Bestfriend.
She and Baekhyun sat down on the bench beside the stall, as they patiently waited for their order, more like his order. It was full silence, but it wasn't awkward, it was a soothing silence..atleast to Sunmi's opinion. Not having to hear Baekhyun's nagging, of course it's soothing to her ears. Sometimes, she would wonder if Baekhyun was really older than her. And she would occasionally doubt it. Especially when he acts childish and stuff infront of her.
''Here's your order, young lady.'' she was brought back to the world when she heard the Ahjumma's voice. Just as she was to get it, a hand suddenly stole it excitedly. She eyed the hand and looked to the side, seeing Baekhyun's sheepish smile. ''Hehe, sorry, just excited.''
Seonmi scoffed at him playfully, and her expression suddenly faded as she faced the Ahjumma, replacing it with a respectful grin. She quickly handed her the payment, and the Ahjumma gave her back the smile. ''Gamsahamnida!''
Seonmi sat back at the bench and eyed the eating Baekhyun curiously. ''Ya...don't tell me you're eating those three bowls by yourself. And don't tell me you're eating them all right now.'' she remarked, gaping at him.
Baekhyun looked up and laughed, ''Of course not. I'll save this two bowls of bibimbaps later for my dinner. By the way, Thanks again.'' he stucked his tounge out, and went back to his eating. Completely oblivious with the surroundings.
Seonmi shook her head as she tore her gaze at him. Once again, it was silence...and all Seonmi could do is stare out of nowhere. She stared at the surroundings for a while to ease her boredom. People crossing the street, Students laughing at the side, the busy traffic-lights and cars, the healthy trees everywhere, the peaceful blue sky. She smiled, somehow, it amused her to watch simple things like that.
Not until she heard a familliar voice somewhere. She totally broke her gaze off the amusing surroundings, or so she thought.
''Good Evening Ahjusshi.'' the voice said. ''Can I have one order of sushi?''
She turned her head to the voice, her eyes widdening as to who it was. There she saw Suho, smiling and bowing to the old vendor just two blocks away from their favorite stall. Just by the glimpse of him, she automatically felt the familliar rapid beating of her heart. "B-Baekhyun ah....'' she unconsciously mumbled, still not breaking off her gaze at Suho.
Baekhyun replied, not looking up or anything. Oh well, he's enjoying his meal. "Yeah?"

"I-I'll be back, wait for me here, Arrasseo?" she said, and stood up. And that's when Baekhyun finally looked up. "Where are you going?'' he raised his brows, looking at his bestfriend curiously.
''Just...uh...somewhere!'' she said quickly, before adding, ''Or if you want, you can go home first. I'll be fine.'' 
The latter hesitantly nodded and stood up as well, ''Okay then. Just take care of your way home." he said, fixing his bag and stuffed the plastic with the two bowls inside it.
Seonmi nodded. "Ne, bye Baekhyunnie." she waved and ran as fast as she could when she saw Suho walking away already.

Baekhyun could only scratch his head, looking at his running bestfriend weirdly. "Wonder what made her hurry."

Suho was eating his sushi's quietly as he walked home. For the first time, he went home on time. It was surprising because there was no assigned tasks or projects for him today, which is strange. He was so used to piles of papers everyday, but today, it was unusually different. But he couldn't complain, he wanted this. And while on his way home, he had decided to buy his favorite dish at his favorite street stall, how he missed eating it so bad.

The walk was quiet and peaceful. He was near his house already, but today, it felt strange. It's as if someone was following him. It's as if he was hearing another footsteps nearing him. It was weird that he could sense things just like this, but with the bunch of fangirls following and swooning on him every single day? It won't be a surprise, he got used to it. And now, he's feeling it again. Especially when it's awfully quiet on his walk home, he could easily hear things and stuffs.
He abruptly stopped on his tracks when he sense the footsteps were really near him. At first he didn't want to believe his instincts, but to his shock, the footsteps stopped too when he stopped. He turned his head at the back, seeing no one but the big tree and the bench. Wanting to be sure, he looked from left to right...but still, no one. He scratched his head. Oh, Suho. You must be thinking too much. He shook his head and continued walking. He must be hallucinating things, maybe he's just tired, or so he thought.
But much to his dismay, he sensed it again. He heard the footsteps again. And now, it's getting really creepy. He felt chills run down to his spine and stopped. He really felt like someone is following him. And this time, he was sure. Although not really sure because...what if it's just co-incidence that someone has the same tracks as him? But no. It wasn't co-incidence, especially when the footsteps stopped again when he stopped. Now, he's getting somewhat annoyed. He wanted to get this over with. But then again...who could it be? He didn't want to think about it and just turned around. 
''Is someone there?'' he straightforwardly asked to...whoever it is. It would be total embarrassment if he's talking to himself, and but naaaah, he's really sure someone is following him.
''Hello? Someone there? Are you following me?'' he asked bunch of questions again, getting more and more curious as time passed by. No one was answering him, but he didn't give up. He studied the surroundings and looked at it carefully if something was strange. He wanted to be sure. What if it's a snatcher or some bad person following him? He wanted to be sure.
And there, he saw the bushes of the plants just a block away, moving. He decided to walk towards it to ease his curiousity.
Meanwhile, Seonmi was muttering prayers on her breath as she closed her eyes tightly. Her heart was racing rapdily out of nervousness that it would come out her ribcage soon. Well, she was unconsciously following Suho on his way home, being the fangirl she is, she couldn't help it. And to think she was already getting excited at the thought that she's finally finding out where her Suho lives. Okay, it sounded very creepy, but she doesn't have any wrong intentions. She just wanna know where he lives. That's all.
But right now, she finally come to realize what the big deal it is with her actions. She nearly got caught by Suho. That's the biggest nightmare of hers, actually. She didn't know if she could even face him if he caught her. Actually, when Suho stopped on his tracks and suspected that someone was following him, she hid behind the tree, lucky her, she wasn't caught. And just as she was about to walk away to go home to avoid more fuss, Suho stopped again, which panicked the hell out of her, and she just hid the nearest bush she could see at the moment. And right now, she was totally getting ready for her nightmare to happen. Suho was walking towards the bush.
Please please please. I hope I don't get caught. Please, I beg you heavens. I will promise not to do this again. Aigoo, stupid Seonmi! she mentally prayed to her head and opened her eyes again, only to see Suho looking down at her, with an unreadable expression on his face. He was holding the bushes widely, looking down at her like he would dig a hole on Seonmi's figure.
Seonmi felt her heart racing dangerously as she gulped hard, with her body slightly shaking. Usually, when Suho looks at her like that, she would feel her cheeks burn, or her heart race out of fangirlness. But right now was different, it's as if she wished he was never looking at her right now. She swallowed hard before speaking, ''S-S-Suho Sunbaen-nim." she mumbled, giving him an apologetic look.
Suho looked down at her, with an unreadable expression. "Seonmi-sshi? Mind to explain?" his voice was surprisingly cold, wiping away the usual calmness on his voice.
Seonmi bowed her head, "S-Suho S-sunbaenim, I-I didn't mean to--"
''Whaaaat....You didn't mean to follow me?! Then what the heck are you doing here?" he slightly snapped at her. "I really can't believe this Seonmi-sshi. I thought you weren't one of them. But I thought wrong. I'm sorry too, but I have to go.'' he scoffed and walked away harshly.

Seonmi suddenly felt her heart stop beating, her eyes becoming watery, "Suho sunbaenim!! Wait!!'' she shouted, and she collapsed helplessly on her spot. Her biggest nightmare just happened.
ANNYEONG!! TT_____TT *hides* OMGOMG I'm sorry for updating really really late!! I know you're hating me right now! TT___TT
Well lol. I'm really really really sorry everyone. I I know it. Oh well, it was because I'm kinda having some problems here and yeah....really sorry!

I know you wanted to do this to me now.......but OH NO PLEASE DON'T. I HOPE YOU FORGIVE ME GUYS XD Don't worry, DUIZHANG ALREADY DID TT_________TT So, no need to kill me lols XD (please don't mind the Sehunnie picture......I didn't even know why he's there (maybe because he's my bias) but naaaaaah, his face was like "Where the heck is your next update author?" And I know you guys feel the same as what his face is sorry again!! :'X)

IM REALLY SORRY GUYS. JEONGMAL MIANHAMNIDA~ *says it with ultra mega feelings and face expression*

And anyways to end my speech....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BAOZI!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY XIUMIN OPPA!!! WE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU. YOUR EXO DONGSAENGS DOES TOO!!!!  #HappyMinseokDay so yeah guys...I think this end....SARANGHAE LOVE LOTS!!! Please comment, vote, subscribe! LOL. xD

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Mariieyaa #1
Chapter 3: Update Author-nim ! :)) Ppali! :)) I really really really love your story :)
Chapter 3: update...................................
hahakap #3
Chapter 3: wait.... so it's only a nightmare??? lol...
Aaa I love your story... really...
Updated ;)
UPDATE PLEASE! I'm waiting!!! ^^
UPDATE PLEASE! I'm waiting!!! ^^
UPDATE PLEASE! I'm waiting!!! ^^