My Life


My life is pretty out of the ordinary

i dont live like normal teenage girls

My parents??.. They travel from country to country juts to got to their jobs. I only see them two times a week....if iam lucky
My parents are probobly one of the richest people on earth... They own alot of high-end and low-end fashion stores such as LV, Burberry, Gucci, Coach, Prada, ect. 
But no one knows....and i like it that way
I hate attention. I hate fake people
That's why iam here. In a small town in Southern California. No one knows my family backround.
No one knows my parents.......
I have no siblings. The closest to a sibling i have is my cousin.....but he left me to go live his dream as an artist. He'll be debuting soon in a 5 member kpop group called Big Bang
And here i am following him and his dream. Why? You'll find out soon
My Life. I Hate it


The story iam about to tell you is probly going to be unexpected.......

Dont expect it to be nice and happy and wonderful...because I gurrantee you it wont

Lets Start at the beggining, shall we.......

This story might be Rated for the use of language and drugs and ect.


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Update plz!!!
stevenkosman #2
update it quicker please