"I gotta have the car," Mario said as they were walking in the hallway, making every girl giggle as they passed them.




*male, 16

*Thai; Chinese; German

*cool; handsome; playboy

*football player and photographer

*Self Title: "MR. EYE-CATCHER"


"And you think I'm letting you have it?" Nichkhun challenged.




*male, 16

*Thai; Chinese; American

*cute and a great-looking guy

*cool; girl's man; casanova; cocky

*loves badminton

*Self Title: "D' WINKER"


"My mom and dad married first," Mario stated.


"But dad fell in love with my mom first," replied Nichkhun.


"But dad brought my mom into the altar first."


"But your mom and dad divorced first," Nichkhun insisted.


"That's because they married first!" Mario was persistent.


"But I was born first," Nichkhun pointed out.


"And you're being immature?"


"And you're being selfish?" blurted Nichkhun.


"I so deserve to have the car. That's what I'm talkin'  about," Mario said.


"So you think I don't deserve it?"


"Yes I think so."


"You look better with your scooter. Stick with it," Nichkhun said coolly. Well, they were arguing in a cool way.


"But I look BEST with the sports car."


"Like you know how to drive," said Nichkhun sarcastically.


"Of course I do."


"Well that's what you think."


"I can prove it to you IF I'll have the car," replied Mario, emphasizing the word 'IF'.


"Too bad, you won't have it."


"If I won't have it, then you won't have it either."


"So what are we gonna do? Cut it half?"


"No need. I'll have it whole."


"COULD YOU GUYS PLEASE... SHUT UP!" Kim Bum, who was between the two, pleaded irratatedly. They kept on arguing about the whole car thingy and Kim Bum found it really annoying.




*male, 5

*cool; cute and handsome; casanova


*has dimples


*Self Title: "MR. K-SMILE"


They stopped walking because of Kim Bum's sudden reaction. "WHY ARE YOU GUYS ARGUING ABOUT A CAR?! IT'S JUST A CAR!"


"It's not just a car dude," Nichkhun corrected him. "It's a half a million-dollar sports car and it's really cool."


"And is it our fault if our dad married TWO FOREIGNER WOMEN?"


"Look," Kim Bum tried to calm himself. "If you guys really want the sports car you're saying, why not have a challenge instead of arguing all day?"


Yes. Why not have a challenge? That's a great idea. Mario and Nichkhun exchanged looks. It seemed like they're gonna deal with it. Then they looked back at Kim Bum.


"Bring it on," Mario said, accepting the challenge thingy.


Nichkhun crossed his arms below his chest and agreed. "Count me in." He took a glance at Mario and smirked. This is gonna be great, he thought.



"Math, FAILED. History, C+. English, C+." Yoona frowned and pouted as she was repeating her low remarks on the 3 subjects. "Why am I so dumb? Why?" she cried, as if she really cares about her scores. "Why? Why? Why?" She slapped her forehead in every 'why' she said. She stopped and nibbed her sandwich in full if irratation.


So Eun, Yuri, Seohyun, and Jessica exchanged looks, puzzled about Yoona's actions. Then they all looked back at her, who was now stabbing her sandwich using her fork. Suddenly, Yoona stopped and glared at Yuri. "This is all your fault," she blamed her with an 'as-if-angry' face.


"Me? Why me?" Yuri was puzzled.


"You won't let me copy that's why!" she cried.


"Heller? You're sitting in the last row on the last seat of the last column while I was sitting on the first seat of the first row and first column!" Yuri pointed out.


"And why are you acting like your mom's gonna kill you?" Jessica asked. "You usually don't mind it if you receive such low remarks." She then took a sip on her coke.


Seohyun seconded. "Yeah... you just 'whatever' it out, remember?"


Yoona pouted and explained, "That was when mom didn't say anything. But lately, she gave me a warning that if i fail one of the subjects or more, she won't give me an allowance even just a single cent," she cried(but no tears). "What should i do guys? Help me," she pleaded like it's the end of the world. She then get the tissue on the table, covered her nose and ready to blow. That was really disgusting cos it made a sound.


Her friends watched her full of disgust. "You're disgusting," Seohyun said.


Yoona's mood suddenly changed. Her face lit up and smiled at her friends. "So you guys ready to help me?" she asked, grinning.


"That's it. No matter what, you never cared about your grades. You're still a money-hungry," Jessica said, then swallowed her instant noodles up.


"I'm not a money-hungry. It's just that... i love money more than my studies," Yoona corrected Jessica with a thin smile. Then it dawned upon on her that she never loved her studies. "Oh, I never loved my studie. Pfft!" She looked down and started digging her salad.


"Then there's no way we're helping you," replied Yuri without looking up from her spaghetti.


Yoona stopped and glared at Yuri. "Such a bad bestfriend."


"Such a bad girl."


"Hm!" Yoona rolled her eyes.


So Eun interrupted. "Yoona, if you really want somebody to help you, help yourself first. Study hard and don't be so lazy."


Yoona just glanced at So Eun, and replied with the rolling of her eyes. "I'll try." Not wanting to say it, but she did. As if she could really try. Then she continued on her salad.


"Okay. So, to be fairly done, I'll be the one who'll decide the challenge between the two of you," stated Kim Bum.


Waiting for the next words, Mario and Nichkhun didn't mamage to talk. They just listened.


Kim Bum continued. "Hmmm..." He thought for a chalenge. "You guys could suggest," he allowed them.


"Football," Mario blurted out, making Nichkhun to quickly glare at him, but looked back at Kim Bum.


"That's unfair. He's the best football player in this Academy," Nichkhun protested. "And I stink  in that sport."


"Yeah...he's right," Kim Bum told Mario.


"What about badminton?" Nichkhun suugested, smiling, making Mario to quickly glare at him.


"Don't you think you're being unfair too?" Mario said. "You're so good in badminton and I'm not."


"Think of someting fair guys," Kim Bum lectured them.


They were quiet for a minute, thinking of a possible game. Then Kim BUm suddenly snapped, "Why not swimming?"


Mario and Nichkhun looked at each other, exchanging an 'agree' look, and looked at Kim Bum.


"Deal," they said in unison.


"Good," commented Kim Bum. "Now it's all set. Tomorrow, in the swimming court, at lunch," he declared.

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KunnieA #1
wow..i love it.update!!<br />
143teentop #2
mario, as in mario maurer?omo!!update soon!!