Stares and Glares

The Girl In The Corner


"Friends?" you looked at the three smiling girls.
"Yeah! Let's be friends. Kaja!" Tiffany grabbed your arm and pulled you to their table.
Gasps, whispers, and looking was all over the cafeteria.
"Don't mind them." Jessica faked a laugh.
"Yeah. They're all a bunch of jerks." Krystal added.
You looked at them, "Just like you." you smiled at them.
They gave a hard glare and smiled again, "Yeah~ that's what she said. hehe." Tiffany faked a laugh.
"Okay! So I was shopping and I found this really cute skirt at the mall. A pink with white flowers-" Krystal got cut off by you.
You rolled your eyes, "That's so you."
There was a moment of staring and silence before she started talking again, "Yeah. And so I was going to buy it, but the sizes were to big. So I asked the front person if there was a smaller size and they said that there was no smaller size. So I couldn't buy it."
You smirked at Krystal, "Because you're anorexian?" they stared at you, "Just an option. Or a fact."
Jessica sighed, "Hehe. Aw that , maybe you could come to my house because I think I have a similar one."
You fist your hand and put it to your mouth, "Ooh~ in Jessica's room.. doing what?" you laughed a little.
"Ew. Stop being a , Or- Baekim." Tiffany chuckled. Fake.
"Hey, I'm not a you are." you said back.
"No. You thought about nasty stuff about Jessica's house." Tiffany defended.
"But YOU'RE the one who THOUGHT that I was being nasty." you smirked.
Tiffany pouted. [DAMN IT! SHUT THE UP!] "Mian."
[Liar.] "Yeah. All ed are nasty." you crossed your arms.
Jessica crossed her arms. "es are es."
You smiled and pumped your fists, "And one of them are you!"
Jessica fake smiled and laughed along with you, "I guess I am." she mumbled.
School Bell Rings:
[Time to go home. Finally.] you thought to yourself.
"Baekim!" you heard familiar voices behind you.
You closed your eyes, [Damn it.] you turned around and faked a smile, "Hi, guys."
"Hi!" they waved back, "Since we're friends," they linked arms together with you, "Then let's walk together."
"Sure." you mumbled.
Tiffany half smirked half smiled at you, "Hey, since you're our NEW friend, then let's go to your house."
"Yeah. We should." the two sisters smirked half smiled back.
"Hmm," you pretended to think, "no."
"Aw c'mon! It'll be fun." they tried to convince you.
"Since we're FRIENDS," you defended,"How about you stay out of your friend's business."
They grumbled a little and faked a smile, "Oh yeah. You're our friend." they grumbled.
You nodded and looked away, [Dumb asses. You'd think I'd fall into your trap so easily? Think again. es like you will never change me. And don't even think about it.]
You parted from the arm linking, "Well I should go home now." you bowed to the older girls and walked away. 
You were walking and you turned the wrong direction to your house.
"She lives that way?" one girl whispered.
"I dunno!" one whispered back.
"She turned there." another one said. They turned to a corner and saw nothing.
"She's gone." one whispered.
"Let's go back." they followed the girl's orders and walked back.
You stepped out of the shadow and looked to where the girls were walking, "Idiotic girls." you walked the way to your house.
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Emi_changiraffe #1
Chapter 40: Please update |( ̄3 ̄)|
Chapter 40: Please update soon
Loveexo1 #3
Chapter 40: Update soon soon please!! :D
Exoticsmile #4
Chapter 40: Authornim update soon~~~
Chapter 40: Nuhhhhhhhh XD re-read this story and was sad at the clifhanger at the end lol XD Fighting for your next update!^^
Chapter 40: UPDATE SOON
f5sulli #7
Chapter 40: Ok AG first I shipped her with sehun then luhan then sehun again then kai and now I'm stuck between the three ...I hope she ends up. With kai as he seems to have gone through alot but I also want it to be luhan since luhan hasn't confessed but then sehun likes her and so does she...urgh! Maybe sehun and Krystal? I noticed Krystal has liked sehun since the beginning which leaves down to kai and luhan...idk ...gosh I love this story it is unpredictable

Please update soon :DD
Baekhyun0624 #8
Chapter 40: Update again sooooon!~ -er XD <3
Chapter 40: Oai is kai... typo...
Chapter 40: Update soon!!!! I want her to be with sehuuuuuuunnnn... jeballllll!!!!! I dont want oai or luhan.... but sehunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!