Mission Game: Two

The Girl In The Corner
You opened your eyes and push him off of you, "Mwo?"
Sehun layed down and chuckled, "Nothing."
You pointed at him, "Yah. I did not kiss you, I was doing CPR."
"Sure." Sehun nodded, trying to piss you off.
"Yah! This isn't sleeping Beauty or Snow White with gender switches! This is CPR!" you explained.
"Yeah yeah." Sehun yawned.
You growled, "Are you some kind of ert or something? Wow, Sehun. What have you been watching?" You laughed but heard nothing after a moment of silence.
You heard Sehun slightly snore. You felt bad for him sleeping topless so you took off your sweater and put it on him and went to go sleep near a tree.
Luhan from afar watched you two with jealousy and with fury. [What!?]
The next day:
"I lost my mind, the first moment when I saw you. With you, everything gets in slow motion. Please tell me, if this is love." someone sang.
You rubbed your eyes at the okay-ish singing and stared up at the figure, "You can dance but can't sing very well, Dude."
Sehun shrugged, "Let's go back before the principal finds us suspicious." he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.
"Oh god." you rolled your eyes.
"Thanks for the sweater." Sehun tried to not say it embarrassingly.
"You're welcome?" you walked ahead of him, stretching at the same time.
While you two were walking back, Sehun kept blabbering about your sleep.
"You sleep weird. What do you dream about anyways? I've never seen you with a T-shirt before. Eh, you look okay." Sehun kept talking while you ignored it.
Once you both made it back, the principal already saw you two before you guys even knew, "You two!?"
You flinched, [.] "N-nae?"
"Sorry we got lost. It's the woods, you know." Sehun said.
"Everyone is already on their second mission. Lets see the bag."
You gave the bag to the principal and he checked everything, "Okay now here's the second mission." Mr. Yoo gave you the card to the second mission.
It read:
Go to dorm 16 and get a couple shot. It needs to be perfect while jumping.
You zoomed ahead of Sehun, "If it wasn't for you, we could be done already."
"Don't blame it on me!" Sehun ran next to you, "You told me to go in the water."
You opened the door and saw a camera with someone holding it. (A/N: In Running Man. A couple has to get both of them in the picture while smiling.)
"Camera is starting! Jump on the center and remember to smile." the camera man said.
You grabbed Sehun and went to the center. Both started jumping and smiling.
"Okay you can see."
Sehun looked at the screen, "Jump higher, Orphan!"
"Sorry! You were pulling me down!" you said back.
"Starting again!"
You and Sehun stood next to each other. Arms rubbing against each other as you both jumped.
"Let's jump at the same time." Sehun held your hand, "Three. Two one!" You both jumped at the same time and repeatedly did.
"Okay." the camera man said.
Sehun checked again, "We're good!"
You opened the door, "Let's go." you saw Sehun talking to the camera man. "Pali!"
"Okay." Sehun ran next to you back to the stage.
The principal wasn't there but there was another mission card on the table. It read: Use one pocky stick and eat on each side until you get to the shortest. The record was 10 millimeters. Try to beat the score.
"Ugh! I hate this game!" Sehun grabbed his hair.
"Why don't we just hurry up and get it over with." You said disgustingly.
Sehun grabbed one pocky from the box and but the other end. You bit the end opposite of him.
You an Sehun started nibbling your way to the shortest you could get.
Sehun thought while nibbling, [If we try to get the shortest then it has to be really short..... or maybe none.]
The pocky was getting smaller, you were about to let go but Sehun held your head and pushed it against him.
Your eyes widen as you felt his lips touch yours.
tell me... what do you feel at this moment? (from author)
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Emi_changiraffe #1
Chapter 40: Please update |( ̄3 ̄)|
Chapter 40: Please update soon
Loveexo1 #3
Chapter 40: Update soon soon please!! :D
Exoticsmile #4
Chapter 40: Authornim update soon~~~
Chapter 40: Nuhhhhhhhh XD re-read this story and was sad at the clifhanger at the end lol XD Fighting for your next update!^^
Chapter 40: UPDATE SOON
f5sulli #7
Chapter 40: Ok AG first I shipped her with sehun then luhan then sehun again then kai and now I'm stuck between the three ...I hope she ends up. With kai as he seems to have gone through alot but I also want it to be luhan since luhan hasn't confessed but then sehun likes her and so does she...urgh! Maybe sehun and Krystal? I noticed Krystal has liked sehun since the beginning which leaves down to kai and luhan...idk ...gosh I love this story it is unpredictable

Please update soon :DD
Baekhyun0624 #8
Chapter 40: Update again sooooon!~ -er XD <3
Chapter 40: Oai is kai... typo...
Chapter 40: Update soon!!!! I want her to be with sehuuuuuuunnnn... jeballllll!!!!! I dont want oai or luhan.... but sehunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!