Misunderstandings To Solve

Twisted Love




Donghae POV

As soon as Hyuk had gone upstairs, I left my parents as well.

“I’m tired too! Good night Umma, Appa!” I pecked both of their cheeks and rushed up the stairs. I immediately entered Hyuk’s room, not bothering to knock.

“Hyuk!” I called but upon seeing me something in his eyes changed.

He ily walked towads me with such a sly smile it made me shiver. As he swayed his hips and his eyes turned even sharper, I also felt a certain part of my body coming to life. Ignoring my pleas and cries asking what the hell this monkey was doing, he then began to kneel.

Now, I may look innocent but I’ve watched enough yadong in my life to know this kind of situation and my knowledge made me panic. He landed on his knees, just below my belt and I swallowed dryly.

Though I was writhing and squealing now, I couldn’t deny just how much I wanted this, wanted Hyuk. It scared me and I looked down in horror at the man on the floor. Is he really gonna do it?! I know I said I’d give him a chance but isn’t this a bit much?! My thoughts were cut short as I heard an annoying laughter erupt from the floor.

My face turned red as I realized I was once again pranked. I kicked the monkey’s shin and hid my tomato-like face in my hands.

“I hate you!” I cried though my mind screamed something else, something totally opposite as he enveloped me in his strong arms for the nth time that day.

“Hae-ah. You’re really cute you know that?” he chuckled into my ear making me smile into his shoulder. The way he treated me gave me butterflies. I have never felt so loved and the feeling made me want to puke out rainbows and poop cotton candy.

Slowly feeling him tense in our embrace I frowned. “Donghae,” he asked and I felt my breath hitch at the fact that he called me Donghae. I sensed something wrong.

I nodded urging him to continue. I felt him gulp as his Adam’s apple bob up and down on my forehead. After a while he continued. “ W-what about Jessica, Hae?” he asked and that’s when I froze.

The reality hit me hard. Since this morning I’d been with Hyuk and I had completely forgotten about Jess. Guilt washed over me as I realized I’d accepted Hyuk’s offer while still being in a relationship with her.

Jessica was my girlfriend since for six months now but I can’t say I was in love with her.One day, when I was waiting for Hyuk after his football practice, she’d just pulled me into the kiss. At first I was surprised and wanted to pull away but then I saw Hyuk coming out of the locker room. Something inside of me sparked and I just started kissing her back. I don’t really know the feeling was but I know that I kissed her because of Hyukjae.

 I was confused back then. I had wanted to do weird things to Hyuk. I wanted to hug him, kiss him. I wanted to love him…

But I knew this was wrong so I decided that Jess would be the one to pull me out of something so wrong. Back then I’d thought I’ll eventually fall in love with her but it was taking longer than I’d thought at first…

I felt Hyuk’s fingers snap me out my thoughts. “Hae? Hellooo?” he asked.

I shook my head. “Uh, where were we?” I asked again though I knew very well where we were. He eyed me suspiciously and I looked down towards the floor, avoiding eye contact.

His eyes turned sad suddenly. “I get it Hae. Don’t worry, I know you love Jess.” He said and my eyes widened.

‘You are so wrong Lee Hyukjae’ my mind screamed but of course I didn’t say that. I stood there like the dumb fish I am.

“But Hae, I’ll try” he began and I looked up at his face. “I’ll try to win your heart because, because I know I can love you better than her Hae.” His eyes were now sincere and serious and I just wanted to cry at all the misunderstandings I had created. The one I loved didn’t know I loved him and the one I didn’t love thought I was madly in love with her.

Soon, Hyuk’s arm retreated itself from my waist and he turned away. As he exited the room I heard a low, sad sigh and it broke my heart. It broke my heart to know that even though all Hyuk gave me was love, I gave him nothing but sorrow.

I slowly walked out of Hyuk’s room. I entered my room and left it hanging wide open. Sighing, I flopped myself on my bed.

“I’m sorry Hyukkie” I whispered to no one but myself.

“Sorry for what?!” I heard Hyuk’s voice echo through my room and I jerked up into sitting position. My eyes widened seeing Hyuk in my room, wearing nothing but a towel around his hips.

My eyes trailed his broad chest down to his hard abs. I followed his happy trail and stopped abruptly at his hips. I swallowed an invisible lump in my throat.

“Hae? Answer my question” he demanded. His eyes were stern yet concerned.

“U-uh nothing!” I cried and hid under my sheets.

Hoping he’d go away I played dead and faked snores. For a while I heard nothing and I thought he’d left. Sighing, I peeked out from my bedsheet-fort and jumped in shock at what I saw.

Hyuk still stood in the same spot, a bored expression on his fake. “Hae-ah you’re one stupid, stupid fish aren’t you?” he asked and chuckled at my now angry face.

Pushing my body aside as though I was a rag, he settled himself in my bed and lay down beside me. His bare shoulder touched mine and his wet hair sprayed water on my face and, though the water was cold, my body turned hotter by the second.

“How’s school going Donghae?” he asked in his I’m-trying-to-make-small-talk voice and I scowled.

“Get to the point Hyukjae,” I demanded. He chuckled.

“Well, I’d like to ask you something else.” Hyuk spoke.


“Do you want to know?”


“Do you really want to know?”


“Are you sure you want to know?!”

“YES!” I screamed, now reaching the limit to my patience. He laughed once more.

“Well, now that you’re giving me a chance I’d like to do this the real way.” He said, looking anywhere else but my eyes.

I raised an eyebrow, “And what is it you want to do?”

“U-uh ehem, I thought we could go on a d-date” he said, his confidence faltering now.

I laughed out loud. Hyukjae, a stoic bodyguard when it came to beating people up, was now blushing like a school-girl all to ask me out on a date?!

“Why are you laughing?!” Hyuk bushed his eyebrows together and his bottom lip jutted out. Was he pouting right now?!

I turned over on my side and cupped his face. “Hyukkie! I’m just teasing” I said mimicking his voice earlier when he’d teased me. His frown increased and so did my laughter.

“Yah! You need to be punished mister,” Hyuk said, a smirk making way to his face. I opened my mouth to retort but forgot my words as I felt a hand making its way down to my .

I squealed and slapped Hyukjae’s hand away as he roared once again in laughter.



Through all the bickering and playful abuse (mainly from my side) that night, we ended up fast asleep in my bed with Hyuk’s arms hugging me to sleep, ensuring me a protected dream that night. Though his way of asking me out on a date was an epic fail, throughout the night I did end up agreeing to it. And though I told Hyuk I hated him all through the night, in the end I kissed his sleeping forehead and whispered a ‘goodnight’ to my monkey…


KK! Hope u like the chapter though really it's just a filler. I just wanted to move on with the day since if u look at it, I wrote like 5 chapters about 1 day... *shakes head*

And yes, Hyuk is a ert who luvs Hae's ........ XD 

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Chapter 11: Dramatic much?
1640 streak #2
Chapter 26: Is was sweet for one of your first stories. Thank you for writing and sharing with us.
Hope to read your newer works soon.
EunhaeStan86 #3
Chapter 5: Poor HYO =(
963 streak #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this story! It was a good read. Congratulations!
963 streak #5
Chapter 19: Well, I'm more into fluff!
963 streak #6
Chapter 2: I like the way you wrote how Hyuk's heart was taken piece by piece. That was so deliciously written. Congratulations.
Chapter 26: It ended TT it's so good
Chapter 6: That kiss....omg
Eunhae1004 #9
Chapter 14: What the hell....
Eunhae1004 #10
Chapter 14: What the hell....