Was there ever a WE?

Twisted Love


Hyukjae POV

I saw that approaching my Hae and I immedietely tensed. She pushed through all the girls and settled herself in Hae’s embrace. Then she kissed his lips and I felt a part of my heart die, once again.

This was a routine at Seoul High. Lee Donghae was, the school’s kingka, tycoon, hot-shot, whatever you called him, and I was his fiance while this girl was his “mistress”.

Since the beginning the school knew him as my fiance and they loved us. Fanclubs were formed and they even gave us a couple name: HyukHae; Hyuk for Hyukjae and Hae for Donghae. Everyone loved us, yet no one loved us as much as me myself.

I absoluely loved acting sweetly to Hae and walking him to his classes like we were actually together, like we actually loved each other, like there ever was a we. Soon though, it all vanished.

In the middle of junior year which was last year, a group of girls transferred to our school. There was about twelve of them and they all were very attractive. There was Im Yoona, the beautiful yet strong. Then there was Hyoheon, the school’s best female dancer, and if I must say so myself, also the prettiest in my eyes. Then there was IU, a sweet, innocent type girl yet I knew it was just a façade; inside the girl was not all rainbows and butterflies at all. There was Victoria, the chinese transfer and also the one dating Nichkun. There were many of them, all with long legs and tiny waists yet only one truly affected my life in any way.

From the moment she layed eyes on my Hae, she said she loved him. During lunch she’d sit next to him and try to gather all his attention. During classes she’d sent him little notes with hearts on them. Afterschool she’d even follow him into our shared car resulting in him having to drop her home.

At first, Hae hated her. He found her annoying and pushy and didn’t care for her at all. This gave me hope; hope that maybe Hae too had fallen in love with me throughout the years but I was wrong, yet once again.




One day after football practice I cleaned up and hit the showers. After cleansing my sweaty bodyguard body (which we all know is quite hot) , I came out nice and clean in my strawberry aroma. Swinging my bag over my shoulder, I headed out hoping to find my Hae waiting for me like always. Smiling, I came out, but my smile disapeared at what I saw.

My Donghae was kissing Jung Jessica outside in the field. His arms hugged her waist tightly as he moved his lips on hers sinfully. Her hands were tangled in his hair, her huge s pressed against MY Hae’s chest. My eyes suddenly started to sting and tears made their way down my cheeks. No matter how much I told myself that it shouldn’t hurt because we never were real, my chest still felt as though someone had punched me. Hard.

Finally when that bastard of a fish decided to insert his tongue into Jessica’s mouth I decided that I could no longer watch. I turned around, wiped my tears and got into my black car. I took Donghae’s car keys out of my car pocket and placed them on the hood of his car. He’d have to drive himself home today for I don’t think I could handle seeing him after what I just saw.  Smiling bitterly at his nemo keychain, I got into my car and shut the door. I drove off not giving the field, Hae’s car or even Hae himself a second look. From that day onwards, Hyukhae died and Haesica rose. From that day all the fanclubs now saw me as was a pushy fiance that was forcing the kingka into this marriage. From that day, I became a mere third party in everyone’s eyes, including Lee Donghae’s.



After Donghae and Jessica’s makeout in front of the whole school, they parted for first period. I quietly followed Hae into his classroom and sat in my usual seat; right next to him. He smiled his toothless grin at me and I smiled back a fake smile as well  How the hell do you expect me to smile when you break my heart piece by piece every single day Lee Donghae?!

“So Hyukkie, did you finish the thing?” he whispered looking around to make sure no one heard him.

“What thing?” I asked confused.

“The thing Hyuk, the thing

“What thing Donghae?”

“The thing!”

“What damn thing Lee Donghae?!” I stood up and yelled, totally forgetting we  were in a classroom, during a lecture.

I looked at the teacher and gulped. If it had been any other teacher I wouldn’t have minded much but this was not any old teacher. This was the only teacher in all my eighteen years of life that gave me goosbumps. This was Mr Kim, Mr Kim Heechul!

“Hyukjae”, he started in such a icy voice that I felt chills run up my spine. “Do you and Donghae have something you’d like to share with the entire class?”

“NOOO!” Donghae jumped up from his seat causing his desk to fall onto the floor.

 I mentally facepalmed.

Mr. Kim raised an eyebrow before shaking his head in disapprovement. “Well, it seems you both clearly don’t know how to behave in my class. But don’t worry. I’ll teach you very nicely today afterschool.” He said, and I swear I saw the creep smirk.

Hae pouted and picked up his desk that had been eating the floor and I also quietly sat down. Detention with Mr.Kim?! Great, just great Lee Hyukjae.


has yet to be proof read.... sorry for the sadness in this chappie :(

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Chapter 11: Dramatic much?
1640 streak #2
Chapter 26: Is was sweet for one of your first stories. Thank you for writing and sharing with us.
Hope to read your newer works soon.
EunhaeStan86 #3
Chapter 5: Poor HYO =(
964 streak #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this story! It was a good read. Congratulations!
964 streak #5
Chapter 19: Well, I'm more into fluff!
964 streak #6
Chapter 2: I like the way you wrote how Hyuk's heart was taken piece by piece. That was so deliciously written. Congratulations.
Chapter 26: It ended TT it's so good
Chapter 6: That kiss....omg
Eunhae1004 #9
Chapter 14: What the hell....
Eunhae1004 #10
Chapter 14: What the hell....