An Evil Maknae and A Mr. Bunny

Twisted Love

Hyukjae POV

I smiled contently as I walked down the stairs. I had had a wonderful dream and last night’s events played through my brain over and over again. As I opened the cupboard in the kitchen and took out one of Kyu’s cereal I heard a faint ‘ahem’ that awoke me from my ogling over my new boyfriend (at least I hope he was mine now).

I spun around to see my beloved cousin standing in the doorway. I smiled widely at my little maknae but my smile changed to a frown upon seeing his solemn face.

“What’s the matter Kyu?”

“Huh? Oh nothing Hyuk ah. Just tired that’s all,” Kyu rubbed his nape awkwardly before taking a bowl himself.

Normally I’d scold or nag the brunette about calling me Hyung and showing some respect but I knew this was not the time. I knew exactly what had Kyu all messed up and let’s just say it involved a certain bunny hyung of mine.

I sighed. “Kyu, why don’t you just call him?”

Kyu widened his eyes before shaking his head furiously. “Never! He doesn’t care anyways.”

“And how would you know?! You don’t even bother asking if he’s okay! If he’s eating well or if he even has a house after my of a mother kicked him out!”

My speech earned me a snort. “You don’t know understand hyung. No one does!”

I sighed and massaged my temples. “Look Kyuhyun,” I began sternly. “Sungmin is not to blame in your break up and we both know that. Neither are you. It’s my mother that tore you two apart and it’s my job to fix you but I can’t do that if you refuse to even speak with him!”

Kyu sighed as well and looked down, pushing his bowl away. “I know hyung, I know. I’m sorry.”

Smiling sadly, I arose from my seat and went to hug the little maknae. No matter how rude and snarky, or how much taller than me this boy was, he was still my favorite tenth grader.

“You know I love you Kyu,” I spoke lovingly into his ear. Kyu sniffed back a tear.

“I love you a lot hyung. I’m sorry. My life is just so messed up right now.”

I pecked the younger’s cheek before breaking our hug. “Well, eat your cereal then. A good breakfast is important. And by the way, Sungmin is coming over today okay.”

Kyu nodded absentmindedly before widening his eyes. “WHAT?!”

I laughed and just shook my head. “You heard me. My hyung is coming. Aish how can you love such an oldie you pabo!” I joked earning myself a ‘shut up!”

Still chuckling, I walked over to the living room. I flopped on down on the couch and flipped on the tv. I frowned when I realized Kyu only had kids’ shoes and the news.

“Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! Where’s the flipping sports channel?!” I yelled through the house. Upon hearing no reply, I moaned loudly in displeasure before getting my off the couch and walking over to the kitchen. Preferably to smack a certain maknae in the house.

I gasped suddenly when I saw the door wide open and my bunny hyung at the door. I looked at Kyu and he looked frozen as well.

“Ahmm, hi hyung!” I spoke, my voice a couple octaves higher than usual. The atmosphere was just so awkward and tense.

Sungmin waved and smiled his eye smile though at the moment it all looked fake. I knew Sungmin very well, he was my roommate in summer camp after all, and his smile right now showed no genuine happiness what so ever. I walked over and embraced the tense Min yet my gesture made Kyu even stiffer. Someone’s jealous…

And that’s when it hit me! Jealousy would get these two together in days! I smiled as if I’d just won a lottery and let Minnie go.

“Ah, Kyu and you have met.” I said gesturing for Kyu to hug him, shake his hand, anything!  Kyu followed my directions and pulled Min in for an awkward handshake.

“Well, Kyu, would you mind showing Minnie his room?” I asked, purposely calling Min his special nickname just to tick my cousin off. I’m doing this for you Kyu baby.

Kyu nodded curtly before leading the way. Sungmin sent me one last look similar to a scared puppy’s and I ignored him and sent him off. It wasn’t like Kyu was going to eat him… then again, with the hormones of tenth graders, he just might.

I sighed remembering how these two had first met when Kyu was just an eighth grader and Min was in his sophomore year with me. It was so different from this…


Sungmin and I had decided to study for the Math test at my house. It was two years ago when I still lived with my mother and Kyu happened to be at my home as well.

Min and I burst through the door, ignoring my mother’s pleas of taking our shoes off outside. I had thrown my shoes off at the entrance and asked Min to follow suit but him, being the girly man he was, decided he had to properly place both my shoes and his. As he cleaned the entrance, I went to say hi to my loved cousin.

“Hi Kyu baby!” I devilishly grinned because Kyu absolutely hated that nickname. He scowled at me before diving into his milkshake, a treat from my mother.

“C’mon Kyu! Answer your hyung you!” I poked Kyu’s cheek repeatedly. He still didn’t react.

“Hyuk!-“ Min came from the living room, and greeted my mother upon seeing her. He bowed 90 degrees before returning back to me. As he was about to finish what he was saying we heard a high pitched chuckling coming from a certain eighth grader in the room.

“Puhahahah! Your friend is such a girl hyung!” Kyu joked, an amused glint in his eyes. At that moment, I knew. My Kyu baby had a crush.

Sungmin gasped before putting his hands to his hips. “Yah! I am your hyung’s hyung! Respect Me!” He cried sternly, though I saw his playful eyes.

Kyu just laughed some more and shook his head before finishing off his milkshake and going up to my room without a second glance at Min and I. But I knew, the maknae wasn’t done talking to the bunny just yet.

 Min and I excused ourselves to go upstairs and rushed into my room as well. As we burst through my room all I saw was a blurr.

“Ahhhh!” I heard a girly scream from Sungmin before I was roughly pulled out of my own room.


“Your cousin! He’s- He’s…” Min began.


“He’s !” Min cried his eyes as big as saucers.

“What!!? Kyuhyun what the hell are you doing in my room you ert?!” I cried and banged on my bedroom door.

“Aish shut up! I’m changing my clothes. I am sleeping over remember,” I heard Kyu’s annoyed voice from inside my room. “And I had my boxers on you girl bunny!”

Upon hearing Kyu’s bold statement I laughed loudly. “You’re such a dweeb Minnie!”

Min pinched my bicep before blushing a deep red. “I am not a dweeb! I just don’t like seeing HALF men!” He yelled to a particular someone inside my room.

Just as Min had finished his yelling, the door flew open revealing a dressed Kyu. His looming body (he was taller than me since seventh grade mind you,) excused himself through us. Just as he was about to walk down the stairs he looked back one last time.

“And for the record Mr. Bunny, I think you would very much like to see me . If you’d like I’m always here on Wednesdays! Call me k!” Kyu winked a cheesy wink before running down the stairs just fast enough to avoid the pencil chucked at him.

And that’s when it had started. The Kyuhyun, Sungmin love story. Or the KyuMin love story, should I say....

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Chapter 11: Dramatic much?
1641 streak #2
Chapter 26: Is was sweet for one of your first stories. Thank you for writing and sharing with us.
Hope to read your newer works soon.
EunhaeStan86 #3
Chapter 5: Poor HYO =(
964 streak #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this story! It was a good read. Congratulations!
964 streak #5
Chapter 19: Well, I'm more into fluff!
964 streak #6
Chapter 2: I like the way you wrote how Hyuk's heart was taken piece by piece. That was so deliciously written. Congratulations.
Chapter 26: It ended TT it's so good
Chapter 6: That kiss....omg
Eunhae1004 #9
Chapter 14: What the hell....
Eunhae1004 #10
Chapter 14: What the hell....