Best First Date (Part 2)

Twisted Love


Donghae POV

I felt my eyes widen as I saw the Funworld sign.

“H-H-Hyukjae?! We’re at F-F-F-Funworld?!” I cried as I looked at the gigantic roller-coasters.

Really, Lee Hyukjae?! Do you not know me long enough to know that I HATE amusement parks?!I HATE big coasters that make me sick to the stomach and I HATE cotton candy! Then again, I never did tell you… Aish!

I let myself be dragged along by Hyukjae as I frowned deeply. This is definitely gonna be the worst date ever now.

“Hmm, should we buy the unlimited roller-coaster band or the unlimited food band?” Hyuk asked more to himself than me. Upon seeing me shrug, he just decided, “Both, it is!”


After buying the ticket bands, Hyukjae led me to the nearby benches.

“So, what do you want to do first, sweetie?” Hyuk asked in such a sickly sweet voice it made me want to puke.

Grimacing, I snapped, “First of all, DO NOT call me sweetie. Secondly, anything is fine.”

Hyuk frowned and even I was surprised at my rudeness. Guess the nervousness is getting to me…

“Is something wrong Hae?” Hyuk asked, his forehead creasing with worry.

Ah… umm… I hate amusement parks…?” I confessed, not being able to bear the thought of riding a humongous killer roller-coaster on this date any longer.

Realization dawned on Hyukjae as his eyes turned disappointed. I frowned as well, hating the fact that I’d ruined the date not once but twice now.

“Well… I don’t know anymore” Hyuk sighed, dropping the map that was once in his hands and seating himself on the seat.

“I’m sorry Hyukjae.” I said not really sure if I was apologizing for not liking the setting of our date or ruining the date one part at a time. Either way, I was truly sorry.

He sighed again and hoisted himself up, a determined glint in his eyes. “No problem Hae. I think I know just how to fix this!”

I raised an eyebrow at his confidence. “How?”

Hyuk gave me a glance but chose not to answer. I was about to snap at the lack of recognition but was startled as my wrist was grabbed and before I knew it, Hyuk and I were zooming through the park. We passed the food-stands, our unlimited-food bands ignored. We passed the coaster rides along with the death drops, our unlimited-ride bands ignored. After passing by most of the park, we finally stopped at the game stands and Hyuk’s idea came clear to me.

“Well, what do you say,” the man holding my wrist asked as he gently let go. I looked at him in an endearing way and for the first time, the words ‘I love you’ wanted to escape through my lips. Hyuk had been so caring and understanding this whole date and even though I’d been a real jackass the whole time, he’d never given up. Though this would be seen as a small thing to some, it meant a lot to me that he would go through so much trouble just for me.

Smiling wide, I nodded. “I love it! Thank you Hyukkie” I said as enthusiasm poured from my words. As if to put a cherry on top, I engulfed Hyuk in a bone-crushing hug as he tensed at the sudden move. Soon, I felt him relax and pat my back. “Anything for you, Hae-Hae.”


For our first game, we stopped at the ring toss. Hyuk pulled out his wallet as I pointed to the game but I forcefully shoved it back in. He looked up confused.

“No.” I said firmly taking out my own money. Hyuk refused right away but I pushed him aside and paid the nice man the two bucks for the game.

I took the rings and aimed at the bottles. I concentrated hard (squinting and all), wanting to suddenly impress Hyukkie. I tossed! And… miss. Pouting, I aimed again. Toss! And… miss. A scowl appeared on my face and I took my final ring. I moved a bit farther away from the stall, wanting to get a better aim but my back met with Hyuk’s hard chest. Wincing, I pulled away.

“S-s-sorry,” I said quite flustered and with the physical contact. Wanting to get the blush off my cheeks I continued. “Hyuk, you want to try the last one?”

His eyes lit up at the request and he nodded furiously. I giggled laughed MANLY-LY at his antics and handed him the last ring. He took it and aimed. Without taking another second, he tossed the ring. And… GOAL! I rubbed my eyes to make sure this was real. Even the person in charge of the stall was impressed.

“Wow! That was amazing sir,” the man spoke, and I noticed not only fascination but also interest in his eyes. I scowled.

Hyuk’s eyes got even brighter at the compliment and he smiled his gummy smile. “Thanks but it was nothing.” He said, clearly flirting back with the stall’s man (or at least that’s what it looked like). My scowl got deeper as the man asked what prize Hyuk would like.

Hyuk turned to me, “What do you want Hae?” My scowl vanished as I saw how Hyuk only looked at me at the moment.

Smiling faintly, I pointed to the fish stuffed-toy. Hyuk chuckled and told the stall’s guy (or should I say date-stealer) to fetch the fish. As I was handed the fish, I couldn’t help but grin widely. This will go into the collection of gifts Hyuk had bought for me.

As we were about to leave the stall, the man reached out and grabbed Hyuk’s arm. Hyuk raised an eyebrow before turning back. “Uh… did you need something?”

The guy flushed and if I didn’t hate his guts right now, I’d even say he looked kind of cute, which is what scared me. If this guy was much cuter than me, wouldn’t Hyuk want to go out with him?! Why would he choose me, an indecisive over a cute being who resembled a bunny?! My heart beats increased as insecurities clouded my mind.

“Ehem, I just w-wanted to ask if I could have your ph-phone number?” the man began. “I’m Sungmin by the way.”

My eyes widened at the employee’s request and my mood dropped below zero. My eyes turned fierce and I cried out without thinking. “Look here ring boy! He’s MINE! You could have his phone number, his address, hell you could have even taken his ity yet his heart would still belong to ME!”

As I finished my rant, I realized I was panting like a mad man. I looked around and saw Sungmin’s jaw dropped and even Hyuk looked like he’d seen his fish fly. I gulped thinking, This is it Donghae… Hyuk’s finally gonna leave you now…

To my surprise the Sungmin guy started laughing like crazy and choking in the process. Soon, Hyuk too joined him and came to pat my head. My fierce fire was gone now and I felt like a confused little fishy. Why the hell was the stall guy laughing when I’d just dissed him into the daylight?!

After his laughing fit, Sungmin eyed me cutely and came to ruffle my hair. I flinched away. “Aigoo, he’s a keeper Eunhyukkie. You must be Lee Donghae I presume?” he asked me yet I only heard his ‘Eunhyukkie’ before my face seethed in anger again.

“Yah! What did I say?! HE’S MINE!” I yelled and pulled my leg out to kick this Sungmin’s shin but Hyuk held me back.

“Hae! That’s enough,” Hyuk said sternly and I felt my face turn red with embarrassment and anger. Was Hyuk on this Sungmin’s side now?

I pulled out of Hyuk’s grasp roughly and faced him with anger. “Fine! Go ing kiss your ‘Sungminnie’ then! I’m done!” I yelled in his face. Before I walked away I screamed one last “And this was the worst date ever!”… I lied through my teeth…


Well, that’s that. Yes, yes, I did plan to make this a fluffy cutesy date but then again, everything needs a plot neh! ^^ And yes, yes, again, Hae is a total jealous fish but I and most others find him cutest then. I will reveal who Sungmin is to Hyuk in the next chapter. (*hint* I ship Kyumin*) Also I’d like to ask, do you like the whole POV thing between characters and that I switch in every chapter or would you like it in third person??? Thank u so much to my 33 subs! I love each and every one of u very very much! <3 <3 <3 

PS. Have u seen the recent Eunhae moments?! They're luv <3

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Chapter 11: Dramatic much?
1639 streak #2
Chapter 26: Is was sweet for one of your first stories. Thank you for writing and sharing with us.
Hope to read your newer works soon.
EunhaeStan86 #3
Chapter 5: Poor HYO =(
963 streak #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this story! It was a good read. Congratulations!
963 streak #5
Chapter 19: Well, I'm more into fluff!
963 streak #6
Chapter 2: I like the way you wrote how Hyuk's heart was taken piece by piece. That was so deliciously written. Congratulations.
Chapter 26: It ended TT it's so good
Chapter 6: That kiss....omg
Eunhae1004 #9
Chapter 14: What the hell....
Eunhae1004 #10
Chapter 14: What the hell....