First Love


Nobody's POV


        Jiyong was waiting for dara infront of her locker determined to talk to dara. He was still shocked and heart broken about what bom told him, just thinking of the sufferings that dara went through make his stomach turns up side down. He felt that he was one of the reason why she tried to kill herself, one of the people who killed her soul, the reson why she's like that right now. He didn't blame bom for hating him coz he hates himself more than anyone would. His thoughts was intrupted when he felt someone's presence standing infront of him, he look up and saw dara stairing at him with once bright eyes whenever she saw him but now it's so cold it gives him chills,,,


" Y-Yoo--..." jiyong tried not to stutter. " I w-was waiting for you.. " jiyong said nervous. He didn't get any reply from dara but just her cold stares " I was thinking if we could get some coffee, I-I wanted to talk to you...I need to talk to you " Jiyong said gathering he's courage, and once again he didn't get any reply. Jiyong smile and try to hold dara's hands but dara backed away from him


" What the hell do you think you're doing ? " Dara asked frowning


" I wanted to talk to you... " Jiyong said forcing a bright smile without looking hurt


" Y-you want to talk... " Dara stutter, her face was red not because she was fluttered but because she was angry, furious. She breathe in deeply and try to walk away when jiyong cathes him


" Dara please just listen.. " Jiyong begged


" H-how dare you ... " Dara asked with stuttering voice , jiyong didnt understand " I thought I told you already.. " dara's voice was shaking, she was trying to control herself " I only asked you for one thing, and you can't even do that for me, how..." dara breathe in once more but her eyes was already filled with hot tears waiting to fall " H-how cruel can you be did I ever do some thing to you, d-do you h-hate me that much ..  " tears finally escaped from dara's eyes as her hands kept shaking


Jiyong was hurt not by dara's words but by her tears. He promised to not make her shed anymore tears but he's doing it again " Dee just listen "


" NO JIYONG YOU LISTEN !!  coz dying is too much of a pleasure for me that's why I'm tring my best to live. You've hurt me too much jiyong... why can't you stop.. why are you being selfish ..? " Dara whispher loud enough for jiyong to hear


Jiyong' felt like someone is stabbing him slowly by each word dara spoke, he hated himself once more for making dara feel all this pain all over again but this is the only way he can get through her " I-I know what happen now.. I know what happen to cheoundung, I know what happen t-to y-you so please.... PLEASE let me help you " jiyong begged with tears flowing down on his cheeks


" You said it yourself, that you know what happen, then why are you doing this to me. You want to help me ? Then bring my family back ! bring cheoundung back ! bring us back ! .. " Dara yelled wipping her tears" You can't do the impossible but you can do one thing " dara looked at jiyong's eyes " That is to never appear before me... ever, that's the least you can do " dara said walking away but before she gets too far she looked backed at jiyong " And don't cry for me coz all those tears aren't enough for all those tears I shed for you " dara said then  walk away.



Jiyong's POV


      I'm still standing where dara left me, my tears have dried off. Dara's right even if I die crying, still it won't be enough. I gathered my strenght and walk to my car, I drove to the nearest bar and order the strongest liquor. They say that liquor can help you ease the pain but it's all a lie because it's a poison to all whose in pain, whose alone, whose hurting ,whose broken.... I drink the glass empty and order a new one. 


     Am I hurting her by trying to help, does she despise me, should I stop then, should I just let her be..? This questions filled my mind. My thought was cut when my phone ring. I pulled it out from my pocket just to be welcome by kiko's face. She's probably worried coz I haven't call her since this morning, I was gonna answer it when I remember bom's word " you were to busy at your own happy world that you forget about her " I quickly kept my phone in my pocket and drink some more. I can't be in that world if she's dying in hers.


" Then bring my family back , bring cheoundung back, bring us back ! " I maybe can't bring her broken family and cheoundung back but bringing us back, what does she mean by that....





 "  Okay, this is the day.. " I said fixing my uniform infront of the mirror " I'll confess to her, I can do this " I breathe in deeply " Even if it costs our friendship... our 16 years of friendship...16 years... ARGHHHH " I pulled out my hair and walk back and forth " what if she doesn't feel the same way, will I lose her then... But I don't want to be just her friend.. I want more than that.. more than what we are now ... Am I being greedy ? "


I was walking to dara's class to pick her up and attempt to confess to her. I was about to open the door when I heard dara and bom's voice.


" Come on dee, you know he's more than that.." bom asked " The way you and jiyong interact with each other ain't just any ordinary friendship " OMGGG !! Their talking about me, ottoke ottoke!!! "So tell me, I'm waiting " wait bom is supporting us, that's good. I'll buy you corn later

" Well.. Jiyong is a very important person in my life and i never want to lose him. He'll always be my prince " My heart felt liked they were about to burst out from my chest, I was going to show myself when " but you know he's still my best friend right and he'll always be. " I felt my heart stop and tears flowing down my cheeks, I run away I didnt want her to see me this way.


And here I am again ready to go to school fixing my uniform just like yesterday, the only difference is my heart was still beating yesterday but still I should be happy atleast I was lucky enough to hear them talking or I'll just embarass myself and maybe lose my best friend. I'll try my best to be me, I dont want her to worry yeah,,, this is better atleast I'll still be able to be besde her.


I was waiting at the front of dara's house deep in my thoughts, I'm okay... I'll be fine this is for the best I rather take the pain now than take the pain of losing her.I'll move on, It's not like dara's the only girl in the world, she's just beautiful...and kind .....and perfect..aishhhh I should stop thinking about her.STOP ITTT


My thoughts was disturbed when I saw the girl, the very reson why I'm in pain walking smiling to me. What can I do I may fool myself but the truth is I'll always love this girl, She'll always be my first love.

Hey guys I'm sorry, I know its been decades since I update this FF. It's my last year in senior,I'm gonna go to college next year so I've been focusing alot in my studies, I'm really sorry and I hope theres still people reding this...T-T

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lhady_khaori #1
Chapter 19: #ChanDara is heart :) Thanks for the update
dntknw #2
Chapter 19: yes, you still have readers.., so plss dont abandon this hihi... waiting for chandara
greiyz_14 #3
Chapter 19: Chandara please
greiyz_14 #4
Chapter 19: Please update soon authornim
Chapter 18: chandara!!!
iyslau #6
Chapter 18: update please!! :)
effy123 #7
Chapter 18: chandara please
kolmilyo #8
Chapter 1: much as i love mr. kwon, my chandara feels is so darn real.

chandara author-ssi.
elsidenvino #9
thank you for writing this authornim :)