

Tires screeching. Bodies being pulled around. Glass breaking. Crash. And then another crash. Cars braking around them. “Do you hear me? Eunhye? Can you hear me? If you can hear me, say something!! Please... I beg you... just say something.”  Sobs. And then eventually, sirens.

Eunhye bursted her eyes open, but she was only met with darkness. It had been two years since the accident had happened but every morning, every time she opened her eyes, she hoped that she would suddenly see the world again. But each time, she was met with the same darkness. With a small sigh, Eunhye turned to her right and closed her eyes again, bringing warmth to her pupils. A tear slowly fell down her eye to her pillow.

Eunhye was a girl who had big dreams, most that she could accomplish with her intelligence. She had her entire future planned out as she entered her dream school: Seoul University. But because of one accident, she had to throw out all of her desires and plans. She had dreamt of becoming a top doctor at one of the three top prestigious hospitals. But now she was a girl who attended one of the three top prestigious hospitals as a patient, now with only one dream: to gain her sight back. The doctor had given her hope that she could have a transplant but unfortunately, the available transplants were not compatible with Eunhye.

After her accident, Eunhye’s life had gone downhill. Her materialistic and prideful mother had abandoned the family and ran away from the city because she was ashamed and disappointed to accept the fact that her perfect daughter had lost everything she was capable of. The high head her mother always held around her friends had dropped and it was something her mother’s prideful nature couldn’t handle. So one morning, Eunhye heard her father’s sobs as he read a post-it note her mother had left with two words: I’m sorry.

Another outcome of the accident was the change in her father’s life. He could no longer drive a vehicle and every time he entered a vehicle, such as the bus, he had small anxiety attacks due to the traumatic experience of the car accident. On top of that, he had to dedicate his time and effort to help and guide his now blind daughter. He took a temporary leave from his job to take care of his daughter but his boss wasn’t necessarily happy with his 2 year dismissal. So Eunhye’s father was preparing himself to get completely laid off.

As for Eunhye, she lost all meaningful aspect to life. Without her sight, she felt like she was hopeless to the world. Although she couldn’t see anything, she was aware of everyone judging her as she walked in public, holding onto her father’s hand or her walking stick. She basically had the same routine everyday as she slept, ate, and followed around her father. There was nothing she could do without her father. Her once independent life had completely turned around. It was something she couldn’t stand but she was left with no option.

“Eunhye-yah, wake up. Breakfast is ready.” Eunhye shifted in her bed for a bit before getting up. She got out of bed and walked out of her room towards the kitchen. She carefully sat down on the seat and reached around for her spoon but instead, something hot touched her weak hands. “Ow!” Sadly, this wasn’t the first time. “Aiya, I made soup today. It’s hot... be careful.” Her father told her as he placed a spoon in her hand. Eunhye began to cautiously eat her soup as she heard her dad sit down in front of her.

“By the way, Sungyeol is coming tomorrow. His classes got cancelled.” Eunhye smiled. She loved the days she spent with Sungyeol. It was her escape from her dad who was always cautious and protective over Eunhye. Spending time with her dad reminded Eunhye that she was blind. However, Sungyeol treated her just like old days, taking her to places he thought she might enjoy. Although he helped her around a lot, he never made Eunhye feel blind. He treated her like everyone else.

Sungyeol was Eunhye’s best friend since middle school. Eunhye had many friends through grade schools but as soon as the news of her blindness broke out, no one stuck around except for Sungyeol. For this reason, Eunhye trusted Sungyeol with everything. However, Sungyeol had feelings for Eunhye since high school up til now. Eunhye knew this but they had never talked about it. Sungyeol knew that Eunhye only thought of him as a friend and nothing more, but it was all he needed to be satisfied.

Eunhye’s father looked at her smiling and smiled himself. “Do you like it when you don’t spend time with your dad?” Eunhye’s smile disappeared as she shook her head. “No, it’s just I like spending time with Sungyeol more.” Her dad chuckled and said, “He’s a good boy.”

Eunhye knew her father probably wanted them two to be together. Sungyeol knew how to take care of her. Her father had been reluctant to let Eunhye leave his sight but the only person he trusted her with was Sungyeol.


Woohyun walked out of the restaurant, wiping his sweat away as he took out a cigarette. He sat down on the curb as he lit his cig. As he blew out a puff, his coworker, about the age of 50, walked out and sat down next to him taking out his own. “Why is a young guy like you smoking?” Woohyun smirked and said, “What’s wrong with a young guy like me smoking?” His coworker chuckled and said, “A young guy like you has so many opportunities and a long way to go in life.” Woohyun smiled as he took another puff and said, “Well this young guy doesn’t give a .” His coworker shook his head and said, “That’s what I said at your age when I started smoking. But look at me now, I’m still working in the kitchen of a restaurant with a family I need to support.” Woohyun took another puff and said, “Well I’m probably going to die before I even think about making a family.” Woohyun threw his half burnt cigarette on the floor and stepped on it.

Quite frankly, Woohyun really didn’t care about his life. He failed throughout his grade school and he was a dropout from his local community college. No one knew why he lacked motivation for anything in life. The only thing Woohyun ever said was that he didn’t see a point to his life and that he already messed up with everything. He sincerely didn’t mind dying any second.

Woohyun was walking home at 1 in the morning when he saw a college couple walking towards him, holding hands and giggling together. As he walked past them he just rolled his eyes and scoffed. He thought love was pathetic and stupid. But then as he walked through a neighborhood towards his shabby apartment complex, he saw through a house’s window a family sitting in their living room together talking and laughing. There was a daughter and a son in their 20s. The mom was patting her son’s shoulder as they had genuine smiles on their face. Woohyun felt a stab to his heart as he continued to walk home.

When he walked into his cold studio, with no food in the fridge, with no one but himself, he remembered the family that he had walked by earlier. He laid down on his bed and closed his eyes. The image of his parents was the last image he saw as he drifted off to sleep with a tear strolling down his face.


"Hi Sungyeol." Sungyeol smiled as Eunhye got in the car. "Hello Eunhye. Where should I take you today?" Eunhye held onto her walking stick and said, "Anywhere is fine." Sungyeol looked out his dashboard and said, "Well I have some errands to run and we can grab something to eat?" Eunhye nodded.

As Sungyeol and Eunhye were eating lunch, he asked her the same basic questions he always asked her. How are you? How is your dad? Did anything interest happen? Sungyeol sadly knew that Eunhye's life had shifted downhill and that her life was the same thing everyday. Every time he asked her, he hoped for something new for Eunhye to say but every single time, the only thing that came out of was. Good. Fine. No. It was something Sungyeol wanted to change.

As they were eating, talking about Sungyeol's life, he took a notice of her walking stick wearing out. "Eunhye, why don't you get a guide dog?" Eunhye smiled, "I would love to but my dad doesn't want to. You know him and his trust issues." Sungyeol chuckled and said, "I know. I consider myself lucky to spend time with you alone." Eunhye chuckled to this too.

They started to eat in silence for a while until Eunhye put her spoon down from her half-eaten meal. "Something wrong?" Eunhye just sat there in silence for a bit before replying, "I just lost my appetite." Sungyeol furrowed his eyebrows, Eunhye always finished her food. "Why?" Eunhye just sighed, "Because I don't know what I'm eating. I can't taste anything today." Sungyeol responded, "Oh... well you're just eating bibimbap with spinach--" Eunhye smiled and shook her head, "It's fine Sungyeol. Don't worry about it, it happens a lot." Sungyeol looked at Eunhye and just pouted. "I'm sor--" Eunhye cut him off with a stern voice. "Don't say that."

After eating, Sungyeol took Eunhye to a mall to choose out a present for his friend’s birthday. Because the mall was pretty crowded, Sungyeol placed Eunhye’s arm around his as he guided her around. “Which friend is this for?” Sungyeol was looking at some dress shirts as he replied, “Do you remember me talking about Minjae?” Eunhye nodded. “The player.” Sungyeol laughed and said, “Yeah. So I figured I should get him a dress shirt that he can wear to clubbing.” Eunhye just giggled.

As they walked around the shop, someone bumped into Eunhye and knocked her walking stick out of her hand. Sungyeol didn’t catch this and continued to walk but Eunhye let go of Sungyeol to find her stick. She moved her leg around for her stick but someone ended up tripping over her foot. Sungyeol turned around and said, “Eunhye, what are you doing?” Before Eunhye could reply, the stranger glared at Eunhye and said, “Are you blind? Watch where you put your foot!” Eunhye turned towards the direction of where the person’s voice came from. “I’m sorry.” Sungyeol grabbed the man’s collar and muttered quietly, “Quit it.” The man then glared at Sungyeol and said, “What’s your problem? Your girlfriend tripped me.”

Right then, Eunhye felt her walking stick so she picked it up and got up, turning to Sungyeol and the man. That’s when the man saw her walking stick. He pulled Sungyeol’s arm off and said, “What? I didn’t know she was blind.” The man turned around but Sungyeol grabbed his arm pulling him back. “I think she deserves an apology.” Eunhye grabbed Sungyeol’s arm and said, “Sungyeol...don’t. Please.” The man just smirked and turned around. Sungyeol clenched onto his fists but he held back. “Sorry Eunhye.” Eunhye smiled and said, “Nothing to be sorry for.”

Sungyeol and Eunhye ended up spending the entire day together as the day turned into night. They stopped by a local restaurant for a quick dinner. While eating, their valet came and dropped off their keys as their shift had ended. When Sungyeol and Eunhye walked out, Sungyeol realized the car was actually parked pretty far. “Hey, can you sit right here on the bench while I go get the car? It’s a far walk and I’m going to jaywalk.” Eunhye just nodded and sat down.

As Eunhye waited for Sungyeol, a small car accident happened right in front of her. She heard the sound of brakes and cars colliding. That sound continued to replay in her head, reminding her of her own accident. She tried to cover her ears but she couldn’t make the sound decrease or stop. She got up frustrated and started to walk away, guiding herself using the building. She turned a corner and then another corner to the back of the restaurant. However, the replaying sounds and image still continued. She fell onto her knees as tears strolled down her face. She started to scream and pull on her hair.

Someone came up to her and grabbed her wrists. “Are you okay?” She looked up at this stranger with tears pouring out of her eyes. “Please... please... make it stop.” He gently pulled her hands away with a few strands of her hair tangled within her fingers.

Woohyun knew as soon as he looked at her eyes that she was blind. He pulled Eunhye up onto her feet and said, “Who are you here with?” But Eunhye didn’t respond, she continued to tremble. “How did you get here?” Eunhye’s head was down. She shook her head, “I don’t know. I don’t remember. I don’t know.”

And then she fainted.


First chapter is up, yay!! :)
I know it's very short but the second chapter will be longer!
It's just that it's the first chapter and there's not much to write haha.
Hope you guys like it so far!

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rorody15 #1
Chapter 3: Could you update this damn amazing story ,pleaseee?
grandpagyu1 #2
Asking you whether you'll continue w/ this story or not?
S_namu #3
Chapter 3: Author-nim, please update, don't give up on this story, it's so good~
Chapter 3: Another brilliant story from you again :)
Chapter 3: Please update this story!!♡♡
Chapter 3: Author-nim, please update soon.
hoyayeobo #7
Chapter 3: WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG OAO WHAT IS IT IM DO DAMN CURIOUS OH IM CURIOUS YEAH /plays shinee's sherlock/ but seriously. update soon =_= thalanghaeyo author nim /throws namhearts/
Chapter 3: what's happening again???!!!!!!!!!! What is it Nam Woohyun??!! Oh my gosh, I'm dying of curiosity now. Author-nim!! Please update it fast!

Hehehehe, btw I'm your new reader here :P
Chapter 3: I feel so bad for eunhye..I hope there will be more eunhye-woohyun interaction...I' m curious too about woohyun's past...can't wait for next update :)
Chapter 3: Woohyun seems interested in Eunhye~ Oooh! I can't wait to see what happen next and also curious of Woohyun's life.