
Lust and romance

Tiffany's POV*

I heard somebody calling my name but I ignored him. I didn't want anybody to pity me now. No one should see me in this state. I felt so pathetic... like a rag doll that's been flung to a side. "Diva didn't you hear me?" Se7en oppa asked wrapping his arms around me holding me tightly. "Let me go!" I shrieked, arms flailing madly. He simply shook his head and continued to back hug me. I turned around and pushed him away. He smirked a little before grabbing onto me again. "You seriously are insecure huh. Listening to what the said... not caring wether its true or not and just flying into blind rage." Each word that he said felt like a slap on my face. I glared at him angrily. Can't he just be normal and comfort me for a while?! He smirked even more causing me to boil. *SLAP* He cupped his cheek in shock and looked at me. I stared at my red hand and my hand print on Se7en oppa's cheek. "" I stuttered taking a step back in fear. He merely smiled and shook his head. "It's ok. I kind of deserved it..." He trailed off and smiled. I still looked worried. I did slap him kind of hard. "Does it hurt?" I asked meekly and stepped closer. I peeled his hand away from his cheek and examined the hand mark. It had turned very red by now. "Nah I'm fine. Chill diva." He said softly and pulled me in for a hug. I guess we both are at fault. "The boys are really sorry for what HyunA said." He stated taking me by the hand and pulling me to the beach. "Then why didn't any of them come and find me." I snapped back still rather angry at what had happened. He let out a deep sigh before shrugging. "I don't know Tiff. I really don't..." He trailed off as we sat down on the soft sand. It was really romantic and I would have been over the moon if HyunA hadn't ruined my day. We kept quiet as we watched the sun set. I leaned on him for support as I closed my eyes replaying the previous scenes in my head. 

"Do you think what HyunA said is true?" I asked abruptly breaking the comfortable silence. Se7en oppa scratched his head before frowning in thought. "I don't think so... Ok fine maybe G was being a douchebag just now but that's his player instincts. Truthfully he cares a lot about you. And for the rest maybe it's because they were too shocked that's why they didn't come after you immediately." He tried to reason. I nodded my head silently a little pout on my lips. "Are you still worried diva?" He asked poking my side. I grinned and shook my head. "Nah... Not really thanks for comforting me though." I said earnestly earning a hug from him. Just then a panting Taec oppa came into view. He looked relief to see me and ran over towards us. I tried to act as indifferent as possible though I was secretly super happy to see that he came to look for me. "TIFFANY HWANG MI YOUNG! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL THESE WHILE?!" He shrieked collapsing face first on my lap. Se7en oppa smirked before getting up. "I'm off. Take care of this idiot for me won't you. Seeya later diva." He said and winked. I waved at his retreating figure before raising an eyebrow at the sheepish looking Taec oppa. "Yes?" I asked coldly pushing him off my lap. He cleared his throat awkwardly before scratching the back of his neck. "Er.. About what happened just now.... Erm..." He looked at me helplessly and I sighed. "It's ok. You guys will always be my special bunch of idiots." I said with a smile and he grinned. "So... you aren't mad anymore?" He asked tentatively and I nodded. "Awesome! Come on let's go back to the house and go humiliate HyunA." He said grabbing my hand. My smile vanished instantly and I glared at him. "Wait. SHE hasn't left yet?!" I shrieked in disbelief staring at him. He just shot me a guilty look before pulling me back. I didn't need to step into the house to know what was going on. HyunA's high pitched shrieks told me that she was throwing another one of her y fits. "I'm back." I sang sarcastically walking into the living room. Or what was left of the living room. Cushions and furniture were all over the place. Luhan oppa was glaring at HyunA who had her back to me. She had cornered a harressed looking Luhan oppa and was yelling at him. GD oppa looked slightly scared while he silently pleaded Jae oppa to get HyunA out of the house. Relief spread across Jae oppa's face when he saw me. "Tiff you're back. Thank god I was so worried." He said sincerely and I smiled happily. "Why the did you come back. We were having the time of our lives." HyunA hissed carressing Luhan oppa's cheek. I rolled my eyes and pulled her away roughly. "I can tell." I said sarcastically and Luhan oppa gave me a back hug. "Tiffyyyy where were you when I needed you?" He whined pulling me closer to him. "Some pissed me off. And apparently a bunch of cowards didn't have the guts to say anything to defend me." I stated calmly glaring at GD oppa. He mouthed an apology before backing away from HyunA. "They didn't say anything because what I said was right." HyunA butted in causing me to shoot daggers at her. "Do all of us a favour and get out please." Jae oppa said quietly though everybody heard every word. HyunA turned to him and did her aegyo. "But... oppa awww come on. What is it that Tiffany has that I don't? I mean I could give you all you wanted and more..." she trailed off sending him a seductive wink. He smirked a little before wrapping an arm around her waist. My heart raced as I watched in horror. "The door is there darling." He said calmly before waving goodbye. HyunA looked highly offended which made me swell in pride. "Watch out Tiffany Hwang. Nobody I repeat nobody rejects Kim HyunA." She hissed before slamming the door behind her. 

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Chapter 9: Chingu please update ur story, thanks
nana_kim #3
Chapter 9: HyunA deserved it! Great update!
Chapter 9: Haha thanks for the update :)
Chapter 9: Haha thanks for the update :)
saratiffanyfan #6
Chapter 8: Ooh i hate hyunA .. Pls update soon
Chapter 8: That ____ Hyuna !!! I really don't like GD right now
Chapter 8: Omg I hate hyuna ad the boys for being so flirty. I hope she can settle with one man
redhearts #9
Chapter 7: OMG love it! Hehe keep writing! Can't wait for the next chapter :D

Hwaiting ^^)9
Chapter 7: I FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY keep on updating :)