To the beach!

Lust and romance

Tiffany's POV*

The day we were all going to Taec oppa's island had finally come. Flinging my beach wear, sunscreen and towels into my luggage I yelled for Luhan oppa from my room. "Lulu oppaaaaa! I need help bringing my stuff down!" I called happily, the faint sounds of GD oppa and Jung Shin oppa quarelling over which suncreen was better could still be heard. I sighed and rolled my eyes. They have been going at it for 1 hour already. Luhan oppa appeared looking awesome as usual. Wearing a button up shirt which he 'naturally forgot' to button up and a pair of bermuda shorts. "Geez Tiffy I'll never understand why girls always bring so much stuff." He commented eyeing my luggage wearily. I giggled and hugged him. "Aww come on oppa. I want to look nice for youuu." I said with aegyo and he smiled broadly. Lifting it easily and wrapping his arm around my waist we headed downstairs where Jessica was sitting with Hongki oppa. She was looking around with hanging wide open. "Hongki oppa you should help Jessy close or it'll fall off." I teased and she glared at me. Scooting closer to Hongki oppa she patted a sit next to her and Luhan oppa rushed over there first. I raised an eyebrow at him and he patted his lap expectantly. I blushed a little and sat on his lap, leaning on his chest. GD oppa carrying a bag over his shoulder and I stared at it in disbelief. "Fashionista thats all you're going to bring?!" I exclaimed dropping all formalities in shock. He laughed and dumped it next to my luggage. "I'm your oppa. And nope I've got a whole closet there." He said casually. I heard Jessica mutter 'rich people' under her breath and I suppressed a giggle. The doorbell rang meaning that the rest of my classmates and Jung Shin oppa's classmates were here. I got up and opened the door to see Taec oppa beaming at me. "Sup babe ready to go?" He asked and leaned in for a kiss. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and pulled him aside to allow the rest to come in. "Yo Tiff." Yonghwa said and I waved. I spotted HyunA strutting in and glaring at me. Sitting down on the couch and grabbing a fruit nearby she took a bite out of it acting like she owned this house. The rest of the girls crowded around my oppas and I stood aside watching in amusement. I noticed that Jaejoong oppa has not come down yet and stood on a chair. The house was file with noise and it wasn't easy walking a few steps without people bumping into you. Just then, Taec oppa yelled for everybody to come down. "Ok guys. The bus will be coming in 10 minutes in te mean time we'll introduce ourselves." He said and everybody sat on the couches or on the floor. GD oppa nodded to Luhan oppa who stood on the coffee table. "Hiya I'm Xi Luhan. I have a backers down the street do come by!" He said cheerfully before hopping off the table and landing next to me. All the girls waved at him and HyunA sent him a flying kiss. I faked voimitting and Luhan oppa laughed. Next Jung Shin oppa climbed onto the table and Yonghwa and Jonghyun oppa waved at him. He smiled and cleared his throat. "Hey all I'm Jung Shin I'm a 3rd year senior." With that he go off and went to sit with his friends. Next GD oppa leaped up and girls looked at him with interest, a few even pointed at his hair. He dyed it red recently. "Yo peeps I'm Ji Yong but you can call me GD." As he was about to get off the table a girl yelled at him. "GD oppa why is your hair like that?" He smirked a little and looked at me. I remembered asking him the same question and smiled. "I like originality. I prefer to stand out." He said simply as Taec oppa pushed him off the table. "Whatsapp I'm Taecyeon but I think most of you know me already. During the trip if you guys have any problems don't be afraid to ask me. Besides I'm a nice gu" "Stop bragging Taec and get off the coffee table." Jaejoong oppa said, standing on the bottom step without a shirt and a towel around his neck. Taec oppa glared at Jaejoong oppa before jumping from the table. Many girls stood up to get a better look at him. He glared back and smiled at my school mates. "Hello I'm Kim Jaejoong the oldest among these monkeys." He said and winked. Girls swooned on the spot while the boys applauded politely.A horn was heard and we grabbed our stuff and headed out. The whole journey included changing from a bus to a yatch. I leaned against the side of the yatch and say a beach appear. It was really really beautiful. "It's cool isn't it." Luhan oppa said leanin gagainst me. I nodded and smiled. As we neared the island I saw a a ripped guy wearing only a pair of shorts and carrying a surf board. He looked like those super hot guys seen in American films. He waved when he saw me looking at him and I blushed. GD oppa was the first to get off the boat and he ran straight into the guy's arms. "Hyuuuunnnngggg!" He screamed forgetting to look cool. The guy lifted GD oppa and spun him around. My school mates gathered around the still hugging pair looking at the ripped guy in interest. Taec oppa stepped out with a sigh and pryed GD oppa off the guy. "Sup. I'm Choi Dong Wook more commonly known as Se7en. I'll be your mini tour guide for today." He said witha smile. The girls looked like they were in hottie heaven. I knew since I was feeling the same way too. The groud was rocky and since I had to be a diva at this moment and wear killer heels my feet were hurting badly. I was lagging behind since everybody including my oppas were too busy flirting or talking. I winced in pain and stopped for a while, fanning myself. "Hey diva need help?" Se7en oppa asked standing in front of me. I nodded gratefully though not really knowing how he was going to help me. He smiled and picked me up bridal style before running off to the front of the group again. As I passed many girls were whispering. "Why does she get all the men?!" Hmm because I'm lucky ? I thought to myself. GD oppa raised his eyes and walked infront with us. "Hyung since when were you guys so close?" GD oppa asked with a tinge of annoyance in his voice. "Since little miss Diva decided to wear killer inch heels to the ing beach." He replied and GD oppa laughed loudly. I rolled my eyes and punched Se7en oppa on the chest. 

"Ok guys we have reached the beach houses. Girls on the left guys on the right. Except for you 5 rich asses." He said and Taec oppa stuck up his tongue. My schoolmates headed off and Se7en oppa carried me to my other oppas who were walking to a pretty house built on water. "Aren't I supposed to go with the rest of the girls?" I asked curiously and he shook his head. "Nah you'll be staying with us diva." He replied and I nodded. Honestly I'm not going to complain or anything. A private island with 6 hot guys equals to happy Tiffany. He put me down on the porch and Jaejoong oppa fished out the keys from his pocket. "I book the top floor first bedroom on the left!" Luhan oppa yelled and dashed in the minute he door was open. "The kid's gone nuts." Taec oppa commented and we laughed. The house was beautiful and I looked around in awe. ''Impressed?" Se7en oppa asked and I nodded.  "Come on I'll show you to your room." He said and I took his hand. 

A/N - I added Se7en because I have a juicy story to write. Anyways don't forget to comment and up vote if you like it. Why Se7en? Because I'm in love with his song better together. I know it's an old song but its awesome. So yea bye for now!

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Chapter 9: Chingu please update ur story, thanks
nana_kim #3
Chapter 9: HyunA deserved it! Great update!
Chapter 9: Haha thanks for the update :)
Chapter 9: Haha thanks for the update :)
saratiffanyfan #6
Chapter 8: Ooh i hate hyunA .. Pls update soon
Chapter 8: That ____ Hyuna !!! I really don't like GD right now
Chapter 8: Omg I hate hyuna ad the boys for being so flirty. I hope she can settle with one man
redhearts #9
Chapter 7: OMG love it! Hehe keep writing! Can't wait for the next chapter :D

Hwaiting ^^)9
Chapter 7: I FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY keep on updating :)