
Lust and romance

Tiffany's POV*

"Alright Dong Hae you can sit next to Tiffany." Mr Lee said pointing to an empty sit next to me. He swaggered over and threw his bag onto the table causing the class to look at him. Mr Lee cleared his throat and began teaching again. He sat down and draped an arm around me. "Hey you. Care to show me around school during lunch break?" He asked, his voice dripping with arrogance. I shrugged his arm off and ignored him. How could the new kid be so rude?! "Yah I'm talking to you." He said poking my cheekbone. I turned to glare at him and rolled my eyes when he smirked. "I rather die than be seen with you thank you very much." I said coldly and stared at what Mr Lee was writing like it was the most interesting thing in the world. "Why so mean Tiffany? I mean look at me what's not to love?" He whispered, flexing his biceps. I felt irritated and tried my best not to show it. By the end of the lesson I was prepared to kill. Dong Hae continued to annoy me by poking me, stealing my pens and sighing loudly. Storming off to meet Jung Shin oppa and Jessica I turned a deaf ear to him calling my name. Throwing my books onto the table I sat down and glared at Jung Shin oppa who looked up at me questioningly. "Looks like somebody needs to chill." Yonghwa oppa joked and I sent him a death glare. "What's wrong Tiff?" Jung shin oppa asked putting my books onto the floor next to my bag. "IT'S THAT STUPID TRANSFER STUDENT!" I yelled, grabbing my hair in frustration. Just then, Jessica approached us arm in arm with Hongki. "Hey Tiffy! Gues... woah what happened?" She asked, noticing my sour expression. "She said it's because of the transfer student." Jonghyun oppa said. "He is just soooooo...ugh!" I tried to find appropriate words to describe that idiot but I couldn't find any nasty ones for him. "What's his name." Jessica asked, pulling a chair from the next table and sitting down next to me. "Dong Hae. He kept annoying me throughout the whole lesson. I swear if the bell hadn't rang I would have murdered him in class." I growled and a low chuckle was heard. I turned my head and he was standing there with an amused expression on his face. "Geez Tiffany. I didn't know you were the type to about me to your friends." Dong Hae said. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Listen Dong Hae. I'm sick of you. Why can't you just leave me alone?! It's not like I offended your family or anything." I spat. His expression darkened slightly and he smirked. "Well for your information you did. Remember what you did to darling HyunA this morning? Well for your info she is my sister. And she has her eyes on your oppas and I agreed to help her by getting rid of you." He said smoothly. My mouth fell into a perfect 'O'. He sauntered away and I stumbled to my chair. "HyunA's the short girl with long wavy hair?" Jung Shin oppa probed and I nodded. "Woah Tiff looks like you got it bad this time. HyunA's known to be super persistent. What did he mean by get rid?..." Jessica trailed off and looked at me in concern. "I don't know..."  I said helplessly and grabbed my bag. As I walked to my next class I felt sick. Why must I always be the victim. I might as well star in 'A series of Unfortunate Events.' I chose a seat at the back of the class as the history lecture began. Much to my horror Dong Hae sat next to me. Groaning in frustration I put my head on the table. "Hey you." He said hitting my head gently. Slowly sitting up straight I glared at him. "What?!" I hissed. "Chill out. Anyways. HyunA wants me to tell you that she will do anything to get all your oppas to fall for her and you should better watch out... Oh yea one more thing. I won't get rid of you because I'm not a bad guy but don't you dare get in her way understand?" He said clearly and sighed. "Sooo thats why you were disturbing me in class?" I asked. He smiled and shook his head. "Nope. I was just bored." He said simpy and I cracked a smile. "But why only HyunA? Isn't Lizzy and Raina going to steal my oppas too?" I asked forgetting to take notes completely. "HyunA's the ring leader actually. And this time she thinks its time for her to get all the attention." He said. I nodded silently. Well this was a lot to process... The bell rang and I gathered up my stuff and headed out. Dong Hae grabbed my arm and I turned to face him. "Remember not to get in HyunA's way... It's for your sake." He mumbled before releasing me. He picked up his bag and left me behind in the empty classroom. I sighed and slung my bag over my shoulde. This was stressful and the only way to get rid of stress was to visit the stress free master Luhan oppa. As usual Jaejoong oppa waited for me by his car. "Had a good day in school?'' He asked, opening the door for me. I shook my head and slumped into the seat. "Want to talk about it?" He asked starting the car. I sighed and shook my head. He nodded silently and drove home. 

I found Luhan oppa sprawled on the couch watching spongebob and my mood lifted slightly. "Hey oppa I'm home." I said softly and snuggled close to me. "What's wrong?'' He asked, though his eyes never left the television screen. "It's complicated. You know the short hair girl we met this morning. Her brother told me that she wants all of you wrapped around her finger... He warned me not to get in her way." I confessed miserably and hugged a pillow. Luhan oppa straightened up and switched off the television. "Ohh her.... Well aren't you lady luck." He teased and I smiled. "Shut up oppa. I told you because I need your help." I said and punched him on his arm lightly. He laughed and stood up taking me by the hand. "Come on. The only way to forget stress and unhappiness is to eat!" He declared and dragged me to the kitchen where GD oppa was slumped against the table, snoring loudly. I stiffled my giggles and walked over to him. "Oppaaaaa wake up." I cooed, shaking him. He grunted and shifted slightly, falling off the chair. Luhan oppa burst out laughing, spraying the chocolate milk he was drinking everywhere. "Ewwww gross! Oppa!" I whined and grabbed a tissue wiping off the chocolate milk on my arm. "Mianhe Tiff. Hyung are you ok?" Luhan oppa asked a sulky GD oppa. "I'm fine." He said sleepily and reached out a hand in Luhan oppa's direction. Grabbing it firmly. Luhan oppa pulled Gd oppa off the ground. I was suprised at the amount of strength he actually had. The three of us settled down at the table and ate the fruit cake Taecyeon oppa bought for himself. "He can always buy a new one." Was Luhan oppa's logic. Well I had nothing to complain about since the cake was delicious. Just then the door opened and Taecyeon oppa came in. GD oppa and Luhan oppa looked at each other and dropped their forks. Scrambling out of their chair they hid behind the kitchen counter. Cowards... "YAH! WHO ATE MY CAKEEEE?!" Taecyeon demanded. I gulped and stood up. He glared at me and his expression softened. "Tiff... I told you not to eat the cakeee." He sighed and shook his head. I felt very bad. "I'm sorry oppa I was feeling down. Besides GD oppa and Luhan oppa ate the cake too." I reasoned and GD oppa's head popped out from behind the counter. "Taec ah its Luhan's fault." GD oppa saod instantly pointing at Luhan oppa who was glaring at him. "Thanks a lot tattle tail.'' Luhan oppa said walking to sit next to me. "Yah! Thats not the way to talk to your hyung!" GD oppa snapped, hitting Luhan oppa on the head. Luhan oppa stood up and started argueing with GD oppa while Taeceyon oppa was yelling at both of them for eating the cake. SHaking my head I walked up to my room. Boys will always be boys...

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Chapter 9: Chingu please update ur story, thanks
nana_kim #3
Chapter 9: HyunA deserved it! Great update!
Chapter 9: Haha thanks for the update :)
Chapter 9: Haha thanks for the update :)
saratiffanyfan #6
Chapter 8: Ooh i hate hyunA .. Pls update soon
Chapter 8: That ____ Hyuna !!! I really don't like GD right now
Chapter 8: Omg I hate hyuna ad the boys for being so flirty. I hope she can settle with one man
redhearts #9
Chapter 7: OMG love it! Hehe keep writing! Can't wait for the next chapter :D

Hwaiting ^^)9
Chapter 7: I FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY keep on updating :)