

You sighed and rubbed your temples.


This case was a .


You and Kris were bounty hunters, in fact, you were the cops favorite pair of bounty hunters. So, when they had a string a missing girls, a sleeze bag drug lord who was obviously guilty, and the inability to acquire any hard evidence against him, they would turn to the two of you for extra help.


Unfortunately, the two of you were having as much trouble as them in cracking this case.


You blamed most of this on Kris's stubbornness.


“Kris, it could work.”


“No.” His voice was final and absolute, “forget about it, ______, it's not happening.”


“Why not?!”


“Because I refuse to put you in the line of danger!”


You took a deep breath, “I wouldn't be in there long. I just need to get in there and look around. See if I can find anything to link him to these missing girls.”


“Exactly, ______, missing girls! Girls that were about the same age as you, God knows what that sick bastard did to 'em and you want me to send my wife straight into his lair?!”


“We don't have a lot of other options, Kris!”


He took a deep breath and sat on the couch, putting his head in his hands. You sat next to him and rubbed his back soothingly, “I'll be wearing a wire the whole time. You'll be able to hear me and I'll be able to hear you.”


He looked at you, “Why can't it be me?”


“Well, you don't have the, uh....” you made a hand gesture to point out your chest, “equipment to entice men to confess. And, like you said, I'm around the same age of the girls who went missing so, if I'm his type, it might be enough to draw him out, get him to talk to me.”


Kris creased his eyebrows and shook his head, standing up, “I don't like this.” his back was facing you.


You got up and made him turn around, placing a kiss on his lips. He kissed you back passionately.


When you broke the kiss, your hands were resting on his chest, his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist, and your foreheads were pressed together.


“We have to find out what happened to those girls, Kris. We owe it to them and their families.” you reached up to his cheek, “I'll be fine.”

He leaned into your touch and kissed the palm of your hand before nodding, “Alright....lets do it.” _____________________________________________________________________________



You were getting ready for your big day when Kris walked in.


“Alright, Shirt off.”


“Ugh, Kris, if you're gonna ask for a quickie before I go undercover you could at least say “please”-”


“Not that kind of 'shirt off'” He chuckled, “It's wire time!” He pulled out the wire from a bag.


You sighed and rid yourself of your shirt and Kris started to attach the wire to your torso.


His hands inched closer to your chest, even after several years of marriage it still made you blush.


God, this man is so beautiful......


“Is this a new bra?”


“Hmm? Oh...yeah.”


“I like it.”






“You know if you were serious about that whole quickie thing.....” he gave you a suggestive smirk.


“Shut up, Kris.” You giggled and smacked his arm.


He smiled brightly, “Alright, you're good to go. After you put your shirt back on we can leave.”



Kris parked the car a few blocks from where you were supposed to be.


“I guess this is my stop!” you looked at him and smiled. He nodded stiffly.


“Be careful.”


“Always.” You were about to get out of the car, “Oh! Almost forgot.” You slipped off your wedding ring and placed it in Kris's hand, “Take good care of this for me, will ya?”


He stared at you with an intense stare before placing a hand on the back of your neck and pulling you in for a kiss.

“Please be careful.” He whispered, his voice intense.


You nodded, brushed his hair out of his eyes, and got out of the car without looking back.


When you had put some distance between you and Kris you decided to check the wire, “Everything working okay?” you tried to make it look like you weren't talking to yourself.


“Hear ya loud and clear.” his voice rang clearly through the ear piece.


Guys were whistling and shouting things at you as you walked by. You could hear Kris angrily mumble and a smile formed on your lips, he was always one to get jealous.


You knew you were almost to where you needed to be. You spotted two guys leaning against a wall smoking and approached them.


“Listen honey, we're into a lot of things but hookers ain't one of 'em.”


Kris chuckled and you fought the urge to tell him to shut up.


“I'm flattered but I was actually hoping you guys could give me some information.”


“Depends on what ya wanna know.”


“You know where I could find a Mike Geonni in these parts?”


The two of them instantly became more tense.


“Why you asking about Geonni?”


“'Cause I hear he can give a girl a good time. I'm a girl who loves a good time.”


They shared a look before one of them threw his cigarette on the ground and put it out with his shoe.


“Follow me.”


You did as he said and he lead to a door in an alley. He knocked three times and whispered an incoherent word before it opened.


The air was thick with smoke and the smell of alcohol. You could make out at least five other guys in the room.


“Who'd you bring for us today?” one of the guys got up and started studying you.


“Hey, back off. She's here to see Mike.”


“Yeah, Mike does always get the good ones.” There were several of them around you now, looking at you like you were their next meal.

“Where is he? In his office?”


“Yeah, he's back there. Be careful though. You know how he doesn't like to be disturbed...”


Your left and went into another room, leaving you alone with the five guys.


“So whats your name, gorgeous?”


______, let me know how many guys are in there.”




“Oh, Claudia! I knew a Claudia....once....”


“So why are you here for Mike?”


“Word on the street is he knows how to treat a girl. Give her a good time.”


“Well, baby, we could give you an even better time.” he whispered in your ear and you shivered.


“I don't know....five guys is a lot for one girl to handle.”


“Not if you're the right kind of girl.”


“Hey, don't I know you?” he looked like he was the youngest of the group. He looked at you carefully, “You look awfully familiar.”


Your heart started beating faster. You did recognize him, you caught him on a drug bust years back.


What happened? Did someone recognize you?”


“I-I don't think so......yours is a face I wouldn't forget.” you tried to play it off with a laugh.


“Wait a minute....you wouldn't by any chance be a cop would you?” all five of them circled around you when the word “cop” was mentioned.


Talk to me. What's happening?”


“What? No! What do you take me for?”


“'Cause we don't take too kindly to cops around here.” there was a mirror behind the man that was standing in front of you, it was across the room but you could still make out the gun he had stuffed in the back of his pants.


“Whew.....hot in here isn't boys?” “it's hot in here” was a code you and Kris used to let the other one know that there was someone in the room, besides you, that was armed.


Get out of there, _____.” Kris's voice was frantic in your ear, “Now! Just get out!”


“She's looking a little jumpy boys....I think we need to frisk her down.”


You punched one in the jaw and kicked another in the groin. The rest blocked the exit so you ran into the first door you saw, locking it behind you. You could hear them on the other side, trying to get in. You turned around and let out half a scream before clamping a hand over your mouth. The man who had lead you to this place was on the floor, dead, surrounded by a pool of blood.


______?! _______! Talk to me!”


“I'm okay, Kris.” You breathed, “I'm fine. I think I'm in Geonni's office right now, that's progress right? No one's gotten this far.”


You heard him sigh. You went over and started looking through the bookshelf.


Yeah, because they all got shot as soon as they walked in there. Jesus, I never should have-you need to get out!”


“They blocked the exit. I'm trapped in his office. Besides this means I can look for more evidence and I still have my-oh crap....”




“I dropped my purse in that fight....it had my gun in it.” Just as you said that you pulled down on a book and a wall opened like in an old movie.


There has to be a-a-a window or something that you can crawl out of. A vent, anything!”


“No, wait, Kris. You will never believe what I just found. I pulled on a book on Geonni's bookcase and a freaking wall opened! How cool is that? I'm gonna follow this tunnel-”


No! Absolutely not!”


You rolled your eyes, “Kris I-”


Dammit, ______! This isn't an argument! You have no gun, no backup, you don't even know what's down there! Geonni himself could waiting for you!”


“I am not leaving here until I find something that will help those missing girls. And right now this tunnel is my only exit. It could lead to a way outside.”


You could hear him take a deep breath.


For God's sake just....be careful. Don't do anything stupid!”


As soon as you stepped inside the wall closed behind you.




You'd been walking for what felt like hours.


Still nothing?” Kris checked in.


“Still nothing.” You yawned, “There has to be something coming up soon! It's not like it's a maze, there are no trick turns, it's all pretty straight forward. I-” You heard a noise so you ducked down against the nearest wall.


______?......You there?.....______!”


You gently tapped your earpiece twice, he would be able to hear it as feedback. This was the code for “I can't really talk right now.”


You crawled along to where the next turn was and peeked around the corner. You were right, there was something coming up soon, the next turn led to a whole other room. It was dark but you could hear the sound of metal, soft whimpers, and footsteps walking away. The sound of a door opening and then a sudden ray of sunlight lit up the room to reveal a cage....a cage containing all the missing girls.


“Kris.” You whispered, “I found them, I found all the girls!.”


That's great! But what about Geonni?”


“I think he's down here somewhere too....but he left. If I'm quick enough-”


No! We should wait 'till the police can back us up!”


You were already making your way towards the cage.


“If I leave now the cops won't have enough evidence to get a warrant. If can get at least one of these girls-”


“Well, well well......what do we have here?” Your blood went cold as you heard a voice behind you. The girls in the cage cowered in fear at his appearance.


Geonni?....Oh, God.....”Is that Geonni?!”


You slowly turned around to face him, “Well, look who it is. King of the Douchebags. The scumiest scum of the earth.”


He chuckled and it sent shivers down your spine, “You're not a cop...no....you're someone the cops call in when they can't catch people like me. You're a bounty hunter. It'd be nice....adding a bounty hunter to my collection.”


“You really think no one's gonna come for me?”

“They won't get here in time.”


“Well, I'm not going down easy because there is a big price on your head and I'm planning on cashing it in.”


He walked up to you until your back was against a wall and grabbed your earpiece from your ear, “I hope you've enjoyed chatting with your girl here because you're never gonna hear from her again.”


“No, wait!” You screamed as he threw the piece on the ground and crushed it with his foot.


You sighed and glared up at him, “That was expensive.”


“I'm really not sorry.”


You threw a punch at his face and he returned the favor by slamming his fit into your stomach. While you were doubled over you noticed a metal rod laying on the floor. A weapon. You gave him a roundhouse kick and ran for the metal rod.




You cried out in pain and fell to the ground, clutching your bleeding side. Geonni was walking towards you and you weakly tried to crawl away from him.


“Oh, you are pathetic.” When he had you cornered he pointed the gun at you once more and you closed your eyes.




You expected to feel the multiple bullets pierce your body. Instead, when you opened your eyes, there was a very familiar tall figure standing over Geonni's dead body.


The tall figure was suddenly accompanied by other figures.


You could feel darkness washing over you as you fought the urge to lose consciousness.


There were so many voices but only one voice stood out among the others.


“_______?!” His voice was broken.....You didn't want him to cry but your body was too limp comfort him, “______-ah!! Please...you can't leave me like this! I love you....I love you so much!!...... _________..........”


You didn't feel any pain. You had done what you set out to do. The girls were saved and now.....Kris wouldn't have to worry about you anymore. You felt a smile reach your lips before you gave in to the blackness.





That was the very first thing you noticed. Pain.


So much for dying peacefully.....maybe I should open my eyes and see what the afterlife looks like......


You started to open them but were met with a bright light.


Why is there so much pain here?! I don't like it.....


You turned your head to the side in an attempt to avoid the light. Your mouth dropped slightly at the sight of Kris sitting in a chair with his head resting on his hands and his eyes closed, he looked like he was praying.


No no no....Kris survived....he shouldn't be here with me.....he has to live....




His head shot up at the sound of your voice, “______! Oh, thank goodness you're awake!” He rushed to your side and kissed your forehead, “I was so worried, honey.”


“B-But...” your mind was still fuzzy, “What are you doing here?”


He looked at you confused, “What do you mean what am I doing here?”


“I....I.....I died.....”


He grabbed your hand in a tight grip, “I would never let that happen.”


“But...I...” You're heart rate started to pick up as memories from the day you were shot came flooding back.


“Shhh...” Kris soothed you by your hair, “You're in the hospital now....You're safe. Geonni is dead and those girls are safe thanks to you.” He gave you a sweet smile, “You're a hero, _______.”


You smiled back at him, “I didn't think I would get to see you again.”


“I thought the same thing.” He pulled up a chair to your bedside, “You really scared me....” his expression turned serious as he also remembered the day you were shot, “I thought I was too late.”


“Can't get rid of me that easily.” You both let out quiet laughs, “But....how did you find me?”


“I'll always find you.”


“Don't be cheesy.”


“Honestly?” He suddenly looked shy, “I may have attached a GPS device to your wire.....it cost a little more but it turned out to be worth it in the end.” He cupped your cheek in his hand, “A little extra money for the life of my wife seems like a fair bargain.”


You smiled and leaned into his touch, “My hero.”


He returned your smile and then reached into his pocket, “I think it's time I put this-” he pulled out your wedding ring, “back in it's rightful place.”


“I don't know....it feels pretty comfortable not having to wear it all the time.”




You giggled and held out your hand for him.


He smiled and slipped the ring back on your finger. Then he placed a sweet kiss on your lips and pressed your foreheads together.


“No more risk taking for a while.”









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Yonghyunism #1
Chapter 1: Pretty good story!!
prinzy25 #2
Chapter 1: i like it. so much ^^
Chapter 1: dude, that's awesome ____ :)
soovevo #4
Chapter 1: lol i was waiting for kris to say, "shirt off" in the end hahahahaha! XD
great story!
Chapter 1: ...okay that was kinda scary...i like barely took a breath while reading...eyes wide...