This will not work

In You I Found Love


Soon, even from far, I spotted. Hyuk was unmistakable, at least for me. He was incredibly sweet to my eyes, but I think other people defined it differently. He was much stronger than i remembered. And now he had a male thing, I do not remember the kid I know since childhood. Gradually, as I approached, people began to whisper and some to greet me. Hyuk soon noticed that something was happening and turned away, seeing me going in his direction. Our eyes met and soon we could not do anything more than smile.
- Minye! - He said, running towards me. Soon we were hugging and Hyuk, kinda spun in the air. This shocked some, nay, virtually all the people around. Not that we cared, of course. It was normal for us this kind of physical contact.
- Hyuk. - I said, finally, when we parted - How Long. - I made a sad face.
- Yes, your and your tours fault. Rum, someone is too famous for friends? - He said, laughing.
- Ugh, look who's talking "i will do super show 5, 10, 15 ..." - Laughed.
- I missed that. - He said more seriously.
- Me too.
Rurum. We heard someone make a noise with .
-  We have a commercial to film here. - Said the director.
- Sure. - We both agree.
Soon the director was finished organizing the last things on the commercial.
- Let me introduce you to the boys. - Hyuk said, pulling me by the hand into the corner where the boys of Super Junior were - Well guys, all of you already know that this is the Min.. ops, SooMin. These are Siwon, Donghae, Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Yesung, Ryeowook, Shindong and Kangin.
- It is a pleasure to meet you all. - I said.
- The pleasure is all ours! - They said and rushed in chorus, making me laugh.
- Kyaaaa, not believe I'm actually here in front of you. - Sungmin said, hiding behind kyuhyun who was at his side.
I laughed even more - Come on, I am the one that do not believe I'm in front of you all. Taking Hyuk. - They all laughed.
- Hey. - Hyuk shouted, making us laugh even more.
Soon they called me to see some things. I walked when Hyuk grabbed my arm.
- What? - I asked, turning me into it.
- Come back soon - he said, seriously.
I smiled, messed his hair and kept walking.
Well, the commercial is basically like this:
The amusement park wants to create a legend about creating couples, talking that whenpeople go there, they will fall in love. This will attract more visitors and nothing better to spread this legend than showing it in the commercial.
I'll be walking through the park with some friends who will be played by actresses when I will cross paths with the boys. I'll pass through them in slow motion, but will not look at them. One of them, we're still choosing which, will have a love at first sight with me. but when he looks back, I am no longer there. He and the other boys then will look for me at the park. Me and my supposed friends and they will go in various toys, but never meet. Until he finally bothered, for not having found me, will go to the ferris wheel, point known to be the most romantic, alone. The cabin has doors on both sides. I'll go in one side and he on the other, and then, after sitting down, he will realize that it's me and we will smile at each other and look down. And then appears the catch phrase of the park, about couples and eventually create the commercial.
The park is truly a blessing and I think it will work. Moreover, because we are known, the commercial will draw more attention.
- So who will make the boy who falls in love? - The director asks.
The boys began to launch suspicious glances at each other.
- Eunhyuk. - They say all together. Hyuk looked down with a shy smile.
I do not know why, but my heart raced with it. Hyuk and I have always been friends, but now he's going to make my romantic couple and different than I expected, I kinda liked that. Soon we began to record the scenes and it was really fun. The day was good so we can finish all the recordings today.
- Well, that's it folks! Today was a great day and thanks to the good day, filming ends today. It was great working with you and I bet this will be a success. Thank you Lee Soo-Min and all the boys of Super Junior, for having accepted to participate in this work. Dismissed. - Said the director, ending the day.
Soon clap applauding the director and my Manager came to me.
- SooMin, you do not have anything else scheduled for today, is waived. You will come with me or ...
- She'll come with me. - Hyuk said, getting into the conversation.
- How is it? - I said.
- That's right girl, you come with me. Come. - He said, pulling me by the hand. He is getting used to doing this. I turned and smiled at my manager, half apologetically, as he pulled me. She smiled back, everything was fine then.
- Where do we go? - I asked.
- Hm, I do not know yet. - He laughed. - Long time since we went out together for the last time and the boys are eager to know you better. - Then he stopped and looked at me, i felt his breath on me, because of the proximity - Of course, with limitations. - Then again he smiled and kept walking. That will not work, it was just what I could think of. But is not like I care too, after all, when I'm with Hyuk, the only thing that matters is he.
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