Walking around the Festival

Inspirational Garden [HIATUS]

Hyemin’s POV

I was in the drawing booth because I decided to take full shift because I didn’t feel like doing anything. After I heard the news that Daehyun was dating Jae, it didn’t surprise me because I said so much hurtful things to him anyway.

I sat with my book open as I start to draw something bright but it seemed my building looked worn and dark. I ripped the picture out and threw it away but it accidentally hit someone.

“Are you trying to hit my beautiful face?” asked a familiar voice.

I looked up and saw it was Himchan oppa.

“Oppa! What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I heard something happened to you and Daehyun yesterday,” he said.

My pencil broke when he mentioned Daehyun as I smiled at him, trying not to show my pain.

“Why did you bring him up?”

“Yesterday…..you ran out of the concert hall and never came back to school. I had to carry your books with me the whole time. Don’t worry about your books are in your locker. Also do you want to tell me what caused you to run away like that?”

“No thanks, I don’t feel like talking about it.”

He looked at me and stopped asking when he realized how I felt.

“Hyemin, do you want go on a date?”

“Bwoh!?! Himchan oppa…I can’t-”

“Pabo….not like that….It’s a date between oppa and dongsaeng around the festival. I think you need to get out of this section.”

Before I could say something, he took my hand and dragged me out of the drawing booth while holding my sketch book with his other hand.

Of course me being stubborn, I tried to get out of his grasp but he tightened his grip around my hand.

“If you thing that you can escape me, you’re wrong. You’re spending time with this handsome oppa,” he smirked.

“Yah! Yah! You meanie pabo, let go of me!”

I walked toward the other direction as he began to drag me but I kept refusing so it looked like we both were siblings.

“Hyemin, if you keep refusing, I won’t give back the sketch book,” he said as he gave a sigh.

My eyes widened because I forgot he held my sketch book.

“Yah! Give it back that back to me!”

“Ani, not unless you go on a date with handsome guy,” he smirked as he pointed to himself.

I hated it when he used things to bribe me because I always fell for it. Actually, I don’t fall for bribery except Himchan’s because he knows what I like and dislike.

“Argh….fine…..I’ll go on a date with you…..but will you give my sketch book after I go around this festival with you?” I asked.

“Yep, you have my word,” he nodded as he took my hand and we explored the festival.

As we walked around the festival, I scanned the place until I saw a teddy bear on a shelf by the water shooting area.

It made me remember the time when Zelo, Himchan oppa and I decided to play the water shooting game to see who would get the teddy bear.




Zelo and Hyemin were 8 years old and Himchan was 10 years old. They were looking for a good arcade game that gave them good prizes. Zelo and Himchan ran off trying to find another game while Hyemin was still walking looking around the arcade booths. She stopped because she caught a game employee talking about his game.

 “Step right up and play this game because we offer big teddy bears like this!” said the game employee

“Oppa and Junhong look! That is a cool teddy bear! I want that!” yelled Hyemin.

Zelo and Himchan ran to where Hyemin was and looked at the size of the teddy bear. It was the same height as an average 8th grader.

“Cool! I think this is a good game to play. I’ll play here,” said Zelo as he took out his money.

“I’ll play whatever you guys want to play because I just came to watch you and Hyemin,” Himchan said as he took out his money too.

Hyemin smiled and took out her money as well and gave it to the game employee. Hyemin sat between Zelo and Himchan as they all got their gaming faces on. Himchan was in chair one, Hyemin was in chair two and Zelo was in chair three.

“I’m going to win~” said Hyemin as she oppas.

“Uh, no I’m going to win because I’m the oldest,” laughed Himchan.

Zelo didn’t say anything because he was trying to angle his water gun already. Hyemin and Himchan did the same thing.

“Are you ready? Get set!” said the game employee as he watched them, “Go!”  He pressed the green button and watched all three guns shoot into their targets all at the same time.

 “Bwoh!?! It’s a close game for all three of them. Who will win?” said the game employee.

“OH! Chair number 3 lost his accuracy by a second. Now the battle is between chair 1 and chair 2,” said the game employee.

Zelo watched both red marks were close to each other. He wanted Hyemin to win because he knew girls and their obsessions with stuffed toys.

“And the winner is……Chair 1 wins by a second!” said the game employee.

Hyemin smiled and watched Himchan jumping up and down as she sighed a little and ran toward Zelo.

“Hyemin, it’s okay. You can win next time,” comforted Zelo as he patted Hyemin on the head.

“Now what would you like, kid?” said the game employee.

“I would like that teddy bear,” said Himchan.

The game employee gave Himchan the teddy bear and walked back toward Zelo and Hyemin. The teddy bear was his height as he approached his dongsaengs.

“Congrats, Himchan oppa,” said Hyemin as she smiled, trying not to show her sadness.

“Thanks but I’m big to have stuffed animals,” said Himchan.

“OH! GIVE IT TO ME!” yelled Zelo.

Himchan hit Zelo on the head for being inconsiderate to Hyemin but he forgot that Zelo was still a kid.

“It’s for Hyemin, Zelo…..I’ll give you a skateboard later but give this teddy bear to her, sheesh,” said Himchan as he shook his head.

Zelo rubbed his head and laughed as he watched Himchan give the teddy bear to Hyemin.

“Wah! Oppa are you giving this to me!?! But….but I didn’t win!” whined Hyemin.

“Yah! You shouldn’t be whiny be happy that I gave it to you,” chuckled Himchan as all three of them left the gaming booth.

~End of Flashback~



I smiled at the sudden flashback but didn’t notice that Himchan was moving his hand back and forth in front of my face.

“Yah! Pabo, are you still here? Did you leave earth? Answer me!” he yelled.

“Yah! I’m still here and yah! You sound like I’m dying!” I said as I face palmed myself.

“Mianhae! You were staring at that thing for like five minutes now and I was wondering if you were having a flashback of something bad. Sheesh, I’m sorry for worrying.”

“Ani I was just remembering the time when we all were so competitive on trying to get a stuffed animal. Do you remember that time?” I laughed.

“Of course, I remember! I won,” he stuck out his tongue, playfully at me.

“Yah, if I pressed the button fast, I would have won! Actually, why am I complaining, you gave the teddy bear to me….”

“I know….Anyways, what did you do the teddy bear? Did…you…give it to a children’s shelter area?

“Aniyo….I donated the other stuffed animals but I couldn’t donate that one because it reminds me about Zelo, you and me as children.”

He smiled and laughed at what I said as we both walked toward another game booth.

“Well, let’s make this ‘date’ memorable then too,” he smirked as he led me to another game booth.

It was a ball throwing booth. You would see bottles set in a pyramid but since this was in the music festival side, the bottles were shaped as rests and notes.

“Woah! How did you do make these!?!” I said staring at each bottle station.

“Um, actually we got this shipped to us from a glass making company,” said one of the music students.

I knew it……

“Do you want to play?” asked one of the music department students.

“Nope, I was just interested in the shape of the bottles,” I said.


“I’ll play,” said Himchan as he gave them money.

“Okay since each one is shaped differently, you will have two tries for each station. If you hit all five stations, you will get one of these huge stuffed animals and an itunes gift card. If you hit one or two then we’ll give you a musical sweet treat. If you hit three or four you will get a stuffed animal,” said one of the music department students at the booth.

I watched Himchan trying to ready himself on actually hit the bottles. I think it would be hard to hit them because each one was shaped differently. I knew in the past that Himchan wasn’t very fond with baseball because he was bad with throwing baseballs to people. I think it would be hard for him to one stations.

I underestimated Himchan oppa because he managed to all four stations in one try. I watched hit the last station but he missed. I was scared because I wanted him to receive the itunes gift card. Also, he loves music more than I do.

“Hwating oppa,” I wished.

He threw the last ball and succeeded in hitting the last station.

“OMG! HIMCHAN OPPA YOU WON!” I yelled as I ran and hugged him.

“So you praise me now,” he chuckled, “I know. I’m awesome.” He winked at me. I wanted to poke his eyes out on his last comment but didn’t do so.

The music students were in shocked because Himchan was the first to get both a stuffed toy animal and an itunes gift card. They gave him the itunes gift card and asked him to choose a stuffed animal.

“Hmm, Hyemin what would you like?” he asked.

I looked at the stuffed animals and found a cute purple masked bunny one that matched Himchan’s personality.

“I like that one,” I said as I pointed to the purple masked bunny.

They nodded and gave me the bunny and then Himchan and I walked away from the game booth.

“Woah! How did you throw like that!?! You were terrible at throwing at targets in the past. How did you suddenly get better?” I asked.

“Yah! I’m not terrible. I practiced because you used to laugh at me a lot. Zelo was my trainer. You should thank Zelo,” he laughed.

“I did? Mianhae, I’m sorry if I laughed at you, I didn’t mean to,” I said looking down for making him feel bad.

“Nah, I’m fine now,” he smiled as he lifted my head up, “so what are you going to name that masked bunny?”

“Hmm…..he looks like a Tatsmato to me,” I laughed.

“Tatsmato? Why?” he asked.

“I don’t know…..he just looks like a Tatsmato to me.”

“Okay, from here on out, this bunny shall be Tatsmato,” he chuckled.



We walked around the festival again, not realizing the time we both spent together. Himchan looked at the time and saw it was late.

“AISH! I have to go Hyemin,” he said as he ran into the school.

“Wae, wait where are you going!?!” I yelled as I ran after him.

“Hyemin, I’ll meet you later. I just need to go,” he said as he smiled and kissed my forehead.

After he kissed my forehead, he ran into the school. I wanted to yell at him for leaving me but I suddenly remembered something.

It was almost time for the music group competition.



OMG! I'm so sorry for not updating in like forever! T.T
I was caught doing school work >.>
Also, I almost ran out of ideas again.
Sadly I know there wasn't any Daehyun in this chapter. 
I'm sorry but he will come back in the next chapter because now I have to do the group competition thing.
T.T I don't know the groups yet otl. 
Give me a suggestion of like 3 groups because the 5th group and 4th are BAP and Infinite lol =3
That you would like me to guest in this story. 

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safeyya #1
Chapter 16: Awww~
Daehyun didn't ever mentioned he liked Jae... How could you Daehyun?!
Fine go with her and just be one of Hyemin's past!! Just leave her, if you do I hope you suffer... (too much? Hehe~ I really missed your story \(^o^)/ I'm so happy you updated and hope you'll have you'll great summer)
Chapter 15: Can't wait to read the next update!!! Jaee why u -stabs-
safeyya #3
Chapter 15: If I got a chance...
I'm so going to punch Jae, I really hate her.
And don't worry you're story isn't boring
Soso7568 #4
Chapter 14: I agree with hyosong, you should pick those three groups!
Chapter 14: about the three groups, you could use teen top, shinee and beast :3 btw i loved this chapter even without daehyun, i mean himchan is sosososo cute and it would be aslkrj34ògkefàò if there will be like a love triangle between him, heymin and dae ;a;
Chapter 13: oh. my. god. what. the. heck. A couple I'm never shippinggggg. Evverr
LIkeE JAE, its not HER FAULT SHE HAS TALENT, LIke assahjdklkjd Cmon nowljskldjaksd
Pls update LOL
safeyya #7
Chapter 13: *softly* no...
*angry* NO!!! NO NO NO!!
Chapter 13: Gah! The chapter ending!!! will this story have a happy ending? *0*
Chapter 11: This is really good~ Keep up the good work? XD
Please update more oftennnn, its really creative (the story) hahaha
safeyya #10
Chapter 11: OH GOD I HAVE MISSED YOU {not to sound weird}
I was waiting for an update and yes it felt like forever.
But... Welcome Back!! :)