Singing for you

Inspirational Garden [HIATUS]

Daehyun’s POV

I sat next to Jieun thinking about Hyemin and the way she kept secrets from me.

I remembered she told me that it’s best not to have secrets between us yet she kept too many other secrets from me.

“Earth to Daehyun-ah, are you there?” asked Jieun as she waved a hand in front of me.

I was still staring into outer space until I heard the work cheesecake. I blinked and looked around the room for cheesecake.

“Where is the cheesecake!?! Did someone take it?” I said trying to keep calm.

Jieun laughed and apologized for saying cheesecake.

“I’m sorry! I just had to think of something to get you out of your dazed state.”

“It’s okay noona, I needed to take my mind off of things so saying cheesecake help me,” I laughed.

“So do you want to sing our parts?”

“Sure,” I smiled as I took out my lyrics for reference and sang with Jieun.

After we finished the song, it was our turn to sing. We both went on stage and I scanned the crowd for a sign that she was here but I realized she wouldn’t want to watch me.

I cleared my mind and Jieun noona and I both started to sing Secret Love.

After we finished our song, Jieun noona walked out of the stage and I stayed there because I was waiting for Yongguk hyung to come out.

When he came out, the music started as we started to sing I remember. The rap was composed by Yongguk hyung himself and of course he wanted someone to sing the refrain so I was chosen.

I wanted Hyemin at least to hear this song but I doubted she knew about this contest. I sat there listening to Yongguk hyung rap as my part came closer.



Hyemin’s POV

After I ran away from Daehyun, I decided to watch Himchan oppa’s recital. As usual, Himchan oppa was good at multitasking with his traditional instruments that he earned a good rating for his performance.

After his performance, I ran toward him and glomped him because I haven’t spoken to him since the last family friend reunion.  

“Yah, you almost damaged my beautiful face,” he said and then pouted.

“You’re so cute oppa,” I laughed as I got off him and helped him up.

“I’m not cute, I’m handsome and good looking.”

I looked at him with an annoyed face and gave a sigh.

“What, no love or kisses from my cute dongsaeng?” he smirked.

“Yah! I’m not cute oppa,” I said while I covered my face.

“Nonsense, I’m the good looking oppa and you’re my cute little dongsaeng who will one day love me,” he snickered and kissed my forehead.

“Yah! I’m not cute and yah! I will never fall for you,” I said while sticking out my tongue.

He always seemed to do tease me when I talked to him. He is my best oppa and I always look up to him even though I have two different personalities that I wouldn’t show in front of anyone except Himchan oppa.

“You’re so mean,” he said as he fake sobs, covering his face.

“Yah oppa, I won’t fall for that,” I laughed as I skipped away leaving to fake cry.

“Yah! Hyemin, come back here!”

“Nope! I’m going to watch the singing contest. I’m sure that Daehyun will be singing,” I said as I walked toward the concert area.



When I got there, I turned around and saw Himchan walking toward me.

“So you followed me?”

“I didn’t know what else to do because you were leaving me so….I followed you.”

I smiled and watched the singing contest with Himchan oppa beside me. I was lucky too because I just saw Daehyun singing while another person was rapping.

“Daebek! Those two make a good combo! Who is that other guy rapping?”

“Ah…that’s Yongguk hyung. He’s a good rapper and the best part is that he wrote this song,” said Himchan.

“Jinja!?! It’s so good! The lyrics all flow but it’s so sad,” I said.

“Yeah…Yongguk hyung was broken because of a girl he dated, since the start of middle school, broke up with him this year.”

“That must have hurt but this song has so much feeling,” I said as I looked at Daehyun as he sang.

I seemed to be entranced by his singing because I felt myself crying a little.

“Hyemin…..are you crying?” asked Himchan.

“Yeah, it’s just this song is too good. I’m sorry,” I said as I wiped my tears away.

He chuckled while he patted my head. After the song ended, the awards came after. I looked at the three categories.

It was best singer, best rapper, and best performance. Now that I was thinking on who was the best singer and rapper, I wondered if Zelo did a performance in this contest.

While I was thinking, the speaker came up to the stage to announce who won which award. I stood next to Himchan oppa, holding his hand because I wanted Daehyun to win something. He deserves one award a lot.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting. We finally tallied the scores. First up is the best performance award,” said the announcer, “and the winner is Jieun’s song Going Crazy.”

Everyone cheered when Jieun came to the stage to claim her award. I just waited for the best singing award.

After giving the best rapper award, the last award was the singing award.

“The last award for the night….the best singing award…..And the winner of the singing award goes to.”

Everyone was silent in the concert hall and I sat there squeezing Himchan’s hand because I really hope it goes to Daehyun but something happened.

The speaker opened the envelope and placed the microphone in front of his face.

“Jung Daehyun!”

“Daebek! I knew that he was going to win!” I screamed.

I calmed myself down and hugged Himchan oppa so that people wouldn’t think of me as a weird person. I had tears in my eyes because I was so happy for Daehyun.

I watched Daehyun calmly walk to the stage to get his award from Jae…..Wait Jae!?!

I watched him receive the award but something else happened that caused me to break into tears. Jae kissed Daehyun in front of the whole school and the worst part was that I was one of them who witnessed it. 



HERRO! I'm back!
I think I can only update during the weekends because on the weekdays I'm busy.
Sowwie >.<
Also for some reason I've been having a lot of writers block lately TT
It's like I don't even know what to write about anymore until I placed Jae into the story again hehe.
It's okay I know what to write now =D
TT Jae you cruel person why would you do that Hyemin then again you don't like Hyemin so yeah >.> 


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safeyya #1
Chapter 16: Awww~
Daehyun didn't ever mentioned he liked Jae... How could you Daehyun?!
Fine go with her and just be one of Hyemin's past!! Just leave her, if you do I hope you suffer... (too much? Hehe~ I really missed your story \(^o^)/ I'm so happy you updated and hope you'll have you'll great summer)
Chapter 15: Can't wait to read the next update!!! Jaee why u -stabs-
safeyya #3
Chapter 15: If I got a chance...
I'm so going to punch Jae, I really hate her.
And don't worry you're story isn't boring
Soso7568 #4
Chapter 14: I agree with hyosong, you should pick those three groups!
Chapter 14: about the three groups, you could use teen top, shinee and beast :3 btw i loved this chapter even without daehyun, i mean himchan is sosososo cute and it would be aslkrj34ògkefàò if there will be like a love triangle between him, heymin and dae ;a;
Chapter 13: oh. my. god. what. the. heck. A couple I'm never shippinggggg. Evverr
LIkeE JAE, its not HER FAULT SHE HAS TALENT, LIke assahjdklkjd Cmon nowljskldjaksd
Pls update LOL
safeyya #7
Chapter 13: *softly* no...
*angry* NO!!! NO NO NO!!
Chapter 13: Gah! The chapter ending!!! will this story have a happy ending? *0*
Chapter 11: This is really good~ Keep up the good work? XD
Please update more oftennnn, its really creative (the story) hahaha
safeyya #10
Chapter 11: OH GOD I HAVE MISSED YOU {not to sound weird}
I was waiting for an update and yes it felt like forever.
But... Welcome Back!! :)